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Neoquest Help!!


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I just defeated the first boss and was following the guides on the In Depth Neoquest Guide website. I just went to it and all it says is that the "domain has expired" well I just got to level 15 in the jungle ruins and I need a good guide. I was following, I think it was forcemaster's, walk throughs? and found them extremely helpful.


now I'm lost :X does anyone know of any other good neoquest guides? I can't seem to find any that compare. This is Neoquest I, just to make it clear :)


thanks :)

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I haven't used it myself, I used IDNQ (can't believe they're down, noo!), but I found this one that looks pretty good and detailed http://www.neopets.com/~Meikeia hopefully it'll be of some help!

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I haven't used it myself, I used IDNQ (can't believe they're down, noo!), but I found this one that looks pretty good and detailed http://www.neopets.com/~Meikeia hopefully it'll be of some help!


I knowww D: I just used it a few hours ago...hmm maybe it will be back up soon, but who knows :(


thank you though! This guide looks pretty informative, I like the layout, and seems a lot better than some of the other ones I came across...This will work well :)

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I hope so! I'm planning on going for evil/insane, and those guides & maps are awesome!


Yay! Glad I could help :*

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I'm up the same creek with both NQI (evil) and NQII (insane) -- but I just tried searching for specific pages of the guides I was using on Google, and then accessing the cached versions, and they're still there -- for now). (To access a Google cached version: Click on the down-arrow to the right of the page's URL, just under its title, then select "cached.")


I find that you can really get messed up if you switch skill point selection halfway through, so as much as I'd like to just switch to another guide, I'm already far enough in both games that I'd rather not -- I'm already 2 levels ahead of where I "should" be on NQII just so I can defeat enemies without using more potions than I'm finding.

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oh okay, cool! I'll try that out. This new guide isn't bad..but it lacks the maps and some of the other details the other had (although maps are easy to find elsewhere)


That was one of the main reasons I was sad to see the site down- I didn't know how to spend my skills! haha but most guides for NQI say similar things in terms of skill points thankfully

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I was using that site too for Neoquest 2. Now I am using Jellyneo's site. It is just as good or even better. I see they have info on Neoquest 3D. Since I have never played Neoquest, IDK if it is the same, if it is good info or not, but you can check it out here: http://www.jellyneo.net/?go=nq3d.

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I was using that site too for Neoquest 2. Now I am using Jellyneo's site. It is just as good or even better. I see they have info on Neoquest 3D. Since I have never played Neoquest, IDK if it is the same, if it is good info or not, but you can check it out here: http://www.jellyneo.net/?go=nq3d.


Sorry, this game is not available!

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It looks like that game has been shut down :( Whhyyyy neopets! I wanned to play eet

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I've heard about NQ3D!! But it has never worked for me :( I'm not sure if it's up and running or not..


I gotta finish NQI before a 3rd comes out! haha I also used jellyneo for NQII as well, I liked it a lot! But I was disappointed to see they didn't have a NQI guide.. :/

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Sorry, this game is not available!

Why not play one of our hundreds of other games?

It looks like that game has been shut down :( Whhyyyy neopets! I wanned to play eet

LOL. Sorry. "Why not play one of our hundreds of other games??" Uhhh, because I want to play THIS game. duh. LOL.

That is too bad because I wanted to try it when I finished with Neoquest 2.

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Here are some websites that seem to have all the maps and/or some slight elaborations on how to play the game.






You can also try probing around the webpage archives to see if they have a cached copy. I'm just going to copy wholesale the pages that I found that are still working, credits to the previous owners.


Jungle Ruins

NeoQuest guide by Forcemaster144. Read Also: Beggining NeoQuest, Temple Of Roo.

Okay... You should know me as your guide to Neoquest. I wrote the first part of this guide, and now here we are, at the Jungle Ruins. If you have followed my guide: you will have, 6 point weapons and armor. If you don't, then good luck, you're going to need it.

Ahhh... the Jungle Ruins. This place has more bosses than anywhere, unless you count the Mountain Protectors as bosses. Now, there are three bosses. Two Mini- bosses and one boss. Krei, Gors, and Rollay, respectively, and they are tough. Now, First thing to do is, go to the Jungle Ruins Maps section, because this will be your map guide. And, if you have seen my previous guide, you will know how to spend your skill points. If you are following this guide, in both skill point spending, then good, if you aren't, well the, just do it your way. Now, in the previous guide I told you how to spend them. At level 12, you should have:

  • Life Weapons 5
  • Field Medic 1
  • Lifesteal 1
  • Shock Weapons 3
  • Disable 3
  • Fortitude 3
  • Shockwave 2

That is good. But, you are going to go to level 28 in this guide. Sooo, at level 23, have:

  • Life Weapons 5
  • Field Medic 2
  • Lifesteal 2
  • Shock Weapons 5
  • Disable 5
  • Fortitude 5
  • Shockwave 5

Now that you are at 23, you should be skilled enough to resist, stun, gain, and heal better. I would recommend you going and putting the last five points, for this guide, into any skill you choose, except for resurrect, ice magic, and fire magic, and don't spend it all in Field Medic and Lifesteal. I prefer going into spectral magic, personally. It helps you evade, and even help hit the enemy more. Okay, now to the guide.


First, head to the jungle ruins. If you don't know where they are, go to the Grove, the small clump of trees south-west of Neopia City. Then, head south, curving to the east slightly. When you hit jungle, you are there. Okay, just search around for a bit for it. Hunt a lot before you go in, and get ready to rumble. Head to the east side, and go into the first gap into the wall you see. This leads to a staircase, and go down it. Hunt around. I'm not going to help you get through it. You need all the XP you can get! Now, once at level 15, find Krei, and whip his tush. He's pretty pathetic. Then, take the teleporter back, and go down the stairs. Did I mention for you to be collection stuff? Here is what you need for one of the better weapons in the game:

  • Jungle Pauldrons
  • Claw of a Jungle Beast
  • Tooth of a Noil
  • The Staff of Ni-tas

Got It yet? Woooo!! Okay. I am just joking. Now that you have beaten Krei, go down the other stairs, and hunt all the way though. Do NOT go through the stairs once you are on the second basement. You have to go through a teleporter to get to Gors. Follow the map! Wow. I can't believe that I just said that! *grins sheepishly*

Okay, get serious now. You are going to need some mega level upping here. Follow my guide on the points spending, and make sure you are about level 21 to beat Gors. I'll wait. * A week goes by*

Ready? Are you level 21, full hp, or close enough, and a decent amount of healing potions? Good. Now, head towards Gors, pop some popcorn, get a few cokes out. Got all that stuff? Good!!! Let me come over and watch you beat him. *stares while people try to kill him* Hey!!! Leave me alone!!

Okay. You should beat him with ease. Just a few potions, and he'll die in no time. Now, go through the teleporter, up the stairs, up the other stairs. Use the map to get to Denethir. Get your second weapon upgrade. It'll kick some butt. Now, use the map to get to the basement again. Go to the second floor. Remember those stairs I told you not to go down? Well, go down them now. This is where the final boss of the Ruins is.

What fun, No? Okay, enough with the jokes. Time to get serious. This guy is deadly. He can stun for 3 rounds, and self heal 45hp. All that and 180 hp. Hope you have a lot of potions. Okay, now that you have gone down the stairs, hunt all the way to Rollay. Once you are level 26, you can beat this guy. Since those lizards give you some serious XP, I would suggest you just keep on beating them up. Note: You may not think it is a lot, but I would suggest leveling up as much as your patience can stand. Level 27 is a very good place to be when battling Rollay. Also, it speeds up the game later on.

Once at level 27, just walk up to him, and let the fireworks start! After beating him. Go back to the ground floor, and you have two options. All of the bosses in the ruins dropped keys. You can go to the very top of the tower, and get some info on the ruins, (Not needed, but hey! Gives you more XP, and some info.) Make sure that amulet is with you. It REALLY speeds up the game later. Okay. Choose what path you want, but after that, go to Neopia City, and talk to Eleius. He is your best friend for info.

Okay. This is the end of this guide, and the beginning of part three. Hope you like it.

Notice: This Guide stopped being my property when I gave it to IDNQ. However, you still have to ask me to copy from it. And you have to ask them. Post what you think of my guide. I still have some seriousness left in me. Okay. See you later!!!


Jungle Ruins

NeoQuest guide by strangefire420. Read Also: Dank Cave, Temple Of Roo.

Ok so where we last left off you were in Neopia, all decked out in some new armor & wielding a shiny new wand! Yay!

Now it's time to head to the Jungle Ruins, on the Grarrl Peninsula. This area is located south of Neopia City, first curving slightly west the east. Hey the maps are up now, so let me just say, USE THEM. You shouldn't wander through this area of the game, or any other without a map, unless you're sadistic or have wayyyy to much time on your hands!

Check your inventory. Have you got a Tiny Beryl and 2 glowing stones just sitting there? Yes you do, Good.

Potions? You should have quite a few, in fact near max, after following my guide. Let's pause here to talk about potions for one sec.


Here's what I do, and recommend, regarding potions. Don't fight any regular enemies that require you to use one of these each battle. If you find that you are using a potion in every battle, then the enemies you are fighting are a little too tough, backtrack, raise a level and return. The only times you should be using potions during battle are against the Bosses, or later in the game, when an opponent gets you for something major. Otherwise potions should always be used BETWEEN battles. Reasons? Firstly, it wastes a battle move, and therefore puts you at a disadvantage. Second, when you are between battles you can use multiple weaker potions, so you can save the higher healing ones for battles that require some major healing. This is not to say you'll NEVER use your potions during battles, just that it shouldn't happen too often. As I recommended in my game play tips in the previous guide, watch your hp. If you know the potential damage your enemy can do, make sure your hp doesn't fall below that. Drink a potion in these instances. Yes, my method is conservative, but I would hate to see you run out of potions, and have to end up fighting enemies that give you little or no XP in order to stock up again. Trust me, those potions run out quick if you use them each battle. Your life skills, and later, your life weapons, should heal you well enough throughout your fights to help you conserve the potions.

Onto the Jungle Ruins then!

Before we enter let me tell you that you will receive your next weapon upgrade here, and it's a good one! These are the first weapons that start to have special abilities, and as I stated earlier, I recommend the Nature Wand (life magic). The Nature Wand can randomly heal you up to 25 hp during battle. To get this wand you're going to need the following items (in parentheses is where you'll find them):

Jungle Beast Claw (Dung.lvl.1), Noil's Tooth (Dung.lvl.1), Jungle Pauldrons (Dung. Lvl. 2), Glowing Stone (inventory), and Staff of Ni-Tas (Dung.lvl.2.-Gors)

Levels 13-17 - Dungeon Level 1

Exit Neopia City, and sneak to the Jungle Ruins (monsters here are too weak for you now!). Once you hit the trees (you'll see them) switch back tohunting.

As you enter the Jungle Ruins Main Floor, there will be some pretty weak enemies here to fight, they should still hand out a few HP. Straight ahead are the stairs leading up, to an NPC (Denethir the Scholar) that is useless at this point, and a locked door that you need the key to get past. So, instead head over to the stairs leading down, they are over to the right. After descending, you will notice another set of stairs leading down, but it's not time to go down there yet, and you're not strong enough to fight those enemies yet now anyway.

The Jungle Ruins segment of the game is one of the most tedious. You'll be doing a lot of fighting to level up, and at times it may be quite boring, but as your stats increase you'll be excited to see what kind of damage you can do, it gets better and better I promise.

So on this level, you are going to be fighting till you can't stand it anymore, making your way through the large and time consuming map in front of you. You'll now start to encounter monsters that can deal serious damage, stun you, and heal themselves! As you get further from the stairs, and closer to the Bosses, the monsters' strength will increase. This is true in all aspects of NeoQuest, the further you go, the harder it gets. If you find yourself in battles that run too long, use up potions, or just in general aren't too successful, head back a little bit, fight in that area for a while until you gain a level. Then proceed.

Use the maps!! You'll be making your way to the first Mini-Boss of the Ruins, Krei. He's pretty easy to beat, but I don't recommend attempting it until level 17, that way it's swift and (almost) painless for you. He'll hand over the rotting wooden key, which will lead you up another level in the Tower. I never use it, but I'll get to that a bit later. Congrats on beating Krei! Head through the teleporter behind him, which will take you back to the stairs at the beginning of Dungeon Level One. You are ready now to go down the next set of stairs to go after Gors!!

Levels 17-21 - Dungeon Level 2

Well here we are, have you checked out the map yet? The teleporter maze is annoying, but infuriating without the help of maps! You thought the last one was bad, ha! As you explore you'll see another set of stairs leading down, but again, you'll wait to go down them.

Gors The Mighty is a tough opponent, he can cast fire and ice, stun, and heal. You'll want to level up quite a bit before going after him! Again, watch the strength of the monsters, and backtrack if you need to, heck, go back and forth, up and down, all over, because you need the XP! Don't go after Gors until you've hit level 21. You'll get those Jungle Pauldrons off one of the Jungle Lords or Knights, and make sure you do! SO here you are, at level 21 and ready to fight Gors! Your skill levels are getting high and you should see your Shockwave hitting all your enemies more often and for more damage! Your life skills should be occurring more frequently as well. With just a few potions, you should Beat Gors with no problem! He'll give you another key to another level of the Tower, and more importantly, The Staff of Ni Tas!!!

Take the teleporter behind him back to the stairs and head up, to the first floor of the Tower. Speak with Denethir, and get your new Nature Wand! Then go back dowstairs. Head straight down the straight down the stairs next to that pair, and then over to the next descending set, to take you down to Dungeon Level Three.

Levels 21-26 - Dungeon Level 3

Rollay Scaleback is the Boss of this Dungeon, and if you're not careful, he'll show you why in no time! This map is SO huge, and the path you must take is so long, you shouldn't have a problem leveling up with only a little bit of re-treading the same areas. So keep leveling up until you are at level 26 and ready to take out the man-lizard with no problem. In the meantime there are all kinds of other lizards to fight Fire, Ice, Shock, Thunder, Blizzard, and Electro Lizards abound, just to name a few. They are tough, and they can really deal out the damage, Fortunately you're wielding the Nature wand now, which really comes in handy with healing. You shouldn't have to use potions any more frequently than you did before. Again, watch as you get closer to Rollay, and the Lizards' strength and abilities get higher. Fight until you want to scream, and hopefully you'll be level 26 by then.

Head to Rollay. He can also stun and heal himself. This battle won't be easy, but you'll come out on top, with only a few potions used.

He gives you the Rusty Medallion (later is the Keladrian Medallion) and the last key of the tower. And oh yeah, a nice amount of XP & NP!!

Ok at this juncture you may choose to head upstairs, go through each of the Tower levels, and talk to each of the NPCs. Hey, I did it too when I first played. But, it is an area that offers you nothing but information, and information you really don't need actually. Evil invaded Neopia, save the world (insert your pets name here)!!!! LOL, that's the gist of it. Skip it if you like, or kill some time and kick back relaxing and talking to people, your choice. Refer to the maps as to where these NPCs are located. No teleporters around here, you'll have to walk all the way back down again, too.

That's it! The Jungle Ruins is conquered! You should be at level 26 (possibly 27), with your Nature Wand equipped, and your skill spread sheet should be something along the lines of this:

Shock Life Spectral Shock Weapons - 4 Life Weapons - 3 Spectral Weapons - 2 Disable - 4 Field Medic - 3 Evasion - 2 Fortitude - 4 Lifesteal - 3 Absorption - 2 Shockwave - 3 Resurrection - 0 Reflex - 2

You'll be getting your armor upgraded in the next Segment of this Guides, The Temple Of Roo. My guides are going to appear more quickly now, as I am focusing on them for the time being. Hope you enjoy!!

Questions? Comments?? Neomail me! My Neopets user name is strangefire420.

The Techo Caves

NeoQuest guide by Forcemaster144. Read Also: Temple Of Roo, Zombie World, The Two Rings.

Okay, what is it with you people. Or, should I ask, what is it with me? Why do you guys like my guide so much? Is it the humor, or the intellect? Post in comments.

Now that that is over with, we can get to the guide. If you want help on starting your game, either go to Strangefire's or mine. Both are about the same. Now. Beat the game until you are here. Done? Good.

The Techo Caves is the most ANNOYING part of this game, except for, MAYBE, just maybe, the Temple of Roo, with all the keys. *sigh*. Okay. This site has a VERY good map for this part. *Note: Hunter did not put that in there, Forcemaster144* Now, are you level 32 or 33? Good, because you will gain a TON of levels here. Now, the skills are yours to choose, but this is about upgrading your weapons and armor one, or two, last times. You should have: Life Staff and Level 3 Armor (From Swamp Edge City).

Now, Go to Techo Caves Maps Section. You are going to need it BIG TIME. Now. You should be at the entrance of the Temple. Head south until you hit the mountains, and then find the cave entrance. Use the map.

Alright, at the beginning of cave one, there is Mr. Irgo, who wants items, no big surprise! I don't know the items exactly, so go use Strangefire's guide, and if she doesn't have them, well talk to hunter. All right, so you get the new armor. It doesn't matter really. All right, so it does. It depends on what you want. If you want to hurt them, while blocking their attack, go for the Magical armor, if you want HP from their attack, then go for the Energy. Either way helps you. I prefer the Energy armor. Now, you are going to have to LEVEL up seriously. Hope you have a lot of patience :-).

Now are you ready to kick some butt? Good, you'll need it later. What you need to do is go to Sunshine City. There, a nice little pteri will help you a lot. What fun. She'll shine up a certain medal. Like I said in previous guides, taking detours will sometimes help later in the game.

Okay, now to fight. Hunt and hunt and hunt your guts out. You need to gain AT LEAST 10 levels in these caves. (You need to be at about level 45 to meet up with a certain zombie!). Follow the map to the Mountain Fortress. Now, for a checklist:

  • Are you at least level 37?
  • Do you have the Life Staff?
  • Do you have your armor from Mr. Irgo?
  • Are you paying attention?
  • Do you have the medal shined up?
  • Do you have a large supply of caffeine?
  • ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?!?!?!?!???!!

Lets get ready to RUMBLE!!! Now, you still need to level up, but in these walls are the best people to level up against. The life elementals. Go to the Map, and find out where the Guardian of Life Magic is, and then go there. Hunt around till you have 40 levels under your belt. Now, you can take on the Guardian of Life Magic. He has 450 hp, but will rarely hit you. You will need at least 0 potions, and at most, all of them. Just kidding. Once you have "disbanded" him, then you should level up to level 42 via the Life Elementals, and then take a look around the fortress to see the other guardians.

Now, view the map, and see if you should level up one last level. Level 44 is my recommended level for leaving the caves. You will gain the last level at Kal Panning. Good Luck.


Zombie World, The Two Rings

NeoQuest guide by Forcemaster144. Read Also: The Techo Caves, Beggining NeoQuest.

Okay, nice title, and it's true!If you are following my guides, or Strangefire420's, then that's good!You should know what skill points you need, if you are this far.Also, you should be about level 44, have all the guardian weapons, and the Inferno Robe.You are well on your way to beating the game.

Use the map to get to Kal Panning, and I would suggest that you sneak there.You can crush the monsters here with ease, and the give out about 5 XP, and can hurt you a little.You will need the HP, so just sneak.Don't worry about any monsters that you encounter.If you have above 5 weak healing potions, go ahead and heal after the rare fights on the way.Kal Panning looks like a smaller Neopia City, with one difference.You can actually go into the city, and see what it looks, or looked to be more accurate, like.:-)

The zombies here can put a hurting on you due to the constant life drain that they do.When they are really hurt, they drain you, but with your level, and more importantly, your weapon, you should crush them, and regain the HP.Gaining another level is a good idea, as these people give out decent XP, and are somewhat easy to beat.Once at level 45, head off to Faelinn to get a special artifact.She wants about 50 quests done to get it, so better have a lot of time and NP to spare.:-))J/K.I had to put that in, if you don't understand, look at my Desert of Roo guide.

Anyways, she is a piece of cake, because you have the polished medallion, right?Good.All you have to do is show it to her, and she instantly dies, and with her all of the citizens of Kal Panning.Then, she comes back, and you need to talk to her.I'll wait.........

Okay.She gave you the key to Two Rings, right?Good.Now, look at the NEW map of Kal Panning, and get out of there, on hunt or sneak.Head off to Two Rings Cave, where all you have to do is pass through to door, unless you want to talk to a rather odd techo with a Scottish accent.Didn't think so either.At least you don't have to fight him.

Now, really start hunting.Be at level 47 before you even dare enter the Palace of Two Rings.The worst on here is, umm, a techo.I didn't know that they came in pink.:-)These guys can drain 100 HP, which is a serious amount.Better get used to it though.This is where I suggest the Moonstone Staff.Its power heals you 4 HP every round, with the chance of 45 HP.Not bad!

Once level 47, get ready to go into the Palace.Stock up on potions, and get up to full HP, or as much as possible.Then, get ready to fight, fight....well, the worst creatures in the entire game.CHIAS!!! No, no, not the CHIAS!!! Every one can drain 100 HP, and also do a decent amount of damage even if they never drain.Start leveling up.Once level , and also do a decent amount of damage even if they never drain.Start leveling up.Once level48, go into the gardens, and head upstairs.You must hunt all the time.If you get seriously hurt, walk out side, and start beating up the poor protectors.Then, once you are healed, go inside again, and start leveling up.Once level 49, go into a frenzy, and attack everything, and everything.If you start getting really hurt in a fight, leave, and do the same trick.

Once level 50, get ready to whip some Jabahal.:-).Use the maps, and remember that your strongest attack will hurt him for a little bit, so don't use potions unless you really need to.He's actually pretty easy.Just another boss, and so, you should kill him in less than 100 moves.Once you are finished pounding him into the dust, watch the ending movie, and laugh your head off at the way he dies.Fitting way for an Eyrie.

Part 2 of this guide:

Why are you still reading this?Oh, you want to learn how to start a new game.Well, just go into Options, and look at the bottom.Select Evil or InSane.Then, just follow the instructions.Have fun!And remember, add one level to the enemy's to figure what level you should be to be on that level.On InSane, add two.Have fun getting a silver or gold trophy!


P.S.Hmmm....Well, why are you reading this? This guide series is over... or is it?


Yup I think that's all that I found, they should be able to tide you through the whole of the game (hopefully). Good luck to you (:

Really hope that IDNQ comes back though!

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Drat...that was the site I used for maps etc as well (IDNQ..)



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It looks like that game has been shut down :( Whhyyyy neopets! I wanned to play eet


Works on mine - game is a huge disappointment though! Try clicking the middle of the three tapestry's on the wall in Meridell:


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