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Are we sure the Sway's boons will expire? The news is phrased very interestingly:

The light is blinding! It spreads across the battlefield in an instant, and that's when you know. The apparitions were a test -- a test that bears rewards, but not for long. It seems obvious to you now that any Sway should make their way to the door. Others will get the chance to prove their worth soon enough...

It almost implies that the Sway will not be able to "win" access to the Obelisk after the next wave, and maybe this will be a periodic event to get the benefits. I wonder if new people can join a faction late. Or what happens as people stop trying because they perceive their faction is weaker (thus weakening it even more, and basically ensuring it will never win)? This could get tricky. I'm sure TNT's factored all that in, somehow.

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Are we sure the Sway's boons will expire? The news is phrased very interestingly:

It almost implies that the Sway will not be able to "win" access to the Obelisk after the next wave, and maybe this will be a periodic event to get the benefits. I wonder if new people can join a faction late. Or what happens as people stop trying because they perceive their faction is weaker (thus weakening it even more, and basically ensuring it will never win)? This could get tricky. I'm sure TNT's factored all that in, somehow.

My boon has a timer on it, expiring at the same time as the truce, so yeah, we are pretty sure that the boons will expire. Whether they are part of the prize for each of the teams as they win (assuming that's what happens next week) is unknown, but the Sway will almost definitely not have it after next Monday, unless we get to join another team and maybe win them again.

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I like dailies. I'll go down that road. More puzzle dailies like the negg :P


But I still think something more should happen. The spirit should offer up a puzzle for everyone to accolplish within a timeframe and then be rewarded, have some story going along with this. And THEN tie it in to a daily :P


But that's just me.

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I have no idea what will actually happen or a workable idea as to what could happen next, but this is what I'd love to see happen:


They essentially remove the Sway from the mix, so they can't win again. They can still battle, but it's against a kind of practice team or something, like in the AC (Or I guess have them battling little minions, to keep them out of the way for the factions still in the mix). Then the remaining factions battle it out, just like before, but the waves are much shorter and fewer, then another winner is announced and given an avatar and site theme. Then remove that winner and start over and repeat until everyone gets an avatar and site theme. (Yeah, I guess I'm totally fixated on the avatar and site theme. A faction specific avatar was one of the prizes I was hoping for most.)

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I just had an epiphany. The BD's been in beta for a while now, but obviously it still needed testing in a war situation, to make sure removal of regular opponents worked, to turn on/off auto-healing, to check war scoring, to do some bigger load tests, etc., etc.


And then once TNT had these one-time opponents, it was easier to test the new faerie abilities, for the users, but also on the opponents, because these opponents were going away soon, anyway, and there were only a limited number. And the abilities were pretty glitchy at first. And now that most (all?) of the glitchiness has been worked out, they've started rolling out the abilities to the regular BD challengers. This actually helps explain why the first round of battling was so short. They got the data they needed, and then they applied it to the regular BD and made some changes.


I bet they've been alpha-testing other aspects of the BD behind the scenes, and now they're ready to test them on us, and again, it makes more sense to test them on a limited number of one-time opponents. I suspect we might start seeing stances again soon! Or at least something a little different during this next round of battling. And I think we'll only have enough rounds for TNT to "finalize" the new BD and get it out of beta. Then the obelisk will become a daily (where everyone who unlocked it gets to pick a boon), or perhaps more likely a periodic "Obelisk comes out of hibernation" 1- or 2- week annual event (until TNT decides they can turn it into a fortune cookie, like the annual daily-FQ Faerie Festival event).


I think it's actually rather clever that TNT hid a pretty big beta test inside an event, guaranteeing that they'd have lots of participants (and thus lots of data). I know a lot of people griped about the many glitches during the event, but that was actually the point of it.


P.S. Is anyone else disturbed by the Oracle's resemblance to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?

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There was a theory on tumblr (and elsewhere) that pretty much suggested the same thing.


People think that it will be a weekly competition where other factions can win boons/avatar/site theme.




Yeah, I like this theory very much!! I can't wait to get my Thieves avatar and theme if it turns out to be true.

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Yeah, I like this theory very much!! I can't wait to get my Thieves avatar and theme if it turns out to be true.

Same here. It makes sense; gives Battledomers a nice competition and gives people who the site theme/avatar some incentive.

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It makes sense, especially as I've heard that Sway participants who didn't qualify for the site theme/avatar/boons are currently being shown the truce countdown and asked to choose a faction (with only the 5 non-Sway factions showing). Seems like every faction is going to have their chance to win the theme/av/boons!

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