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44 members have voted

  1. 1. How many Neopets do you have?

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  2. 2. Where do you get them from?

    • The Pound
    • Create a Neopet
    • Transfer
    • Other (Please explain)

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How many Neopets do you have and where do you get the from? (The Pound, Create a Neopet, etc.)


I have 3 Neopets, a JubJub named sheriffspottyJub, A Chia named Perryo and A Grundo named Steereo. The Chia and Grundo are adopted from the Pound (Felt sorry for the little guys. :))

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I have two, and I adopted them both from the pound almost 8 years ago. :D

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I have 3 permanent pets on my main -- all created, and named to be siblings (they all share a last name). The youngest of these is over 10 years old (3711 days)! I have their 4th sibling (created last year) temporarily on my side (to make room for avatar pets) -- he was created about six months ago, but he shares their last name. My gallery is beach-themed, and they all fit the theme: female pirate Ixi, male Royalgirl Flotsam, female (future -- she's my battle pet, and I've labbed her to cut down on training cost and time) island Mynci, and male (future -- haven't saved for the paintbrush yet) Maraquan Shoyru (he's the one on my side).


I currently have a Lenny I picked up in the pound (and will return there); I'm waiting to see if I can borrow a petpet from the ALP; once I get the avatar, he'll be gone. Once my ALP lending chains from next month are finished, I'll be able to transfer the Shoyru back. And that will leave two pets on my side: a blumaroo with a fun name that I created when I created the account, and a semi-permanent adoptee whom I grew a bit attached to (she was for aging petpet avatars, and zapping when my battle pet got too close to the next training category). At some point I'll transfer her back to my main, zap her to a good color/species, and adopt her out (she's got a decent name and fairly decent stats for a labbie).

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I have 5 pets.. 3 were created by me (My oldest is my Xweetok, whose name I misspelt D: lol) And Taffieh was my first LE pet. (Thanks to a friend, who created her and dropped her in the pound for me to adopt)

Kawtniss, I adopted from the pound, because I'm a THG fan, and she is currently my lab rat. (Hoping she'll get zapped into, Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire PB colour.)

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I have 4+ pets and I voted for "other" because I got them through a combination of creating them myself and adopting them from the pound. I originally created my four main pets years ago. For my side account I adopted an adorable Skunk Kacheek from the pound. More recently I adopted a lab rat (Latoshiee) and hatched a Draik. I also have a Magma Shoyru I created on my second side account that I don't especially care about actually.

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On my main, I have 5 pets. Of the 5, 3 I created myself, 1 I adopted from the pound and 1 I adopted from another user.


I have 21 pets total across all of my accounts, including my main. Of those:


Created: 15

Adopted from Pound: 1

Adopted from other user: 5

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I keep everything on one account, because my neopets would feel less special if I had so many. I got most of my keepers by making them myself, which forced me to be creative with naming and the time invested really payed out because I wouldn't rename them even if I could. :)

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geesh i never realised how many i have until now :(


i have 15 altogether, 1 is not a permie though, she's one i never got around to pounding/adopting to a better home..


most of my pets i've made myself, a few are from the pound and also i do zap really unfortunate pets as well to improve their chances of being adopted. one pet i've traded for, but that is the only one.

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I only have one. She was a Lupe, then took a potion and turned into a Split Lenny, then took another potion recently to turn into a Pirate Poogle! I love my Poogle!!!

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I have about 15? I have a lot. ;_; The ones which aren't on my Main account aren't tended to as well as I should be tending to them! I'd rather have them ALL one on account, but alas, TNT does not allow this. ^-^ I've adopted many (back along time ago, I was a part of an adoption agency...so I permanently kept some from there.).

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I have 5 on my main account, 4 of them were created and the fifth was transferred from a side account (whom I created there). Out of the total of my pets, only 3 were ever adopted, and if I ever get more, I'm intending to adopt.

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At the moment I only have 3 neopets. I used to have four but then realized that was too many to keep up with. :P The others were just kinda there, they weren't permies... so I switched them to side accounts. xD I will have four as soon as I can afford all of my dreamies. :) The two that I do have were both trades, but I love them and their names to death. <3 Except for my newest addition from the pound Ociyania. Her name stuck out to me and I thought maybe I could paint her something pretty. I'm so indecisive when it comes to dream pets.

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Right now, I only have one (since I just started back). A green (eventually Grey) Aisha named Tashpi_Lalansour. I plan to eventually have a Stealthy Grarrl who will be called Ushaava, and a Shadow Kougra who will be called Drassado.

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Hmm.. let's see.. I have 13 pets. 7 were adopted, 6 created. Two were created when I first opened my main account a lpng time ago. Three were created when I opened sides (one of which was recently frozen) and one was created on Koi day for a specific purpose. But ever since my TNO days, I prefer to adopt =]

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