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Ohai there...


So I have scoliosis since I was a teenager, but found it out when it was too late to wear back braces. Right now I'm 23 years old with a 20 degree curve scoliosis, which may seem little but keeps me in constant back pains.


Last night I had a back pain crisis and just couldn't sleep at all because I couldn't find any position in bed that didn't hurt. It's almost 9:00 am here where I live and I haven't been able to sleep yet. And not only the pain hasn't gone away yet, it's getting worse.


I've been taking my medications, but it's not helping. Now I'm going to the doctor, and I'll probably have to take an injection/shot.


Nay... :(


You should look into Osteopathy or Global Postural Re-education, a physiotherapy approach.

According to my mom who also has a scoliosis and other pain from car accidents, it can really help.


I've had acute scoliosis since I was 13 (27 now), not quite as bad as yours, but I understand your pain...

My L1 veers to the left and sometimes I can't move because of it blocking a nerve at times. I've gone to a chiropractor a few times, but they don't help at all xD

I have a posture thing on my chair, but it hurts worse when I don't curl up - knees to chest - like I'm used to.


I would advise against any surgery, scar tissue can lead to more problems than it's worth. Same with carpal tunnel, one of my friend's moms had surgery for it and she's always in constant pain from it. Although carpal tunnel and bursitis can be eased and broken up with massage. I don't believe scoliosis can be relieved the same way, but proper posture and some exercises can help.


You should look into Osteopathy or Global Postural Re-education, a physiotherapy approach.

According to my mom who also has a scoliosis and other pain from car accidents, it can really help.


Xepha, I've done Global Postural Re-education in the past, it helped greatly then, but it's impossibly expensive right now. And my health plan doesn't cover it :(

I've never heard of osteopathy, however. I suppose it's homeopathy for the bones?


I've had acute scoliosis since I was 13 (27 now), not quite as bad as yours, but I understand your pain...

My L1 veers to the left and sometimes I can't move because of it blocking a nerve at times. I've gone to a chiropractor a few times, but they don't help at all xD

I have a posture thing on my chair, but it hurts worse when I don't curl up - knees to chest - like I'm used to.


I would advise against any surgery, scar tissue can lead to more problems than it's worth. Same with carpal tunnel, one of my friend's moms had surgery for it and she's always in constant pain from it. Although carpal tunnel and bursitis can be eased and broken up with massage. I don't believe scoliosis can be relieved the same way, but proper posture and some exercises can help.


Ranaki, my scoliosis is not severe enough for surgery - they only do it in cases of 50 degrees or more, at least 'round here. A close friend of mine had more than 60 degrees curve and had to be operated.It was a long, more than 12 hour-long surgery. with one year to fully recover. She's fine now, but I'd never go through that unless my case was that severe :sick01:


I know your pain. I have a 29 degree curve, and when I was younger it used to put me in a lot of pain, especially when standing or walking for extended periods of time. They never put me in a brace because for the majority of the time it wasn't that bad (it gradually worsened as I grew) and once it got to where it was severe enough to potentially warrant a brace I was done growing and it wouldn't have helped.

Has your doctor ever suggested physical therapy? Stretching and strengthening the affected muscles could help, it's at least worth a shot. Exercise is also a good idea, if it hasn't already been suggested to you. My doctor always told me to keep moving and now that I finally am exercising regularly I have less pain when standing around. I actually worked an 8-hour shift on my feet yesterday with minimal discomfort (although on other days it has definitely gotten to me).

I hope you find some sort of solution that works for you. Keep at it, eventually something has to work! :)


Have you tried yoga? I have a deteriorating disc in my lower back that's given me problems since I was 18. I did 45 minute yoga sessions 3x a week, and it helped immensely!


Hope you get to feeling better :(



Oops. I totally got confused with the words here! (:


I have never tried yoga for fear of getting worse, but physical therapy has helped me in the past too, but then again, it's very expensive right now and my health plan doesn't cover it. Gaaah, it sucks! At these times I kinda feel like an American, having a bad/no health plan and a huge hospital bill to pay.


I went to the doctor, and he indeed gave me an injection. It took quite some time, but the effect is finally here. I feel some relief now, even managed to take a nap. Hope it stays that way :(


You can't rely on pain killers all the time .. as a radiologist i see scoliosis a lot and the best option is physiotherapy .. even if it's a bit expensive ..


I'm so sorry to hear that. Back pain is definitely awful. Hopefully the doctors are able to help you find a solution to where you're not in constant pain and can sleep better at night. I hope things get better for you! With all the new technology and medicine out there I would try to be optimistic although I'm sure it's difficult.


Oh noo. I'm so sorry to hear that :( I can't imagine back pain, but I'm glad you won't put yourself through the surgery (unless it becomes totally necessary...which I hope it doesn't); doctors suggested I get surgery for my ankles (both of them!), but they did say I wouldn't be able to walk or run for very long distances anymore. And that's just ankles. So I can't imagine what that might mean for someone with back surgery. Oy. I'm sorry, and I'm sending lots of positive wishes your way! <3


I understand your pain too. I don't have scoliosis, but my brother does. My own spine is narrowed just a bit, but I my upper neck, shoulders, and back are constantly tensed, and my lower back gets intense muscle spasms that can put me in tears within seconds, and I have an extremely high pain tolerance. I take 3 different pain meds for it, but nothing seems to work for it. Dealing with it is tough. That kind of pain never goes away, and believe me, no amount of Aleve or Tylenol or whatever works. :/


Hope you back feels better. x


Thank you all, guys. I'm still in some pain but it's much better now. The doc gave me 3 days off, and I shall be returning to him on Thursday, so we'll see...

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