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Avatars: What have you got?


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Something Has Happened! dariganpteri.gif You are now eligible to use 'Pteri - Darigan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Today is the day that oRARWo the Darigan Pteri is good for the Avatar :D Still a few NP's shy of being able to buy the Gourmet Cooking For Your Pet needed for Chef Bonjou, almost there though :)

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Something Has Happened! chefbonju.gif You are now eligible to use 'Blumaroo - Chef Bonju' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



I kept forgetting to get this one. Glad I finally remembered :)


So many Chef Bonju trades were popping up on the Trading Post and I had no clue why until I really thought about it :P Thankfully, I got it yesterday.

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Something Has Happened! dariganpteri.gif You are now eligible to use 'Pteri - Darigan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Today is the day that oRARWo the Darigan Pteri is good for the Avatar :D Still a few NP's shy of being able to buy the Gourmet Cooking For Your Pet needed for Chef Bonjou, almost there though :)


YES! Thank you for the reminder! I'm slowly climbing my way back.


Something Has Happened! dariganpteri.gif You are now eligible to use 'Pteri - Darigan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

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I gots Chef Bonju yesterday :) 290 is getting closer and closer!

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@ MagicMaid~ You're welcome, I've been keeping an eye out for this one for a while :)


And I finally made enough to get:


Something Has Happened! chefbonju.gif You are now eligible to use 'Blumaroo - Chef Bonju' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

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Why did I forget about this avatar, and the Garlic'd one this past weekend? Trying to get some overlooked easy to get avatars to polish things off...

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This went quickly this time around!


Something Has Happened! neodaqtick.gif You are now eligible to use 'Sell! SELL!!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I actually think this one is kinda cute! Usually the "newer" avvies don't appeal to me as much, but I really like how they did this one.

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Something Has Happened! evileliv.gif You are now eligible to use 'Evil Eliv Thade' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



And this is my





I wasn't able to get that avatar... even with the anagram solvers! So happy right now!

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Something Has Happened! jetsamchomp.gif You are now eligible to use 'Jetsam Chomp!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Something Has Happened! hungryskeith.gif You are now eligible to use 'Feed Me' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Something Has Happened! kasukilu.gif You are now eligible to use 'Kasuki Lu - Heeyah!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!






Something Has Happened! meukasnot.gif You are now eligible to use 'Meuka - Snotty' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

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Something Has Happened! bullseye.gif You are now eligible to use 'Turtum' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



yes! finally, the ultimate bullseye II avatar with an extremely lucky game full of balloons and bulleyes!


hours later and quite a few tries at Kiss The Mortog...... You sure are lucky! You also win an avatar!

Edited by gems
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So I'm starting to work on avvies for my new account today, and this is the first one I nabbed: Something Has Happened! greyfaerie.gif You are now eligible to use 'Grey Faerie' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Something Has Happened! royalboyacara.gif You are now eligible to use 'Acara - Angry Prince' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


got the day at the beach avvie too!

Something Has Happened! robertabrightvale.gif You are now eligible to use 'Acara - Roberta of Brightvale' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Something Has Happened! discoaisha.gif You are now eligible to use 'Aisha - Disco' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Something Has Happened! angelpuss.gif You are now eligible to use 'Angelpuss - Angel' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Something Has Happened! anubis.gif You are now eligible to use 'Anubis' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Something Has Happened! babybuzz.gif You are now eligible to use 'Baby Buzz' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Something Has Happened! babynimmo.gif You are now eligible to use 'Baby Nimmo' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Something Has Happened! cracked.gif You are now eligible to use 'Baby Pteri - Cracked' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Something Has Happened! battlejubjub.gif You are now eligible to use 'Battle JubJub' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Something Has Happened! tyrannianjubjub.gif You are now eligible to use 'JubJub - Tyrannian' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Something Has Happened! asparableh.gif You are now eligible to use 'Bleh!!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Something Has Happened! grumpybori.gif You are now eligible to use 'Bori - Grumpy' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Something Has Happened! mutantbruce.gif You are now eligible to use 'Bruce - Mutant' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Working on getting all the clickable avvies today. Won't share them all but I'll be on all day, and requesting everyone too, so be on the lookout :)

Edited by lindorie
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Something Has Happened! a53.gif You are now eligible to use 'A53 - LIKE A BOSS' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Yayyy finally! #337. Game was hard for the first few days I played it but once I got the hang of it, it wasn't that bad.

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Yesterday was my lucky day!

I got the PT avatar, the Better-Than-You avatar and the Grand Theft Ummagine avatar...

Today I didn't get any avatar....

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BigBirdeaus says 'Sun Dried Techo Claw - my FAVOURITE!!!'



BigBirdeaus was bloated, and now she is still bloated!

Something Has Happened! wickedlenny.gif You are now eligible to use 'Lenny - Wicked' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


SO DARNED CUTE! Ahahaha. The one pet I'm able to transfer early on, thankfully. I'll keep BigBirdeaus for a while though, she has a slorg I'm aging as well.


Edit: Nabbed this guy tonight as well!


Something Has Happened! sutekstomb.gif You are now eligible to use 'Suteks Tomb' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

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Something Has Happened! jubzambra.gif You are now eligible to use 'Jub Zambra' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


This one managed to slip through the cracks!


Something Has Happened! yourlupeasplode.gif You are now eligible to use 'Hello, little Lupe... BOOOM!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


and i adopted a lupe to get this avatar :)

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