leverhelven Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 (edited) So I thought it would be fun for us to post childhood pictures of ourselves! They're always amusing, plus they have a natural instagram feel it them, lol :D Remember not to post other people's pics without their permission :) I'll go first. This is 7-year-old me, so so happy with two brand new Master System cartridges on a Christmas Morning!! Yes, I was a tiny girl-gamer! Good times :) EDIT: aw man! Posted this in the wrong place! It should be General Chat, not Neopets General Chat. Mods, help? :( Edited June 21, 2014 by leverhelven nightfall8705 1 Quote
.Brianna. Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 Haha! Cute - you're so excited! P.S. Best topic EVER! I don't think I'm wearing them in this pic, but my mom made sure to give me pearls and a bow so people knew I was a little girl kangaroo. I think this was my 3rd (? could have been 2nd) Halloween. leverhelven, CookieGoo and Rune Valentine 3 Quote
nightfall8705 Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 Aww, you guys are SO cute!! Check me out! This is me when I was just TWO days old! My hair was awesome! This is me at two years old, holding my very favorite teddy bear, named Baby Bear. I think I was begging for a cookie in this picture! I wish I were 2 again. And I wish I had a cookie. :( leverhelven 1 Quote
Rune Valentine Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 Drooly face! Me at a couple of months old. This was the only hair I had until I was 3 years old :P My mother triumphantly tells me this is the first time she managed to get a hair-tie on me (even if it kept falling out) And since I have two older brothers, she fights to keep it on there so I don't get mistaken for a boy xD leverhelven and hrtbrk 2 Quote
Ranaki Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 Aww, you girls are cuties =3 Almost everything I had as a child was lost in storage when I was a teenager, so I don't have many young pictures. I'd have to take a picture of the picture my mother has on display in the living room next time I visit xP (no scanner) Quote
Coco Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 Haha! I recently scanned childhood pictures of me months ago! war-mongering me napoleon complex me devil worshiper me (performing some sort of satanic ritual probably) bond villain me leverhelven and CookieGoo 2 Quote
leverhelven Posted June 21, 2014 Author Posted June 21, 2014 Haha! I recently scanned childhood pictures of me months ago! OMG, I just LOVE your descriptions!!! Totally awesome!! :D :D I loved "devil worshiper" you! :P Here's me on two of my birthdays: Still-blonde me and my second birthday, themed Xuxa (a popular children's singer at the time - actually she still is). Look at all the others kids having to wait for the table to get ready! Looks like I'm a pet in some zoo and they're the curious visitors hahaha :P Even-blondier-me and my third birthday, themed Mickey and Minnie. The boy on my left (on the right, according to who looks at the picture) was my first """"boyfriend"""" at the time :P We recently met again, like, one year ago, on Facebook. I asked him if he still remembered me and he said "How could I forget my first love?" :D kaybee92, Shelley and nightfall8705 3 Quote
kaybee92 Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 This is circa 11 years old but it's the funniest picture of me in existence. People that liked me called me Hermione. People that didn't called me Hagrid. leverhelven 1 Quote
siniri Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 This is a picture of my first snowman. I was 10, and that was the first time we got enough snow in Virginia Beach to make a full-sized one. As it was, we used up nearly all the snow in our front yard. I'm the one squatting down, probably going to make a snowball to throw at my dad. (My little brother thought the snowman needed hair; hence the pine straw around its head. And my sister sacrificed her hat to try to keep its head warm, but of course its head was too big for the hat. What can I say? We were inexperienced.) P.S. That was also my last snowman, too. leverhelven and kaybee92 2 Quote
Shelley Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 HAHAH oh my goodness these are all precious!! I love looking at old pictures XD and oh man do I have an aresenal of embarrasing photos :/ lol I have one of those families that if you fall on the sidewalk it's "wait, stay there, let me get my camera!" haha some are mortifying but thankfully involve other people so I have an excuse for not sharing those XD also I only have a few photos scanned in so without further ado... I used to go to nature camp every year (even when I was too old I worked there) and one year we had to do a play of types. We had to choose a local animal and do a presentation on them while dressing up and behaving like said animal. So of all the animals in upsate NY I wanted to be the majestic Piliated Woodpecker. The best part about the photo is the fact I didn't buy that shirt just for the performance. It was an actual favorite shirt of mine... let this haunt your nightmares.. and to show I was cute at one point.. and this is painting my dad did of me. Well technically it's a photo of a painting inspired by a photo :P kaybee92, nightfall8705, CookieGoo and 1 other 4 Quote
leverhelven Posted June 23, 2014 Author Posted June 23, 2014 People that liked me called me Hermione. People that didn't called me Hagrid. I used to be called Hermione too! I'm gonna look for pics of that time, but my hair was very similar to yours! :) and this is painting my dad did of me. Well technically it's a photo of a painting inspired by a photo :P And WOW! Your dad is talented! I LOVE that painting! Is the painting in your avvie pic his too? <3 nightfall8705 1 Quote
Shelley Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 And WOW! Your dad is talented! I LOVE that painting! Is the painting in your avvie pic his too? <3 I know! I wish I could paint like him! haha, the coolest thing about that painting is that the frame is a wooden antique stereo cover, and all the other tiny little spaces in it have paintings of ducks and flowers and things, it's neat :p and my avie pic is one of my self portraits..haha I'm so deeply complemented that you wondered if my dad did it though!! XD if I could paint half as well as him I'd be happy! nightfall8705 and kaybee92 2 Quote
kaybee92 Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 Well you guys look like a really talented family! And can't wait for the Hermione pics lol Quote
leverhelven Posted July 20, 2014 Author Posted July 20, 2014 Well you guys look like a really talented family! And can't wait for the Hermione pics lol So, after nearly a month with my scanner not working, I finally managed to scan some pics! Here's my Hermione phase, kaybee! :D All of these were taken when I was 12, in a part of our school that was going through reforming (hence the building materials all over). I'm the one with glasses and a white headband (and a Hermione-ish look, of course hahaha): LOOK AT DAT CELL PHONE kaybee92 and Rune Valentine 2 Quote
kaybee92 Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 Laughing too hard at this thread. Just revisited the "satanic ritual" and "napoleon complex" pictures too and I can't stop loling. Quote
Rune Valentine Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 Ah, this thread reminded me of a photo I wanted to share :P Unfortunately we don't have a scanner anymore so it's pretty bad quality. But look at 2-year old me trying to play (pretty sure it's disconnected though and it's my brother who's playing) Didn't I tell you people keep mistaking me for a boy? :bonjeur: leverhelven and kaybee92 2 Quote
leverhelven Posted July 21, 2014 Author Posted July 21, 2014 Ah, this thread reminded me of a photo I wanted to share :P Unfortunately we don't have a scanner anymore so it's pretty bad quality. But look at 2-year old me trying to play (pretty sure it's disconnected though and it's my brother who's playing) What console is that? A NES? :D So typical of older brothers/cousins to disconnect the joystick so we just believe we're playing :P Also, may I ask how old are you? That TV and that air-conditioning look from the 80's :D Quote
Rune Valentine Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Yep it is a NES :D I'm 25, I was 2 in this photo so yep I believe we've had that TV since the 80s, we actually still have that NES and it's still working , too! I remember having to get up and turn the dial on that thing when it was bedtime xD leverhelven 1 Quote
AllTimeMarr Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 You have to turn your head 90 degrees, but this is me :') Back in the days when I was still cute and nice. With my awesome yellow boots. Quote
leverhelven Posted July 27, 2014 Author Posted July 27, 2014 You have to turn your head 90 degrees, but this is me :') Back in the days when I was still cute and nice. With my awesome yellow boots. OMG, I just LOVE your hair!!! And your kitty <3 Now I feel like playing on that swing... That garden looks so nice! Now this is one of my favorite family pics EVAH: evil-looking-Black-Swan-style ballerina me, my cousin as a nonchalant-clown and my other cousin as a not-so-sure-I-want-to-do-this-pirate, ready to celebrate Carnaval!!! :D kaybee92 1 Quote
AllTimeMarr Posted July 27, 2014 Posted July 27, 2014 OMG, I just LOVE your hair!!! And your kitty <3 Now I feel like playing on that swing... That garden looks so nice! Awh thanks! We live on a farm and we have a hugeeeee garden! Our house is surrounded by our garden, hahaa. I used to hate my hair, it was always so... short! I'm not saying that I have long gorgeous hair right now, but it's... definitely longer, haha: http://seenly.com/HFUuGbeI I don't have a lot of childhood pictures myself. And I really don't know where my mother keeps all the photo albums :') Not sure I wánt to know actually. Must be a bit embarrassing! Quote
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