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Hi! SO basically I'm not new new to TDN, but I've never posted on the forums before, and since I feel that I'm losing something not being part of the community, I decided to introduce myself here and maybe participate a bit more.

I'm Holly and I'm from Germany, so pardon me for my derpy English ^^


oh and if someone could tell me how to change the name, that would be great. Holly1235 isn't really what I'd like to be called

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Hi Holly!

Welcome :).

I'm from the Netherlands myself, where do you live in Germany?

It's always nice to have more people around who live in the same timezone :).


I'm not sure whether you can actually change your username actually.

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Welcome! :D

I'm from Holland as well, and I agree with Jaavje to have people from the same timezones around. :D

I'm not sure if you can change your username, but I don't think so :(

If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask, the people around here are really nice :D

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That's quite a long way from here.

The advantage of being in this timezone is that it is very quiet on the site in the mornings, so less lag and less people to compete with while kadding/restocking :D


I looked it up in the How To Get Group Promotions topic and it says you have to be a Super Member to change you display name (I'm guessing that is your display name?). So you need at least 400 posts.

But I think a moderator would be better at answering the question :).

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Hi Holly! Your English is very good, so don't worry about it. I know quite a handful of native English speakers who are much worse at it. ;)


Welcome, welcome! I'm from Canada, so you're actually quite far away from me.

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Hey there Holly! I'm also pretty new to the forums, but been using TDN for quite some time. I've been here for what.. 2 days now? 3?

I'm from Finland and so my english isn't always the best either. I can easily understand what you're saying so I guess that means your english is just fine :D Don't worry about it.

Welcome to the forums :)


I love Dottavo, btw. His customization is awesome! :laughingsmiley:

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Hey there Holly! I'm also pretty new to the forums, but been using TDN for quite some time. I've been here for what.. 2 days now? 3?

I'm from Finland and so my english isn't always the best either. I can easily understand what you're saying so I guess that means your english is just fine :D Don't worry about it.

Welcome to the forums :)


I love Dottavo, btw. His customization is awesome! :laughingsmiley:


Thank you ^^ hehe, yeah that customization was pretty risky, but it's been almost a year and nothing has happened so I guess I should be okay.

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Hello \o Another person with English as a second language who speaks it really well. It always amazes me, probably because we Brits are reknowned for never being able to speak more than our native tongue, out of arrogance/laziness more than anything else :*

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Hello \o Another person with English as a second language who speaks it really well. It always amazes me, probably because we Brits are reknowned for never being able to speak more than our native tongue, out of arrogance/laziness more than anything else :*

But to be honest, you guys don't really need a second language to communicate with most of the world, so why bother learning it. In my case (being Dutch), there are no more than 30 million people (and that is rounded up) that understand the Dutch language. If I want to go on a holliday outside of Holland, which isn't a rare occurence, because our country is incredibly tiny, I need to be able to speak another language to be able to even be able to check in in the hotel. And in my case, that is English, because I completely suck at German and French (I've been forced by the Dutch school system to take those languages for at least to years, it didn't go well...)

You already speak English, so you don't really need a second one. Maybe Chinese, seeing as that's the most spoken language in the world, but that's really hard (I've had that for a year, that one was willingly, didn't end well either).

Oh, and even when I'm in Holland, in quite a few restaurants in the bigger cities, the waiters don't speak Dutch, but English, 'cause they're international students, so even then you need to speak English. So, honestly, be glad you don't have to learn another language to be able to order in your own country, let alone other ones. ;)

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Yeah, that's very true, but I do wish I knew more than odd words or fragmented sentences in other languages :*

Yeah, I understand. I wished I was better in French and German as well. I can manage a holliday in France without sounding too horrible, but German really isn't my forte. Even though, supposedly, it's a lot like Dutch, which is something I disagree with.

But these days, it isn't really hard to learn the English language when you live in Holland. I grew up watching Friends with subtitles, and every American, British or Australian tv-show (except kids shows) have subtitles, so if you turn your tv on, there's a bigger chance that you'll hear English than Dutch, so every kid just hears it growing up, which makes it a lot easier to learn in school. Although, for some reason, not for everyone...

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I am a bit "special" since I grew up bilingual, thus making my language learning skills fairly good ^^ atm I can speak five languages and I also understand most of what's being said in Spanish.


But yeah, learning English is way easier than learning another language since English is practically everywhere, especially on the internet.

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I used to admin on a mafia game site and 80% of the guys on there were Norwegian (now there's a tough language!) and just about all of them "spoke" good English, but any who talked about it said their parents either couldn't understand English at all, or didn't know much. So TV's had a positive influence there. Though it's American TV, so it's American English that they're learning, as a Brit, not sure how I feel about that xD


In four years I barely picked up any Norwegian though, the one sentence I learnt is an insult that I can't post on here :laughingsmiley:

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