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Avatars: What have you got?


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Ack, I know :P It scared me a little when I saw the item she was asking for today and I was like, oh man, how much is THIS gonna cost me.. But I thoroughly trolled the Shop Wiz and made sure I got the lowest price; what a relief :D

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Ack, I know :P It scared me a little when I saw the item she was asking for today and I was like, oh man, how much is THIS gonna cost me.. But I thoroughly trolled the Shop Wiz and made sure I got the lowest price; what a relief :D


Haha exactly the same scenario, always freaked me out when an expensive looking item I'd never even heard of pops up.


Are you joining the cup? I read on the other board you wernt going to, you should! It has avatars!

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Yeah, I got an invite from one of my Neofriends, so I joined Darigan. I tried out Yooyoo Ball and it's not as hard as I thought, although I've yet to actually win a game :P

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Well done, I'm jealous!!!



You've made Toby a very happy Kadoatie.





Thanks for doing a good deed!


(Also, in case you were wondering, you have now fed 1 Kadoaties in all!)


Woo, 1 down 74 to go :-P

Hahah, thanks!

Good job on feeding a kad! I've yet to manage doing that, haha.

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Something Has Happened! alienaisha.gif You are now eligible to use 'Alien Aisha' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




So excited!! Just got a Basic Golden Nerkmid as a random event, first time I've ever really gotten anything good via random's; been waiting on this one for a while now :)

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Just got the Wheel of Excitement avvie wheelofexcitement.gif took me 2 months to get it... i thought it was an easy one lol


Call me crazy, but I'm slowly trying to get a stamp collector avatar :P I'm trying to complete the battledome one. Only 15 more stamps to go :S

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Just got the Wheel of Excitement avvie wheelofexcitement.gif took me 2 months to get it... i thought it was an easy one lol


Call me crazy, but I'm slowly trying to get a stamp collector avatar :P I'm trying to complete the battledome one. Only 15 more stamps to go :S

Oh my god, crazy is right! I shudder at those, haha. Maybe once I have the 'big 3' avatars, and have absolutely no use for my NP anymore. :P Good on you though! Which one are you going for?


Something Has Happened! alienaisha.gif You are now eligible to use 'Alien Aisha' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




So excited!! Just got a Basic Golden Nerkmid as a random event, first time I've ever really gotten anything good via random's; been waiting on this one for a while now :)

Awesome! That's my favourite avatar- it's been my active since I got it. :D

Did you get an awesome prize from the vending machine?

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@scoptophobia~ The prize wasn't that great, I got Rotten Tomato Salad and some Neopoints; it's ok though, all I wanted was the Avatar :D

Thank god that avvie isn't random, eh? :P

Too bad about not getting a better prize to go along with it though. Oh well!

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Yeyy I finally got Edna!! That makes 281!!!!! I'm sho happeee :D

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Thank god that avvie isn't random, eh? :P

Too bad about not getting a better prize to go along with it though. Oh well!


Oh man, I'd a pooped my pants if it WAS random! I've been loathe to spend the NP's on a Nerkmid cause I've been trying to come up with collateral for FQD, ZDAP, Chokato and so on; the fact that I got one in a random event totally blew my mind :D

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Something Has Happened! devilpuss.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Devilpuss' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Something Has Happened! bunninator.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Finally got both of them. I might wait a bit before I go for the silver/gold trophies.

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Oh man, I'd a pooped my pants if it WAS random! I've been loathe to spend the NP's on a Nerkmid cause I've been trying to come up with collateral for FQD, ZDAP, Chokato and so on; the fact that I got one in a random event totally blew my mind :D

Hahaha I know. XD I was lucky- I bought mine, but got a better nerkmid as a prize! Lol. So I made a profit off that avatar. :B


Oh, and the one I got this morning: zaffydoubleagent.gif

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I only have 166 avtars, but I'm currently working on getting more of the game ones! (:

Good luck with those! I find the game avatars super hard. D:


Something Has Happened! capara.gif You are now eligible to use 'Capara' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

SO glad to get this one out of the way, twice I didn't get it, got the gold trophy in the process though at least.

Ugh, that sucks you had to play a couple times to get the avatar. I have always gotten it on the first time playing against her.

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You reel in your line and get... vor_titanic_squid.gif

Titanic Giant Squid! Your pet's fishing skill increases to 115!

Just got this and was trying to work out where my avatar was untill i realised i must of already gotten it years ago :P oh feeling silly now.

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Something Has Happened! devilpuss.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Devilpuss' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Finally! Now for the other one :)


edit: And; Something Has Happened! bunninator.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Yay ^_^

Edited by Jacky
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Finally got this one today, so happy to have it over with!


Something Has Happened! windyharris.gif You are now eligible to use 'Harris - Hi' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

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I was trying to help someone get this avatar, and I managed to get myself lucky here with this.

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