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Avatars: What have you got?


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Something Has Happened!

yourlupeasplode.gif You are now eligible to use 'Hello, little Lupe... BOOOM!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Guess what 1-player battledome I played for that! Clue: Bottled Air Faerie.

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*pokes siggy* Right now I'm using the Kau - Starry avie. I was on a pirple kick a few months ago and was using the purple cybunny one with an obnoxious purple font, but I woke up one day and was like, I don't like that font AT ALL! What am I doing?! So I went in search of the new one. ^_^ My fav is probably adam, which I don't own yet. I'm hoping the about us page isn't gone forever, and that the avie is still around 12mil. I don't know if I could stand it going up that much more. :*

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I got 2 new avies this evening:

techobuzz.gif this one after a bunch of patience and some tricks (large screen, very slow mouse)

foreverorange.gif this one thanks the ALP. Thank you TDN :)

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Latest Avvies :

Elephante Surprise (paid meh bag of peanuts 320k)

Snow Wocky



Also getting the Jetsam one... but Izzy put him in the neolodge so he's bloated and refuses to eat. Oups. He should be hungry enough by tomorrow, hopefuly.

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:O Evil Izzy! Guess she's trying to get you back for that line in Jake's topic "Congradulations, you've infuriated Isabel". Anyway, on topic, I just got the Evil Fuzzle - BOO! and Hello Little Lupe... BOOOM! Ok, I need the lab ray to turn my Oakmouse to an Orange Grundo. Then I can get that avatar... Yet again, I could go for the Mad About Orange avatar, and make an orange gallery afterwards...

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Yes it was all a conspiracy to keep V behind me in avatar count *shifty eyes* And I thought that comment in Jake's topic was highly amusing :P


Hm yes so my latest avatar is still the Island Quiggle one... not many left I can get now lol Though reports are that Korbats Lab one has been rereleased, so maybe I can try for that...

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I wouold be laughing if you went all Yurble Janitor on him. Anyway, for the avatar from the Hidden Tower, I'll probably go for the Magical Kiko Squeeze Toy. Or I could just go on saving so I can get both the Lab Map and the Royal Paintbrush. Or the most expensive item from it. But in the bank, I want to get to Ultimate Riches! first. I'm only at 580k. Must... meet... Fire Faerie! She owes me a Faerie Petpet Paint Brush! There really should be an avatar for people who get Ultimate Riches! in the bank. Someone should suggest that to TNT. I'll be back to try and try for more in a few hours!

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The Kiko Toy looks like you'd lose about 100k on though... not to mention its probably HTS :/ If you can go that bit extra, get a Baby Paint Brush - 600k in the Tower, and sells for 580-595k on the TP. You'd lose much less that way :)

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The Kiko Toy looks like you'd lose about 100k on though... not to mention its probably HTS :/ If you can go that bit extra, get a Baby Paint Brush - 600k in the Tower, and sells for 580-595k on the TP. You'd lose much less that way :)



Or I could paint my Pteri. Baby Pteris look just adorable! I only need 20k more and voila: I can afford the Baby PB. I will save up for the Ultimate Riches! bank account first, though... Anyway, I am busy working on this Avatar: hatpc.gif


Yes, I am a fan of Hannah and the Pirate Caves. No, I did not copy this from Neopets. I copied it from TDN.

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Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Weakling' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Its a start to NQ I guess.....


EDIT: Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Garlic! Run!!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Garlic butter hot dog--Ten times fattier than regular hot dogs. :P


and a few minutes later...


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Gelert - Starry' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Meh, they were easy to get avvies I guess...


EDIT Today I got the dark nova avvie. The scroll's now in my shop xD


an hour later...


Got the drackonack avvie. Can you believe it ate the vegan cheese over the cheese?! :shiftyeyes_anim:

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My first were the typical Kass Basher and Gormball xD

Everybody just said how hard Typing Terror was, so I didn't think I'd get it. Especially after my friend took three months to get it.

But it was worth it in the end ;D *loves the exploding robot*

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Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Evil Eliv Thade' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Just an hour of anagrams XD


an hour and a few minutes ago.....


Got the king kelpbeard avvie ^_^


EDIT: Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Kiko Ninja' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

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