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Something Has Happened!

turmaculus.gif You are now eligible to use 'Turmaculus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I actually liked that petpet though. *sniffles for her Golden Mauket*


Something Has Happened!

turmaculus.gif You are now eligible to use 'Turmaculus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I actually liked that petpet though. *sniffles for her Golden Mauket*


Man, that avatar is one that I have had no luck with. I have a memory that I had a pet eaten back in the day before the avatar, but I'm not sure its real.


I got Jhudora's Cloud today - hurrah! No more worrying about what freakishly expensive item she might ask for next.


I also collected enough Usukis to get a Lawyerbot avatar but so far have been too lazy to take them all out of my SDB. Ho hum.


fyora.gif & also

Something Has Happened! htrich.gif You are now eligible to use 'HT - Rich' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Only 4 more until I reach my goal of 200 :) Just need to figure out which are the next easiest to get






AHHHHHHH. I thought I was going to have a heart attack the entire time I had it!


*Gasp* Lucky (:


Would be terrible if the Pant Devil stole it :rolleyes_anim:


*Gasp* Lucky (:


Would be terrible if the Pant Devil stole it :rolleyes_anim:

Haha, yes it would. :P I took the precaution of having several Pant Devil Attractors in my inventory. And I got it out of there as quick as I could!






AHHHHHHH. I thought I was going to have a heart attack the entire time I had it!

Wow, that's a nice borrowing XD


Suddenly today got this avvie islandkacheek.gif without realizing. Tried for a couple of days. No RE announced that I got that or I was just too busy refreshing :)

Anyway, another one off the list so I can concentrate on the other random avvies


I finally got the Evil Coconut-avatar today :D




It's been pestering me for what feels like ages. Now I can finally cross it off my list ^-^


For everyone that participated in the old battledome: go to the new battledome main page.


Battledome Veteran avvie!

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