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Where I live there is a high pollen count, and every year I get hay fever. It causes me to have sinus headaches, uncomfortable congestion, and uncontrollable sneezing. Even when I take medicine for it, I still have the runny nose. Today is pretty bad because I can't smell anything, at all. I tried all kinds of things with strong smells and nothing. Have any of you had this happen? Do you have any tips on how to deal with hay fever?


I have hay fever myself. On bad days my eyes and face feel as if on fire. My nose is half of the time completly closed and the other half of the time running like crazy. I have the uncontrollable, continuous, sneezing too, so I know what you're going through. I know I can get better medicine from the doctor and I also know there are different chemicals in the medicine that work against it. One might work better than the other.

At the moment my medicine is 10 mg loratadine, but for me, I have a feeling that Cetirizine worked better. You could try and see if some work better for you too or not.


I've also read that eating a teaspoon of honey every day might lessen your allergies (hay fever allergies). Honey has a very small amount of pollens since it's made of flowers. Spring might not be the best time to start, but by giving your body a small amount of pollens every day, you can teach your body how to deal with it, so it won't overreact (that is what hay fever actually is). This might lower the reaction in spring and thus the hay fever.

I really like honey, so I'm trying this method now for the first year. It will take time, so don't expect results the very first year.


You could also install pollen filters on the air inlets of your house. Even some musquito doors and windows can be equiped with a pollen filter. I'm not sure how they are called in English though. That way you could keep your house pollenfree and give yourself a break when being at home.


Other than that I wouldn't really know. There are a lot of things for sale that supposedly help against hay fever, but I haven't tried them, so I don't know if they work or not. I usually keep tissues close by and just sit it out with the medicine I have. I like to go outside too much :p


PS: be carefull with honey if you're extremely allergic! I would't want you to go into an allergic shock!


I have allergies and get terrible sinus infections, I feel your pain. I take the prescription version of Flonase, which I think is just generic fluticasone (there's probably something else in it too). I've found that it helps a lot when you use it everyday. I've also started using a neti pot or a saline spray to irrigate my nose and sinuses - it's done wonders for me. The combination of the two and I've been breathing better than I have in years and my allergy symptoms are way down. I also use some allergy eye drops you can buy at any pharmacy since I get the itchy crying red eyes too. 


I'm very lucky because I don't suffer from hay fever but my Mum does. 


I'm unsure if you can get these in the US, but in the UK you can buy these tablets called antihistamines in any pharmacy or drug store (such as Boots) which provide immense relief for my Mum so you might want to see if you could get yourself some of those (or an American equivalent) ^_^


Also, make sure you get 2nd or 3rd generation antihistamines as the 1st generation ones can cause drowsiness. 


I have hay fever allergies too and when it gets really bad, it's painful. Where I live, it's like a perfect storm right now: a heat wave, smoke from brush fires, dust and pollen as many trees are flowering so I know how it feels. I use Allegra 180 during the day and Piriton at night since it makes you sleepy. I also have a nasal spray: Avamays. I think its a steroid though so I don't use it every day. The doctor gave me Nasacort recently which I know is a steroid. She advised to use it daily for a week then only when I need it. I also use a saline spray every morning.  It helps to wash out the crusty stuff and drain the heavier mucous.  When I'm congested badly, a hot steamy shower helps too. Excedrin for the sinus headaches when they happen.  Lastly, I use Visine for allergies when the red, itchy eyes hit. I hope we gave you some helpful advice and that you get relief soon.


Thanks for the advice and I'm glad I'm not the only one going through this right now. I went to the grocery store and found an allergy medication that works all day. They are cetirizine hydrochloride tablets that I have to take 1 a day. It really helps with the sneezing and runny nose. I still get a sinus headache on occasion and I take an ibuprofen pill for those.

@Winter in the US many grocery stores have antihistamines, though they tend to be called allergy pills. I live five minutes away from a store that sells a variety of medications for less than $10(Or less than £7) that are prescription strength. 

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