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Wow, I really thought they forgot about Xweetok day...


But I actually really like that new color...It's one of the best ones I've seen in a while.  


The outfit, on the other hand...is strange.  Not necessarily in a bad way, though.  Together all the pieces are weird, but I could actually see the individual pieces being nice with other outfits.  


I thought they forgot about us! I think the color is neat looking. I have a male Xweetok so the outfit doesn't do much for me, lol.


The outfit to me is pretty weird as well... just a weird vibe for a Neopet. That color reminds me even more of Avatar.


As a designer, I know how hard it must be to deliver quality graphics to a community as discerning as ours... but I can't help but feel a little let down. I think they did a good job... but it's nothing that really excites me as a Xweetok lover. At least they worked hard to deliver a quality product! I'm sure plenty will be excited over the new color/clothes.


Am I the only one flashing back to Penelope Pitstop regarding the Xweetok clothing, or am I showing my age??


The helmet and boot kind of strike me as weird. The Xweetok's legs look so short as it is, why make long boots for it? lol The shirt and skirt are adorable and I love the Maracite color!


The colour is alright, but I don't like the outfit very much, it's just all strange. Although as Breaziecat said, the individual pieces could work for other outfits,


I definitely like how the color came out, but I'm biased toward liking Maractite anyhow. It's a pretty cool color palette and nifty designs, to me at least. I can definitely see what some other folks said about the clothing though. Not so much together, but split up they might be useful. Orange though... ehh. Your mileage may vary, I suppose.


Wow! I love the new color. I'm surprised because I haven't liked many of the new colors being released lately. The outfit is not really my style, but I think it looks pretty good.


Why add the helmet to a xweetok?! With the fur it's just way too overwhelming. It would look much better without. Why not swap it out for ski goggles or something similar? It'd look much better. 

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