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Something Has Happened!

leverofdoom.gifYou are now eligible to use 'Lever of Doom' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


that coasted me around 80k lol man... no luck :/

2 more till 200 avvies :D


did you spend the 80k all at once? or did you slowly do it over time? cuz i'm trying to figure out if it would be better to just keep pulling the lever til i get the avatar or just do it every now and then



WOOP WOOP and now I'm off the work toward the theme! :)




You have given A Mysterious Valentines Card to '???????'. It's sent anonymously, of course, so they'll never know it was from you. ;)


And, since you're in the Valentine's Day spirit:


Something has happened! games_mp.gif You are now eligible to use the 'Valentine's Day' theme when browsing the Neopets.com website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme. Or, click here to apply it automatically.



WHO would it be? :P







I would have taken a screen shot of what happened after I knocked the Coconut over -- BUT, it froze on the image you now see!


I still got 10,000NP and the Avatar though.


I thought it would never happen! xD


Congrats on knocking down that coconut, LSD! I remember when I knocked down my first coconut in Coconut Shy as well.

Also, this commonly happens when you knock down a coconut as well, and it doesn't say anything like "You win!" or "You knocked down a coconut!".


Thank you! Now that you have said that there is no indication, I feel silly! I just clicked that avvie on my TDN list and it says right there; "There is no notification." xD Me and my boyfriend were both looking at the screen with a sort of "now what?", expecting something to happen. Good thing I just gave up after 2 minutes, figuring I'd get my prizes regardless...





You have given A Mysterious Valentines Card to '???????'. It's sent anonymously, of course, so they'll never know it was from you. ;)


And, since you're in the Valentine's Day spirit:


Something has happened! games_mp.gif You are now eligible to use the 'Valentine's Day' theme when browsing the Neopets.com website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme. Or, click here to apply it automatically.



WHO would it be? :P


Thank you so much WB!!!! :D :D :D

I give you a million trillion billion hearts and loveeeeee


did you spend the 80k all at once? or did you slowly do it over time? cuz i'm trying to figure out if it would be better to just keep pulling the lever til i get the avatar or just do it every now and then


well i spent like 10k twice at seperate time before, but never got it. so i played a lot of games for 2 day straight and got 70k. and then i did it all at once and finally got it. i'd say put like 100k out and try it all at once while watching some show. it's easier since all u really need to do is click, no need to move the mouse or anyhting. when you do get it you wont be able to click on the button because the notice will have bumped the button down.


ohh and also : Something Has Happened! ninjakiko.gif You are now eligible to use 'Kiko Ninja' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

one more until 200! :D



Thank you so much WB!!!! :D :D :D

I give you a million trillion billion hearts and loveeeeee


You're welcome! *stores all the hearts in SDB and pushes door closed with back*


YAY! ^_^ ♥♥♥♥♥


Today I got Feed Florg and the Wheel of Monotony, as well as the Harris avvie courtesy of the ALP! Tried for the Rubbish avatar again but nope :'(


Something Has Happened! heermeedjet.gif You are now eligible to use 'Heermeedjet' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


wahooooooooooooooo thanks to this guide (that I found on here) http://www.neopets.com/~Snakanat


Thank you if it's someone here that wrote it, or thank you for whoever posted the link :) :) :)






thanks alp! I hope you'll lend me the other avie pets for next month :)


Something Has Happened!

tdmbgpop.gif You are now eligible to use 'Grundo - Discarded Plushie' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


HECK YES!!! I've been waiting for this one forever!! :D

Now if the Snowager would just stop blasting me without giving me the avatar.


I've only just started collecting avatars a little while ago, and I'm one off the 150 mark. Getting into the trickier ones so far. At the moment, the avatar I have set is Gelert- Starry, just because it's pretty :)


I've been buying Tyrannian Dung Cheese and clicking "dive left". I think I've finished under 60 seconds at least 11 times now and still no avvie :(


But I did get:




And the valentines one that everyone just got xD.


Also, if anyone lends petpets (gruslen, slorg, snowbunny, quadrupus, slorg), I'd love to get a lend!! I have one transfer for march. Those are the only ones I can get for now since my acc is less than 4 months.


rubbish.gif FINALLY!!! I just spent like 5 hours buying items XDD


Something Has Happened! wishingwell.gif You are now eligible to use 'Wishing Well' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


right now.. really broke :laughingsmiley: but after i lost the count von roo one (didn't realise i have the avatar and lost it) really wanted to up my avatar count :)


after i lost the count von roo one (didn't realise i have the avatar and lost it) really wanted to up my avatar count :)


I lost mine too like two weeks ago!! 12am NST is 8am for me, soo hard to get up to do it D:


Gonna try for Battle Faerie today methinks :D


valiant.gif Success!




FINALLY got this one today!! So excited to never have to play that game again.


When I got that avatar sometime in January I shared the same feelings as you- NEVER DO EVER I HAVE TO PLAY THAT AGAIN!


This month I've gotten these avatars:


and I got this randomly a few weeks ago.


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