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YUSSSS My first and last try at the Vending Machine

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Thanks! I heard it has a nasty habit of giving out nasty food, lol.


oh man!! that's awesome luck!! Congratulations :D And nice maraquan draik might I add ;)


Thanks all you guys!


And yeah, Aqua, it can give Petpet Paint Brushes too. :3


Lol the only time I ever used it I got $10K from it. I got a junk item, but the NP was nice! 

I got the Coin for free in a random event, too, so that was fun.


Whoa, a free Nerkmid? I didn't even know that was a RE! XDDD


That is sooooo awesome.  i did it once for the avatar too, i figured,  "eh, there were avatars I spent WAY more on."  lol.  I got my avatar, and a junk food item  :sad02: .  But sometimes you get lucky as you did.  Congrats.  That is great.  Now you can sell your paint brush and retrieve the nps you spent on your nerk.  The good thing in my case, I got the nerk (s), during random events, while playing neoquest II.  So they didn't cost me anything.  i haven't gotten awesome REs since i haven't been playing NQ.  I got a baby morphing potion, lab map pieces, nerks, 50,000 nps at once, a transmog potion, all while playing NQ.  the REs are great.


Wow, some crazy REs there... I've got two Secret Lab Map pieces from REs, as well as some random TCGs, tan/red codestones, and other things I can't remember, but none were too spectactular


I got lucky on my very first account and got a nerkmid in a random event or else I never would have been able to afford to buy one lol. Luckily they're a lot less expensive now so i didn't even get upset when all I got was junk. :p Congrats on getting something good!


I only ever try my luck on the vending machine when I get a free nerk. Otherwise it's too much of a gamble. 


But congrats! That's a really awesome prize and lucky for you that you got it on your first try!

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