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Greetings everyone!


I've been playing Neopets since 2004 and been using TDN since 2007. I think I had a forum account back then - but no longer know what it is.


Your website/forums are great and very helpful! I have been using the /dailies page every day for about 7 years!


Unfortunately, I re-join at a bad time though. Just last week my account with 7 years of work was "disabled". Today I got told the reason, and almost fell out off the chair in disbelief. I wonder if anyone who has been told by TNT that you did something (which you 100% didn't do) could give me any advice?


If it doesn't work out for me, I'm currently thinking about whether to start over, or move away.


Regardless of how it turns out, I want to thank TDN for all of the Neopets help over the years, and hopefully many more years to come!

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oh I've gotten a warning before for something that was completely necessary. I was not in the wrong. But that was just a warning so no big deal, I couldn't imagine getting iced :( I'm so sorry that happened to you, but don't give up on the account just yet. Send in a ticket explaining your situation. It is possible to get unfrozen! Good luck and welcome to the forums :)

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Like Shelley, I too have gotten warnings and silenced for things I have done. I also got silenced for something I did do, which they said was against the rules, and I have read the rules over and over and over and it does not say anywhere that you cannot do what I did. But that is beside the point. Being frozen for something that you are 100% certain you did not do, I would definitely work at getting your account back. Many people have. While it is no fun starting over, many people have done that too and have made their accounts better than before, because they have forgotten the information to access their old account. Whatever happens, I wish you luck.

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Thanks very much for all of your encouraging words and wishes of good luck :)


I actually did submit a ticket, and got the response: Your account has been frozen for knowing taking advantage of a glitch on the site, and the ticket was closed.


While I have no idea what exactly I did, I was the owner of 2 legitimate very rare items (both of which I got before transition) and hours before I was frozen, some player was accusing me of cheating.


I gave these exact details, but with the ticket being closed, I really hope they will actually review the situation - does anyone have experience with mistakes being corrected?

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oh no! :C There's been a lot of weird freezings lately. Hopefully they get this sorted out for you. I have no idea what I'd do if I lost my account.

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