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Happy Moehog Day!


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I love it all!!! Wanna squeeze the pastel Moehog til it dies, so cute! :wub_anim:

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No offense to moehogs but I dislike the...-sees horde of moehog fans-I LOVE MOEHOGS(don't hurt me)

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I don't usually give Moehogs much of my attention but wow look at that pastel! I haven't liked any of the pastel yet (Gnorbu was the least awful, but that Cybunny and Hissi were terrible), but that Moehog pastel is wonderful! I love the colors.

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Not a big fan of Moehogs but TNT really nailed this one. The new colours released are amazing, the outfit flows together smoothly so it can be one uniform outfit, etc. Yay! *still sulks about the lameness of Kougra day*

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