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Is there a website which has all the flash games review scores?


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I've never heard of one. Although the scores are never changed on the trophies on people's lookups for their high scores.


It would be interesting to see an ultimate high score table :p

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It also varies depending on the user. Someone who has consistently built their score in game A from 100 to 5,000 over time might not get their score reviewed while someone else who has played game A and gotten 100 and then suddenly goes to 5,000 the next day might, even though they both did the same thing. It also depends on how fast you're submitting the scores - I've heard of people doing one goal SOSD getting scores reviewed simply because of how quickly they are submitting them.




Even if something like that existed, it wouldn't be useful as there's not a cut and dry cutoff point for each game where TNT will review scores.

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If the review scores were posted it would make it way to easy to cheat. Besides if you play legitimately you should have nothing to worry about.


Like other users have said the review scores can vary, based on user history, time game was played and etc.


I have had several scores reviewed especial during this years AC, I think it's because I quit the games early on right after sending minimum scores in. It just looks suspicious to send a score in prior to the game time allotted.


I won't lie I still freak our when TNT reviews my scores in case they make a mistake and think I'm cheating. But two days ago I started to record all the altador cup games I play. Once I start playing other games again I will probably record those too.


That's only because I'm paranoid, my original account was frozen because I noticed suspicious behavior and reported it to TNT.


I refuse to ever get frozen again! Lol

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