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Can someone explain?

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First, you gotta have a Gift Box.

Then you can look around for people who are offering the NC item you want. And then you can show them the NC items you are offering to trade for.

Then each of you guys put their items on a gift box, and send it to one another!



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Oh because I keep hearing like how somethings not worth it or like caps or something like that...

Gift Boxes = You use these to send 1 item to somebody (You get these from GBC or from redeeming NC cash cards)

GBC = Gift Box Capsuals (Caps) = You can buy these from the mall (not all the time) for 200NC and when you open you get NC items and Gift Boxes (1 - 5 boxes I believe)


So when somebody says "this wig is 5 caps" it means they want 5 gift box capsuals, they usually don't mind which ones, they just want them for the gift boxes.


P.S don't beg, it isn't pretty. :)

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~Dominant has it at 2-3 caps, which really is not bad. Because I am lazy, the first place I would look is OpenNeo. They will have a list of users that are at least willing to consider trading.


A few things you'll want to know:

HTPW: Hard To Part With

UFT: Up For Trade


It is possible for a trade to be a mixture of items and caps. Cap value is also considered equivalent to around 200-250 NC.


Do you already have any caps? Caps also give out items, which make some more valuable than others.

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Is it possible/allowed to buy/trade NC items for NP items or just pure NP?


Just something I've been wondering for a while...

Nope. Never. NC items must be traded for NC items only. NP or NP items or pets cannot be part of the deal and it's a freezable offence if you're caught doing it.

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Because I am lazy, the first place I would look is OpenNeo.

*spluttering noises*


Oh my goodness. All this time I've been around Neopets and I didn't know you could do this!


So you just contact the ON user and discuss trades, yes? And get the requisite number of caps to trade with? (I'm not sure what that means...how does the receiver buying caps help the giver?)



Take your time...I'm still making my "want list". ;)

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*spluttering noises*


Oh my goodness. All this time I've been around Neopets and I didn't know you could do this!


So you just contact the ON user and discuss trades, yes? And get the requisite number of caps to trade with? (I'm not sure what that means...how does the receiver buying caps help the giver?)



Take your time...I'm still making my "want list". ;)


I do not know that I would have ever done any trading if it wasn't for OpenNeo. It makes everything so much easier. Yes, you can just contact them and begin discussing your trade.


The cap value for an item is not set in stone. The cap value is just the main way that people quantify the value of a NC item. There are a couple different guides for cap values, but ~Dominant seems to be the main one now.


When people talk about trading for caps, they are almost always referring to Mystery Gift Box Capsules. Currently, if you go to the NC Store, the only option is the Light Shower Gift Box Mystery Capsule. When one of these Capsules are opened, they give out an item and between 1 and 5 gift boxes. Because gift boxes are needed to give NC items to another account, people that trade NC items are always running out of boxes. Because everyone needs boxes, they became the generally excepted currency NC trading.


You also do not necessarily have to trade for caps. If both users have an item that the other wants and they think they have equal worth, they can just swap items. These are the kinds of trades that I try to look for on OpenNeo. People might also agree to accept new items from the NC store in exchange for their item. Usually, if this is an option, the person you are trading with will already have it posted somewhere on their wish list.



Option 1: You want my Pretty Chocolate Blouse. Nothing on your list of items for trade interests me. We look up the cap value, and everyone agrees that two caps is a fair price. You either purchase two Mystery Gift Box Capsules or find two in your safety deposit box. I send you my item, and you send me the Mystery Gift Box Capsules as "payment."

Option 2: You want my Pretty Chocolate Blouse. You see that I have a Field of Ombre Peonies in my wish list. They have about the same cap value. We swap items.

Option 3: You want my Ultimate Cloud Bow. It isn't a very popular item, and it only trades for one cap. I decide to make you a deal. In exchange for my Ultimate Cloud Bow, you buy a Bright Snowflake Apron and send it to me. The Bright Snowflake Apron costs 50 NC less than a Mystery Box Capsule.


Sometimes people will ask for the Mystery Gift Box Capsules to be sent first if they have no boxes. Without a box, they cannot send the item you want. In this case, it might be a good idea to go to the NC Mall Boards and ask for people to witness your trade. They will just sit in the board and wait for the people trading to announce that the trade was successful. That way, there are plenty of witnesses for insurance.

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I've been wanting to try trading on OpenNeo since I discovered it about a month ago, but alas, I don't have very good NC items, and my husband and I are very low on cash... :/

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So if I understand correctly, you don't open the caps after you buy them...you stow them in your SDB and wait until you need to trade them, yes?


If you wish to use them in Trading, then yes.

If you are buying one because you need a gift box, then you should open it.

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Okay, I think I have everything down. (Especially since I copypasta-ed paperdoll's instructions into a Word doc.)


I bought three caps and stowed them, but I'm still making out my list, so we'll see what happens. ^_^


(P.S.: I'll be keeping my unwanted NC items from now on...trade fodder!)

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So if I had items I wanted to trae, I could ask for a Light Shower Gift Box Mystery Capsule and it would give me a box? Does it always give boxes?


Gift Box Mystery Capsules always give out at least one box, yes. If someone's interested in your NC item, you could either choose an NC item from said person and you two would swap, or you could ask for a Gift Box Capsule or more, depending on the value of your NC item.

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I didn't realize you have to put the cap in a box to send, so unless you have several boxes in stock, a two cap item actually costs four. (Fortunately, I had pre-bought three caps and opened a fourth to have at least one box on hand.)


But I did it! I made my first NC trade! WOO!




10:45p: Did my second a few minutes ago, item for item. I like that better.


I like being able to say, "Okay, I have this item...now let me look at all the users that want this item and see which has an item that I want most." and then broker the best deal for what I'm getting rid of. :D

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Does anyone have a Lavender Tulle Dress UFT? :)

Here is a list of eleven people that have it up for trade.


Did you try OpenNeo/Dress to Impress, like Paperdoll suggested?


By the way, I have you to "thank" for my DTI addiction. *laughs*

I spend way too much time on there. I have a big list of scholarly articles that I should be reading. Instead, I am testing out all of my clothes on a Plushie Kacheek.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never traded for caps, but I do use them to determine value. If someone wants one of my UFT items and it's worth two caps, I will accept two, one cap items from them. As long as they are items I'm looking for. :-) Trading can be really fun once you get the hang of it. I was addicted all last summer. lol

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