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So I'm trying a go at making a homepage for a little something I want to start doing, but I've ran into a speed bump. I CAN'T GET THE BACKGROUND COLOR OR BACKGROUND IMAGE to show up. I'm using the codes that both Sunny Neo and Neopets give you to change the bodies background color or to add a repeated image, and it's not working.... help please.
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Okay so here's what I have so far.


  • What it looks like; 


  • The Code

<center><a href="http://neopets.com/~alan_rogers2132"><imgsrc="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://www.neopets.com/redirect/fansite.phtml?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sunnyneo.com%2Fadoptable%2FHD_birthdayaisha.png" border="0" width="246" height="276" class="auto_bumper"></a></center>

  <center><font color="#FFFFFF">First Giveaway Starts 12/18/15</font></center>
  <center><h1><font color="#FFFFFF">Coming Soon!</font></h1></center>
  <center><h2><font color="#FFFFFF">Weekly Neopets Giveaway!!</font></h2></center>
<center><h4><font color="#FFFFFF">Every week you will have a chance to participate in a giveaway where you can win Neopoints, Neocash Items, Neocash, Neopoint items, etc! Each week will have different items to be given away.</font></h4></center>
<center> These giveaways are completely FREE! I make no profit off of these, they cost nothing. It's just me giving back to the Neopian Community and to those who might not have money to buy the more expensive things. There will be some cool prizes every once in awhile.</center>
body {
  • My Problem

I got the background to show up now I'm trying to do these things

  1. Get the images to actually showup. They are showing up when I preview the page but disappear when I save it, why's that?
  2. I want a white or VERY light purple box for all the text to go on that is OVER the background image of Faerieland. I want the the box to be somewhat of a rectangular shape with a border, but I want you to be able to see the background Faerieland image on the sides of it
  3. I want all texts to fit in said box.
  4. And I want the Marquee Scrolling text to actually move

I'm new to making a page and HTML, but I've never ran into this many problems before... Haaaalp please

Edited by Musical_Shoyru
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I think what's going on is the image you're using is being redirected to SunnyNeo and in that case it won't show up. So if you could give me the URL of the image you're wanting to use, I can see why it's being changed on you.


As for having the marquee you'll need the proper code for that.


To create a box for your text to go in over top the background you'll need to use a <div>. For example:


<div class="text"><center>all your text here!</center></div>


Then in your CSS codes (style tags) you'll need to add descriptors for it:


.text {

width: 0px;

height: 0px;

background-color: COLOR;

border: 1px solid COLOR;



From there you can adjust it how you like. I hope this makes sense to you. :)

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Here is a sample marguee css code, generated by http://www.html.am/html-generators/marquee-generator.cfm:
<!-- Codes by HTML.am -->

<!-- CSS Code -->
<style type="text/css" scoped>
.GeneratedMarquee {
font-family:Arial, sans-serif;


<!-- HTML Code -->
<marquee class="GeneratedMarquee" direction="left" scrollamount="6" behavior="scroll">Weekly Neopets Giveaway!!</marquee>


Now, to get it to where you want it, is another issue, but this may be a start.


EDIT: I know Mouseykins is more versed in this than I am. However, your first image reference and the bottom one both have characters in them that could be causing a problem. The first one should be http://www.sunnyneo.com/adoptable/HD_birthdayaisha.png. Meaning, something has changed items like the forward slashes "/" to their universal equivalents of "%2F", etc. The same has happened to the bottom one. I'm not sure about "redirects", so I'm hoping Mouseykins can clarify or elaborate. So, maybe this will work for the first image?: <center><a href="http://neopets.com/~...ogers2132"><imgsrc="http://www.neopets.com/redirect/fansite.phtml?r=http://www.sunnyneo.com/adoptable/HD_birthdayaisha.png" border="0" width="246" height="276" class="auto_bumper"></a></center>

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Maybe I just suck at this o.O I can't seem to get it to work on neopets. I have gotten other HTML codes to work on other websites, but for some reason I'm running into problems here O.o Can't get the white box over the background image, or the images to show up.

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Maybe I just suck at this o.O I can't seem to get it to work on neopets. I have gotten other HTML codes to work on other websites, but for some reason I'm running into problems here O.o Can't get the white box over the background image, or the images to show up.

Do you mind if I give it a try for you? If you give me a day or so I can code it for you. What images do you want where and what colors do you want your text box to be? Give me as much details as you can and I'll help you out. I have a fair bit of time on my hands now that it's too cold and snowy to venture outside with my daughters. :)


Unfortunately coding on Neopets takes a ton of patience and knowing how to muddle your way around. It takes a lot of practice and getting used to. I've been doing this for 5 years now. :)

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