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Faerie Quest Help


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I got a Fyora Quest on my SIDE account as opposed to my main, she asks for a Ruki Vendor Dress or something of the sort. They reward stats, so I should be able to complete it on my side account where I got it, right, and not cancel it?

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I got a Fyora Quest on my SIDE account as opposed to my main, she asks for a Ruki Vendor Dress or something of the sort. They reward stats, so I should be able to complete it on my side account where I got it, right, and not cancel it?


As stated in this article by TNT:

"Faerie quests are fine, too, as long as they are random event faerie quests, not ones you request like the Snow Faerie or Illusen/Jhudora quests. If you need to purchase something to complete the quest, buy it on your main and send it over, or just send the Neopoints over to buy the item there. :)"


Hope that clears it up for you. ^_^

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Thank you, Neo_Girl, I'll go off then and get the dress. Now the question is, which pet to make active?



I cant get the dress, it's not turning up on any searches! Does the Ruki FLower vendor Dress not exist? I'll have to cancel the quest after all! :(


Sorry Fyora, but the item you're looking for does not exist, I can't get it!

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It exists, it's just very expensive. Here's what I got with the super shop wiz if you didn't already cancel..:

toxicbeam 1 36,500 NP

cackles 1 37,000 NP

paranormalchicken 1 37,000 NP

dirkotronic 1 37,000 NP

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Thank you so much!

but unfortunately I was away from neopets for a bit and I missed out on all these =/


I'll need to find another one

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@Sonic99: I gave you a Yew Wand, hoping I sent it to the right account.

@Blurrz: Gave you a Kougra Shining Soap for your quest.

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Sonic99 - I resent you a Yew Wand.

Samm - I've also sent you a Quiggle Art Book.


I hope both of you received them! :)



Wow thanks alot, sorry I was a while replying but I was asleep! Thanks again

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Can anybody please help me find a Padded Yellow Elephante Chair? Please and thank you! (:


I got you one for 400 NP, check your Item Event Log for it.

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I got you one for 400 NP, check your Item Event Log for it.

Thank you!!!!! :D


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