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Who has the best food club bets?


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Tracey's bet is good too. I record the winnings of both betters and they vary without major differences. The major winnings come from really odd bets and is purely luck. The consistent winnings come from a clever statistical method to determine the best bets (or simply through experience). I highly suggest to stick to one of them. If you feel confident enough you can choose to alternate between the two at your convenience.

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I use Hugo's bets as well. I like how he explains his reasoning behind the decisions, and while they aren't always mathematically sound (and still luck-based), it comforts me to at least have some idea why I'm betting how I'm betting.


I used Jamila's bets for awhile (~jamila233), and I did well with her, but I think I do better with Hugo.

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I like that Hugo lays out his analysis, and he seems to be right about pirates having better odds (or worse odds) than laid out -- when he says a positive arena seems unsafe, there's often an upset there. He also gives alternatives that are more conservative, riskier-but-with-higher-potential, etc. If he deviates from his system, he usually tells what his system says to do -- and in his results, he lays out both, as well.


That being said, I don't think he's always the best at picking arenas for his boosters; I often find that different arenas have both a higher chance of a greater-than-2:1-odds pirate winning and a higher average expected value than the arena he picks, so I go with the arena I think will do better, and I've found over the past month that I've been doing that that I've had (on average) better bets than him (only twice has he done better than me, and I've beaten him at least 10 times). I tend to lay out my own bets, then compare with his (especially if he thinks a potential pirate's odds are off), and adjust mine only if his info varies considerably with my assumptions. Most of the time, 6-10 of my bets are identical with his.


If you're just going to copy bets, though, his are good. If you want to get to the point where you do your own analysis, just see what he did each day, and the logic will become apparent.

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Yes, for example, in bet 5176 (today), Tracey's booster paid off (yielding 70:10 and about 560k NP for me...it's a field day for me) while Hugo's went off the mark (good thing I chose Tracey today). In bet 5167, Hugo's bet yielded 88:10 as opposed to 12:10 for Tracey. It really depends on the day.

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I generally vacillate between Hugo and Tracey, usually favouring Tracey. Hugo takes more risks, I feel, which can mean amazing payouts, but it also means that there can be lots of misses. I find that Tracey is a bit more conservative, but I rarely end up with nothing when I use her bets.

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Wow, this is really interesting, particularly because Food Club is my main source of NP (much higher than the Stock Market and I don't restock). I use Hugo's and have been happy with the results. I haven't taken the time to analyse how one makes bets but I do appreciate his reasoning, reflection, and options for alternatives.

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I make my own bets but my bets are similar to Hugo's. Somewhat like siniri's method. I chose Hidden Cove instead of Treasure Island yesterday and got 56:10 instead of 24:10.


I don't really like Tracey's. A bit too conservative for me.

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So... how do I find their bets? Do I type in Hugo or Tracey in the search bar at neopets? I want to copy also! :D


Food Club bets:

Hugo's: http://www.neopets.com/~MyFoodClubBets

Tracey's: http://www.neopets.com/~jamila233


Tracey is more conservative, while Hugo takes more risks and lays out his analysis.

If you're using Hugo's, make sure to read the analysis first!

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Today, I made nearly identical bets to Hugo, except I replaced a safety on Franchisco in Lagoon (which would have paid 56:1) with one on Orvinn in Harpoon Harry's (which would have paid 104:1) once I realized that my overall chances of having a winning bet only changed by 1.2% (63.5% vs. 62.3%), because Federismo had a 78% chance of winning in Lagoon to Buck's mere 62% chance in Harpoon Harry's (meaning there was more chance for an upset in Harpoon Harry's). I'll gladly sacrifice 1.2% chance of getting any winning bet for a chance to get nearly double the money, especially when we're talking winning well over 800k (net) if that 104:1 comes in. I chose Orvinn over Stuff-A-Roo because Orvinn opened at 11:1 vs. Stuff's 13:1, so I figured he was slightly less of a long shot (especially since that 13:1 could be 25:1 or even worse) -- plus since Orvinn was now paying 13:1, that increased the expected value of the bet (to over 19k, vs. less than 14k for Fran -- meaning the Orvinn bet would pay off substantially more in the long run).


I always look at each arena rather than going to the "collect winnings" page, to slowly discover the results. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Federismo had indeed won in Lagoon. As I clicked on Harpoon Harry's, the last arena, I knew I had ~62% chance of 48:10 (with no upset), ~25% chance of 40:10 (with an Edmund upset), ~9% chance of 104:10 (with an Orvinn upset), leaving me with ~4 to 8% chance of nothing (if the one pirate I didn't bet on won). I'd bet those odds any day of the week! Of course when I clicked over, I saw that Stuff-A-Roo had indeed won, leaving me with nada. *sigh*


And that's the thrill of Food Club for you, boys and girls.

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Today, I made nearly identical bets to Hugo, except I replaced a safety on Franchisco in Lagoon (which would have paid 56:1) with one on Orvinn in Harpoon Harry's (which would have paid 104:1) once I realized that my overall chances of having a winning bet only changed by 1.2% (63.5% vs. 62.3%), because Federismo had a 78% chance of winning in Lagoon to Buck's mere 62% chance in Harpoon Harry's (meaning there was more chance for an upset in Harpoon Harry's). I'll gladly sacrifice 1.2% chance of getting any winning bet for a chance to get nearly double the money, especially when we're talking winning well over 800k (net) if that 104:1 comes in. I chose Orvinn over Stuff-A-Roo because Orvinn opened at 11:1 vs. Stuff's 13:1, so I figured he was slightly less of a long shot (especially since that 13:1 could be 25:1 or even worse) -- plus since Orvinn was now paying 13:1, that increased the expected value of the bet (to over 19k, vs. less than 14k for Fran -- meaning the Orvinn bet would pay off substantially more in the long run).


I always look at each arena rather than going to the "collect winnings" page, to slowly discover the results. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Federismo had indeed won in Lagoon. As I clicked on Harpoon Harry's, the last arena, I knew I had ~62% chance of 48:10 (with no upset), ~25% chance of 40:10 (with an Edmund upset), ~9% chance of 104:10 (with an Orvinn upset), leaving me with ~4 to 8% chance of nothing (if the one pirate I didn't bet on won). I'd bet those odds any day of the week! Of course when I clicked over, I saw that Stuff-A-Roo had indeed won, leaving me with nada. *sigh*


And that's the thrill of Food Club for you, boys and girls.


Yes, I found today was a very very interesting day in Food Club.

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  • 1 month later...

Now that Tracey's on hiatus, here's a question: who has the best Food Club bets that are up quickly? I have no way of betting the day of the results - only the night before, no later than 9:00 PM NST. Lately Hugo has their bets online earlier sometimes; often I can find bets here: http://www.neopets.com/~fiammeta Any other thoughts? :)

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Hugo generally has his up quickly, which is good if you can't get online much, but I personally don't like the ambiguity of his bets. Since Tracey has gone on hiatus, I've begun to favour Christie's bets. Out of the few weeks I've been using them, I think we only had one day with a complete loss, and one other day with an 8:10, so we didn't make back everything we had bet. However, she puts hers up kind of sporadically, and if the odds are terrible, she usually won't bet at all. But if you don't mind waiting until the last minute to bet, I'd recommend trying hers. I think there's a little benefit in waiting, in that, the closet you bet to the competition, the more accurate odds you see.

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