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Faerie Quest Help


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Hey there Scoptophobia, are you still here? Here's some Smug Bug Banks for you:





Here you go, enjoy!

Thanks! I had gone to bed, but I got one this morning. Got another quest already though! o_O Not even my cookie one either. :O



You are currently on a quest for the Battle Faerie.


Courage, Neopian. Though it may be a difficult quest, you will find it worthwhile.


You are supposed to bring me


Grarrl Cookie with Sprinkles

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Thanks! I had gone to bed, but I got one this morning. Got another quest already though! o_O Not even my cookie one either. :O



You are currently on a quest for the Battle Faerie.


Courage, Neopian. Though it may be a difficult quest, you will find it worthwhile.


You are supposed to bring me


Grarrl Cookie with Sprinkles


Should only cost a bit over 1,000 NP. Let me see if I could find any.





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Should only cost a bit over 1,000 NP. Let me see if I could find any.





Here is what the SSW gave me:


rikkie00 1 990 NP kogoma1990j90 1 1,000 NP queeeny123 1 1,009 NP donnabrennan 1 1,010 NP


Thank you both! I was able to get the 990NP one. :D I love when Battle Faerie quests are cheap! lol :D


You have completed a quest for the Battle Faerie.


Bravely done. This item is just what I needed.


For your efforts, Ansteigen's defence, strength, and health have increased!

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You are currently on a quest for an Earth Faerie.


It takes more than sun and rain to make a garden, you know. You do have to dig a little.


You are supposed to bring me: potion10.gif

Lime Elixir

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^ Sent you one. You can literally get them when the Healing Springs Faerie dishes out a random Healing Potion (she does give out Lime Elixirs sometimes, too).

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Could someone please help me find 101 Balloon Petpets for a Water Faerie Quest?

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Thanks so much sweets! :D


For your efforts, Organs's defence has increased!

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Welcome back! If you're having trouble finding my item, I'm sure there are some kind Neopians who can help.


You are supposed to bring me: redtradingcardback.gif

Eleus Batrin






Not having any luck finding one for under 1,900 NP. Here you are anyway.

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You have given Eleus Batrin to User 'paulburrellfan4eva'. Click the button below to continue.


Enjoy your level increase!


EDIT: And I got ninja'ed again xD

Thank you so much! :)


Taffieh is now level 30 :D

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You are currently on a quest for Queen Fyora.


Are you having trouble finding it, little one? I'm sorry, I don't have time to help you look right now.


You are supposed to bring me: food_kougra_stripecake.gif

Orange Kougra Cake

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You are currently on a quest for Queen Fyora.


Are you having trouble finding it, little one? I'm sorry, I don't have time to help you look right now.


You are supposed to bring me: food_kougra_stripecake.gif

Orange Kougra Cake


Hold on, let me find you an Orange Kougra Cake before it's too late!





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You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.


Hi! While you're out looking for my item, I'm going to sit here quietly. THIS IS BORING! Er, please don't take too long, okay?


You are supposed to bring me: clo_gymsocks_white.gif

Torn White Gym Socks

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