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TDN, thanks again for all your support in the Caption Contest lately!


My streak continues, and I've made it into another contest. I was late realizing my caption was accepted, so I'm already behind in votes. I appreciate every single vote you can throw my way. You can vote every four hours.


Have you ever had the Wishing Well misinterpret your wish? You probably weren't as sad this Gnorbu:




Gnorbu: Be careful what you wish for. I thought I was wishing for a Tiki Floaty Pen....


You can vote directly for my caption here. You can see all the captions here.




Congrats and good luck to fullonparanoid, who also made it into the current contest!


Thanks for the support, everyone! I just squeaked into the top 5, but I've got several breathing down my neck, and I suspect I'll lose ground while I'm sleeping and working tomorrow.


I really appreciate every single vote.


Thank you for voting in the Caption Competition!


voted, looks like you're doing really well!! Good luck!


Funny caption too. I have faith you will be in the top 5 :)


Thanks, Shelley! I'm currently in 6th place with 67 votes. 4th and 5th are tied at 74 each, so I'm only 7 behind them. fullonparanoid is sitting in 3rd at 90.


It's going to be close (especially since I'll be at work when it ends). I appreciate every single vote. Remember, you can vote every four hours! (And I really appreciate you bumping the topic so people remember to vote.)


I wouldn't stress about it so much, except that I realized I was so close to gold, so it seems silly not to put in the work for the trophy count and see if I can get it.

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