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For the past couple of days, all of my TP events have been in Spanish, but my NM events haven't. The only time I ever switch languages is when I'm trying to get the Island Mystic avvie, but I always switch back immediately. I'm positive it's not because I left my language in Spanish. Anyone know why this is happening?


Try changing your language in the NC Mall. It seems to work better, there. I usually use the "language trick" to get my pet to read a book he thinks is "boring". I would use the "Select Language" drop down box at the bottom of every Neopet page, and my pet would then "read" the book. I would then change the language back to english, but would notice funny things, like my inventory still showing the other language, or the logout page would still be in the other language. From reading here, on TDN, I learned both tricks. Give it a try in the NC Mall.


I had the SAME thing happen to me.  THEN to top it off, every time I opened Firefox after that, it was in Portuguese.  LOL.  So, I did what scoobert said, and went to NC mall and changed it, then it went back to Portuguese again.  What I had to do, was like Scoobert said, go to NC mall and change it, then after you have done that, refresh the page.  That is important.


Haha mine has been doing the same thing. I also changed my language to German in order to get my pet to read a book, and then it wouldn't change back! I had to switch it about 15 times before it finally stayed in English. 


That's interesting. I had a thing with Trudy's Surprise. Past couple of days the bottom part (where you click to go away) said "Esta Bem, which is Portuguese. Everything else is in English.


Yeah, I forgot what it was, but around that same time, random buttons around the game were showing up in what I was assuming was Spanish (maybe it was just something similar). Well I changed it in the NC mall as suggested, and everything seems normal now. But I haven't been browsing around the site or getting events often, so lets hope it stays in English!


That's interesting. I had a thing with Trudy's Surprise. Past couple of days the bottom part (where you click to go away) said "Esta Bem, which is Portuguese. Everything else is in English.

The same has been happening to me, only on Trudy. For a few weeks it said "Bien," and then randomly this past week it changed to "Esta Bem." I haven't been able to fix it at all, but I figure it's not that big a deal, considering it is only one button on the entire site. Life could be worse lol.


I, too, have been getting the Trudy's Surprise "Esta Bem" button... I found that some people had that issue when Trudy was first released, but I can't find anything after that.

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