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You can email the user and tell them you are interested in their item.  They can do 1 of two things at that point.  You can become neofriends and set up a NF only auction, or, they can split the auction into 2 parts, the item and a junk item or 2 junk items, whatever.  So if the cost of the item you want is say, 5 mil. you set up the trade for the item, 2 mil, and 1 junk item 2 mil and 1 junk item 1 mil.  But I wouldn't do that unless it is someone you know/trust, because they may only accept your offer on the 2 junk items. :angry:.  I would go with the auction route.


Tracy has a point .. although no one ever scammed me by just accepting the junk item trade ... 

here's how things are done now : 

they set up a junk item for Auction for 4,999,999 NP for one hour (no one else will bid that amount on a junk item) and you bid 1 NP on the actual trade item ... After you make the bid on the Auction (which you can't withdraw) they'll accept your TP offer and they'll get the NP an hour later ...

but I still think the "only NF" auction is the best idea .. or they can set up the item with high increment so no one else will bid on it (for example original price is 100k and increment is 4mil 900k) for a total of 5 mil ... no one else will add another 4,900,000 NP to overbid you ... 


I currently have 2 items in trades worth more than 2 million np, so I am scared to death to even attempt an Auction, because I have never done this before. If someone nm me that they want one of my expensive items, my steps to set up this sale & to get the right price is to: 1) make that player a NF 2) put the expensive item in the Auction at  100k with an increment of the million price I want-1 million 900k to get my asking price? Are there limits to the increment? What about the time? Like how do you say how long the auction goes? Thanks for your help, I'm really not understanding  how this works.:blush:

9 hours ago, midnight_spell360 said:

I currently have 2 items in trades worth more than 2 million np, so I am scared to death to even attempt an Auction, because I have never done this before. If someone nm me that they want one of my expensive items, my steps to set up this sale & to get the right price is to: 1) make that player a NF 2) put the expensive item in the Auction at  100k with an increment of the million price I want-1 million 900k to get my asking price? Are there limits to the increment? What about the time? Like how do you say how long the auction goes? Thanks for your help, I'm really not understanding  how this works.:blush:

there's no limit to the increment .. 

you can choose how long the auction will last .. minimum time is 1 hour .. 

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