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pet changes in bd


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Ok so I started training a battledome pet and than i thought . Are there oppenants that can change your species and color? I was going to use my draik but if theres a chance at all that i can get changed to a differant species than i need a new pet lol

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This is what you should read: http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/special-weapons/


In 1-player fight, the only one you would want to avoid fighting is the Lab Ray Scientist because he can change your pet's gender.

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How about 1p opponent Boochi? Can't he do anything to your pet, like turn him into baby? I always thought he could but I'm not sure.

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As far as I know, there is no weapon (1-p weapon or otherwise) that can change your pet into a Baby. However, there are items that can change your pet's species and color such as the Kacheek Flour. Be wary of these when battling in 2-P.

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Guest Tahalika

Yeah, the only way you can get a pet change sans gender in the battledome is in 2P, with two very specific items; the Kacheek Flour and the Chia Flour. However these items are retired (As in you can't get them anymore in shops and stuff, so you'd have to buy them from players,) are one use only and are a fortune. So it's extremely unlikely you're going to find an opponent that would have that in their weaponry.

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