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I'm sure there will be an official TDN thread about this, but I just thought I would let everyone know in case you, like me, have been anxiously waiting for this all week! 


EDIT: I chose the Willow Negg, and received: 

A comprehensive guide detailing out how you can grow a beautiful willow dome in your backyard. This was given out as a prize for the Y19 Festival of Neggs.
Backyard Willow Dome Guide


This Negg is rumoured to have magical abilities. Wonder what it does..
Cloudy Magical Negg


I don't do enough exploring around neopets to be able to figure out what this clue could possibly mean. 

"Some neggs are tricky to open..."

I don't want to be a complete cheater, but what type of places am I even supposed to be looking? Do I use the map of neopia, and when I go to a certain area the bunny will pop up? Or can it be hiding in a random shop somewhere, or at a games main page?


Well, if you don't want to be a complete cheater, I won't tell you the answer, but I'll give a hint! It's one of the pages included in TDN's Dailies: http://thedailyneopets.com/dailies/

Throughout the event, the negg can be hidden on any of those sorts of pages--shops, games, maps, etc. You just have to solve the clue to find out! Or check on various forums/boards, and someone will have posted the answer (:


I also chose the willow negg, and got the Willowed Dress (and cloudy magical negg). The dress is so cute!


Nice! I saw the Willow Dress, and it does look cute. Now I'm just waiting for the NC Mall to stock Magical Mystery Powder so I can see what's inside that Cloudy Magical Negg!

I also have a set of magical neggs from one or two years ago...I wonder if I can still open them? 


ooh! I was wondering when this was going to start :D

I don't know what negg to pick D:<

Can I not pick one yet, and go back to it later once what's in each negg is posted somewhere?

Oh, wait, jellyneo has the info up. :D

Aw yisss, got the willow fence!


Wooo this is sooo exciting! Got the clue to the riddle right away and was rewarded the Willowed Dress :D

18 hours ago, babayaga67 said:

I don't do enough exploring around neopets to be able to figure out what this clue could possibly mean. 

"Some neggs are tricky to open..."

I don't want to be a complete cheater, but what type of places am I even supposed to be looking? Do I use the map of neopia, and when I go to a certain area the bunny will pop up? Or can it be hiding in a random shop somewhere, or at a games main page?

I don't think it's technically "cheating" only bc there are guides that will tell you the exact location for each day with links... and surely TDN wouldn't let us if it wasn't allowed.

IF you are interested in seeing the guide (spoiler alert: it WILL tell you the answer), here it is: 



We have an official Festival of Neggs news post here. Please post all additional comments there.

For that reason I'm locking this topic.

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