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2014 Resolutions


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I already planned to do all this before even thinking of making it a new year resolution, but I'm ganna go back to working out, get a job, and hopefully give it my best in school since I kind of slack easily...

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I want to get myself and my daughter on a proper sleeping schedule. Right now she goes to bed around midnight with me and we're up around noon. An earlier pattern for both of us would be so much better.

This is not really a resolution, but I want to have my daughter potty trained before her birthday in August.

We are slowly working on both. :)


Another important thing I want to do this year is go back to school and continue working towards my high school diploma. I dropped out at 17 due to family and life reasons. I'm 22 now and it's still very important to me. Having the option to study online from home has helped a great deal. :)

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Awe, Mouseykins! How old is your daughter? My son will be 14 months old tomorrow. :laughingsmiley:

She is 2.5 and very independent, so getting her to do things if she's not interested is a bit of a challenge. We've been trying to potty train since last spring when she first started showing interest. It's going to be a challenge, but afterwards I can obsess over teaching her how to read. A much more enjoyable activity. :)

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My resolution is to lose ~25 pounds (~11 kg).

I have always been a rather small and skinny person, but starting last February I began to put on a lot of weight for no clear reason. By June, I had gained nearly 30 pounds, ALL of it in my stomach area. My arms and legs are skinny as ever but my stomach is now out of proportion with the rest of me and I look pregnant (I have had multiple people comment on this and give me their congratulations). :(

I was eventually diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, basically an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the thyroid gland and it stops working correctly. I have been taking synthetic thyroid hormone since October, and my weight has stabilized... but now I need to get rid of all the extra weight in my stomach, which will take some serious work.

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Since I don't do much outside of neopets, most of my resolutions are online... The one thats not is to learn how to draw since I'm lousy at it and it's really fun. The ones involving neopets are to get the secret lab map, expand my shop to size 100, start using the battledome, be able to give someone something that they really want... It's an endless list, really. Hope everyone is successful with theirs :D

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My goal is to get back to the weight I was at last year at this time…


I am in small in height but have never been stick thin, I have been always had a bit of curves but for the first time, I am unhappy about to the way I look. So my goal is to get back to a happier time, I want to be confident in my own skin. I am going to eat healthier and exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

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My resolution is to try to live more intentionally this year. Instead of making annual "resolutions," I've come up with (and am still working on) things I really want to pursue in different aspects of my life. And then I'm coming up with an annual goal for each, and then a monthly goal. (For January, I'm focusing on the big picture and small habit-building goals for the month; in February, I'll aim for weekly goals, and then by March, hopefully I'll be able to make daily goals). I'm focusing on broad areas of my life: school/career, spiritual life, fitness, relationships, and a few hobbies (writing, reading, Neopets). Here are some highlights:

  • Neopets (goals for the year): avatars (I actually have added certain things to my calendar, such as playing 10 games of Bilge Dice per day, entering the caption contest weekly, playing Cell Block twice a week, submitting articles to the Neopian Times, buying 1 stamp per month, when to try for the Lever of Doom avvie, when to start trying for MSPP/SuAP, etc. I have one game avatar picked out for each month, too), submit gallery for spotlight (no defined time; I need to re-organize and code it, then submit -- I'd love to do it by end of February if possible, but this is low compared to other priorities)
  • prayer (for January): remember to say grace before all meals, read the Gospels and the Catechism in a year (this part is easy because it's e-mailed to me each day)
  • writing (for January): write 15 minutes per day; identify 2-3 publications that I'd like to write articles for and come up with 2-3 article ideas for each (so I'm ready to write proposals in February)
  • fitness (for January): refocus on my knee exercises; do a bodyweight bootcamp at least 3x/week, do Chi Running 3x/week, do dance drills 1x/week; set up a climbing rope in my backyard
  • reading: read 1 Shakespeare play/month, set goals at the beginning of each month (I've already finished 2.5 books this month; I'd like to finish Candide, How to Win Friends and Influence People, All's Well That Ends Well, and Guns, Germs, and Steel this month -- I'm actually partway through 3 of them, so it shouldn't be too difficult)
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I set myself some rather easy to obtain goals. Firstly, stop my nail biting habit (haven't chewed them since new years night so all is well so far), get a newer car (mine is in horrible condition), and lastly use my money more wisely. I always feel that I don't have enough money so I am going to try to save it better.

All rather boring things but they suit me and can be done!

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