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Practice, practice, practice, and keep trying. Stick with one game, until you can get the avie, or go back an forth between another avie game, when you get frustrated. Some game avies are luck, like Gormball. Just keep playing. You will eventually win. Kiss the Mortog took me some playing to get, but I got it and I got a third place trophy, to boot! I wasn't expecting that. Games like Advert Attack, Nimo's Pond, Spacerocked, Carnival of Terror, Feed Florg, etc, just take time getting used to. Once you "learn" them, then it takes luck on getting items or bonuses. I usually read the game guides here, on TDN, first, then look at JN's and SunnyNeos, just to see if they have something different that may help. You can also ask on the "Games" Neoboard for guides, and people may post petpage guides that others have made. Those can be useful, too. When you get frustrated, it has always helped me to take a break, by doing dailies, or something else non Neo related, and then going back later, when I feel like trying/in a better frame of mind. Some of the game avies are easier to get, while others can be quite difficult. However, nothing beats the feeling when you get one. You earned it! Best I can offer. There is no magic formula. Just hard work and determination. Good luck!


Thanks! I was just playing Advert Attack and each time I passed a level, I took a small break to walk around before I went on to the next. And before I knew it I finished and got the avatar. I think that's what I'm going to do, is just to stick to one game at a time.


When I was working on mine, I stuck to three games and played them 3 times each daily. Most games require a little luck as well as skill, so if you're playing them daily, you have more of a chance of getting a lucky "board" (more high point items showing up, less bad guys popping up to slow you down, etc). Plus, working on more than one game at a time gives you something else to go to once in awhile so you don't make yourself crazy.


Also, when you don't get the score you want/need, don't send it.  You can play the game as many times as you want, you can only SEND it 3 times.  If you have already sent your 3 scores then you happen to get your avatar score, it sucks when you have already sent the max for the day.  Like Scoobert said, many of them are luck.  Gormball is luck, Kiss the Mortog is mostly luck and little strategy.  Shape shifter is fun and you get the hang of it after a bit.  Then again, there are some games that are just more difficult and take a lot of practice.  I always thought, "this is a kid's site, how are kids supposed to play these games if I can't even play them?"  But then I thought, "pffft, lol, kids are better at these video games than adults are!"  LOL.  But, some of the word games, like word poker, are very difficult for young kids so IDK. 


Don't forget Cliffhanger, you only have to LOSE a game of cliffhanger to get the avatar for that game!  Also NQ2, in the VERY beginning of NQ2, lose a fight with a plains Lupe to get that avatar.  Others are random like Pick your own and kacheek seek.  For the Top Gamer avie, just play as many games as you can.  First of all, it gets you playing a variety of games which is good for games master challenge, second, it gets you earning NPs, every little bit helps, and it gets you experience at the games for other game avatars.  I have played games for the top gamer avatar that I have NEVER seen before and found that I really liked them, but also when it came time for GMC, I was like, ah ha, I have seen this before while playing for the top gamer avie.  If I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have seen the game and would have had a more difficult time with it.  There are many benefits to the top gamer avie.  But, as many have said here, practice practice practice.  There aren't many things in life that don't take practice, patience, and perseverance.  You will succeed.  Good luck.


Try to do a little better each day!

Even if it's just a few point, progress is progress!

That was my motto for Freaky Factory.


Look at all sorts of guides!

Even guides that haven't been updated in a very long time have the chance of having at least one good nugget of information that might help you win the game!

For me, I looked at a ton of different guide and grabbed what information I needed from each guide. One from here, two from there and so on.


There are few games that I can't play because I don't have "shockwave", and I've tried numerous times to download it and nothing happens. But I'm not really worried about it right now.


Thanks everyone for all your advice, really appreciate it!!! :)


Shockwave games...Well, the best I can say is they may work for some, but not for most. If you are using the latest version of Chrome, the games will not work. Chrome stopped supporting NPAPI plugins, like Shockwave, and Unity 3D Player, last September, with version 45 of Chrome. (Unity 3D Player, BTW, is used to play Ghoul Catchers on Facebook). If you are using Firefox, you may be able to play some of the games, but it will not post your score. (Dice Escape and Attack of the Slorgs). I have had luck with IE 11 and the last version of Safari for Windows (5.1.7). If you try IE 11, you need to add "neopets.com" (without the quotes) to IE 11's "Compatibility View Settings". Others have had luck using Opera. I can still play them on a netbook, but it was working on two laptops with Windows 10, IE 11 and the last version of Safari for Windows. However, it stopped working on the two laptops in the first few weeks of December. I haven't figured out why. So, bottom line, if you can get it to work, or are able to play those games, I recommend you do it now, while you can. Shockwave game avies are: Dice Escape, Attack of the Slorgs, Gourmet Club Bowls, and Hannah and the Pirate Caves. Bilge Dice and Bilge Dice Streak are currently unobtainable, as the game isn't there. Other Shockwave games are Hannah and the Ice Caves, Frumball, and TROTRODS (The Return of the return of Dr. Sloth). As not many can play these games, you may have the added bonus of possibly getting a trophy, too! If you do decide to try the last version of Safari for Windows, I highly recommend you only use it for getting the game avies/trophies on Neopets, and nowhere else, if it works. Why? Safari for Windows was discontinued in 2012, so it no longer gets updates. There could be security risks, and using it could expose you/your computer to them. Just my two cents...


I've gotten the trophy for hannah and the ice caves on firefox and I had no problems. That's weird that some people can play certain games and others can't. I'm trying to stay away from adding anything to my computer or opening anything, since I got a virus from playing neopets last year (the lunar moon daily to be exact). But it's no big deal, I'll just work on the ones that are available.

  • 4 weeks later...

I feel your pain with trying to get game avies! I feel like I do quite well on some of the games, but it's still only like half the score you need for the avie! I don't know how people who have all the gaming avies have done it!!

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