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So I had this account, neopian_grk. Terrible name, I know, but I was 13 at the time and that was the best I could come up with. I wasn't the greatest neopets player, but I was proud of all my secret lab pieces, and my plushie Hissi that I was super in love with.

Recently around my birthday a couple weeks ago, I wanted to see what's good in the Neopian hood. Come to find someone else has moved into my account and my beloved Hissi was transferred elsewhere to a now frozen account *insert crying emoji here*. I made a new account at SaintXIII and I'm trying to get my pet back, but it feels kind of hopeless... Plushie Hissi Morphing Potion's are so expensive now, it feels like I'll never get there...

Anyone have any tips for getting back on my feet? Or perhaps ways on getting my old account back, at least? I'd really appreciate it, please and thank you!


I know it's been a long long, but do you remember anything that was in your safe deposit box? Rare or expensive items really help. If you do, you can submit a ticket. Here's what goes a long way in getting your account back:

Items in your safe (As I said, rare or expensive items help. Expensive by today's prices, btw.)

The names, color, and species of your pets.

Neofriends also help

I know it sounds like a lot, but I've been there. This is how I got my account back. After that, you have to be patient while they work on it. Good luck.


Wow! I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I am part of a guild called The Kindness Project and we are centered around giving neopian users items and pets they've always dreamed of. There is also another guild I know of that is centered only around zapping people's dream pets; it is called Zapping Your Dream Pet (ZYPD). It could be good for you to join one of these guilds or a guild like them to get your beloved hissi back. Also, there is a faerie festival or something coming up on september 20th I believe. Maybe you will get lucky and get a rainbow or grey faerie quest that will get you a dip in the rainbow fountain. Other than that, my recommendation would be to save up some np of your own and buy a morphing potion or paint brush. 

1 hour ago, WhiteWolf said:

I know it's been a long long, but do you remember anything that was in your safe deposit box? Rare or expensive items really help. If you do, you can submit a ticket. Here's what goes a long way in getting your account back:

Items in your safe (As I said, rare or expensive items help. Expensive by today's prices, btw.)

The names, color, and species of your pets.

Neofriends also help

I know it sounds like a lot, but I've been there. This is how I got my account back. After that, you have to be patient while they work on it. Good luck.

I don't remember anything of quality in my SDB, but I know the original email address, birthday, name of pets, color of pets, and even petpet names... I messaged them on heir Facebook hoping for a response.. It says it may take up to a week...

1 hour ago, twilight790 said:

Wow! I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I am part of a guild called The Kindness Project and we are centered around giving neopian users items and pets they've always dreamed of. There is also another guild I know of that is centered only around zapping people's dream pets; it is called Zapping Your Dream Pet (ZYPD). It could be good for you to join one of these guilds or a guild like them to get your beloved hissi back. Also, there is a faerie festival or something coming up on september 20th I believe. Maybe you will get lucky and get a rainbow or grey faerie quest that will get you a dip in the rainbow fountain. Other than that, my recommendation would be to save up some np of your own and buy a morphing potion or paint brush. 

The Kindness Project sounds so sweet, wow! I totally forgot how guilds work.. Is there an invite you can send me? I could use the help, but would also love the chance to help out anybody else in this scenario, cause wow does it suck.


This is our guild :http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4176228  I've also attempted to invite you too :)

I'm a zapper, and I'm trying to remember, but i'm not sure if we can zap plushie? Nonetheless, you are welcome to wish for a hissi morphing potion/ request a hissi of another colour.

I too lament the loss of my old account and pets :( but do send in a ticket, it may not succeed but at least you'll have tried? I've also attempted to invidte you too :)

2 minutes ago, ranga_muffin said:

This is our guild :http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4176228

I'm a zapper, and I'm trying to remember, but i'm not sure if we can zap plushie? Nonetheless, you are welcome to wish for a hissi morphing potion/ request a hissi of another colour.

I too lament the loss of my old account and pets :( but do send in a ticket, it may not succeed but at least you'll have tried?

The ticket page doesn't load on any browser for me, so I messaged them on their Facebook with an auto response saying it could take up to a week for a response.. Hopefully they mean it

And I just got your request to join the Guild, thank you so much!


Ah that's super annoying. But apparently if you keep bugging them on fb they're more likely to respond.

Not a problem about the invite, although some kudos must go to arctic_fox! I hope you like the guild :) 


Plushie Hissi MPs are maybe not too expensive.  Probably 1.7m, based on JN's historical data.  The plushie PB is 2.8.

You have looked at the rainbow pool to make sure you still like plushie hissi right?  Often tastes change from age 13 to whatever age you are now.  Also, depending on what age you are now, you may have been on before the Conversion.  If you want a UC plushie hissi, that would be much harder to get.  (Were you able to buy clothes to put on your pets, or were they just pictures in a circle?)

I recommend playing Trudy's Surprise every day.  If you play every day, you get an average of about 20k a day from it

TDN's dailies page is excellent, and has a lot more things that you can play to earn nps.

Battling in the new battledome can win you 1500np and 10 items a day.  Those items are often codestones which are worth 3-20k for the brown ones, or 15-40k for the red ones.  Maraquan dome has the best chance of codestones, but you'll probably have to train before you can beat the koi warrior.  There are skirmish battles every other week, if your team wins you get to choose a boon that can help you earn or save np, if you lose, you get a consolation prize.

If you want to train, you should do so in the Krawk Island training academy as long as possible, not the Mystery Island one, as the Krawk Island uses dubloons, which are 400-600np for one or two dubloon coins, and about 1800 for the 5 dubloon coin.  Also, if you get a 10 dubloon coin or greater, you can take it to the Golden Dubloon on Krawk island, buy an appetizer that's 1 dubloon, and get a 5 dubloon coin and two two dubloon coins, which together are worth more than the 10 dubloon coin is (any denomination above the training academy is worth less per dubloon than the training ones)

Stockmarket, while slow, is a better return than just putting nps in the bank.  Buy at 15np, 10np if you have the stockmarket boon from the skirmish battles (would be one of the best for a new account), and sell above 30np, the longer you hold out, the more you can make, but the longer you have to wait to have the np useable.  I wait until 60+, did 50+ when my account was younger and I felt I needed nps more.

Food Club can be an excellent np maker, though more so with an older account, as your bet limit is proportional to your account age.  I find the bets of someone experienced, and follow them.  I think on average I win 16:10

9 hours ago, neopian_grk said:

The ticket page doesn't load on any browser for me, so I messaged them on their Facebook with an auto response saying it could take up to a week for a response.. Hopefully they mean it

And I just got your request to join the Guild, thank you so much!

Which browser do you use? Chrome seems to be an issue for some, for accessing the support page. Usually, you have to enable/allow third party cookies, and can do so in Chrome's settings. I can post instructions that may help, if I know which browser you use. Not sure if you get a support ticket number from Facebook, though, so not sure how that would go. Also, you can always email them at [email protected]. However, ONLY do one or the other - do not send them an email and open a support ticket. If you do both, it is possible both tickets will get closed, due to being duplicate tickets. Not to get your hopes up, but it seems you may have good info for getting your account back, like the original email used and the birthday. Take a look here, at this TDN topic about trying to get an account back. The first few posts have some good info: https://www.tdnforums.com/topic/47593-the-official-i-cant-access-my-account-now-what-board/


The Faerie Festival starts today. You should take advantage of that to boost your pets stats, win some NP, and maybe a prize or two. :)

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