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The art looks super choppy around the Neopets logo. I hope that gets fixed!

I doubt I'll get it though- I wasn't able to finish doing my part, since Pride was defeated before I could get the last hundred battles against her. Alas. :(

if i don't get the avatar.... grrrrr


Oy, that's cruel. They have been taking forever to release the Prize Shop and all it says is "SOON"? If the prize shop isn't out by next week, I am going to start ranting, online and in real life.


Regardless of the rather plain quality of the theme teaser, I'm just dying to find out something (anything? guuuys, please T.T) regarding how the obelisk turned out and how I fared.


Not really impressed :/ it really reminds me of the Atlas of the Ancients plot theme too. It's also choppy and not that epic looking at all, just plain...

It's probably still being worked on, so it might (MIGHT) look better when they finish it.

Nevertheless, it doesn't appeal to me as much as the Altadorian Constellations theme does.


I do really hope they open the prize shop and obelisk soon (c'mon, let the Red Erisim get the obelisk!) I'd also love an avatar. I've missed all the previous plot avatars and I really want an avatar that I can display with pride. :D


It's probably still being worked on, so it might (MIGHT) look better when they finish it.

Nevertheless, it doesn't appeal to me as much as the Altadorian Constellations theme does.


I do really hope they open the prize shop and obelisk soon (c'mon, let the Red Erisim get the obelisk!) I'd also love an avatar. I've missed all the previous plot avatars and I really want an avatar that I can display with pride. :D


Lets hope so :/ and I'm obviously rooting for the Thieves Guild ^_-. Aside from the glitch we technically beat our boss first according to Jellyneo. Hopefully we'll get something awesome :)


I totally forgot about waiting on the obelisk stuff until today :s

Doesn't look like I'll be using that theme, I prefer my premium theme. I really hope everyone who joined a team gets the theme and any avatar that gets released.. Don't really understand why it wouldn't work that way anyways..


I do hope they finish up with this whole obelisk thing soon though.. Getting really tired of it just lingering..


The fact that they are releasing a new site theme is awesome and exciting - I think. I just hope that with this being said (as well as a possible avatar?) that the requirements are easy enough for me to have not particpated a lot but still qualify for it/them.


I really hope everyone who joined a team gets the theme and any avatar that gets released..


I'm actually kinda hoping they release a set of six avatars, and everyone only gets the one for their faction, kind of like the Meridell/Darigan avatars from back in the day. (What? "Darigan Darkling" is my favorite of the ones I have.)


I actually like the look and simplicity of the theme. If they fix the choppiness of it, it would be great. Although pretty sure I won't get it.


I agree. If you look past the flaws, it's really pretty - at least I think so. I like the colour scheme a lot.


I'd be very surprised if you didn't get it, Rebecca~. I doubt many people got a perfect score (Doing Your Part if you had no hope of winning was far too tedious), and I remember getting a site theme for TFR even though I was on holiday for the last four weeks of that plot. Then again, you never know what TNT will do.


I agree it looks messy! That can't be the real thing.


Honestly, I'm just very curious to see how they're going to finish the plot off. Will one faction actually be able to claim the obelisk for him / herself? Was it all a giant hoax to let the sinful among the Neopets slaughter each other (that'd be harsh)? Will the Faeries swoop in? Will Sloth? Or perhaps, at long last, the Tyrannian Army? Will the Obelisk magically disappear and point and laugh from outer space?


Or maybe this will trigger a real plot after all [/hope against all odds]


Oy, that's cruel. They have been taking forever to release the Prize Shop and all it says is "SOON"? If the prize shop isn't out by next week, I am going to start ranting, online and in real life.



I am really wondering what they mean by "SOON" because we have been waiting so long that could even mean 2 weeks...


Soon they say, yeah, sure, didn't they mentioned soon like a week ago with another post?


But I like the site theme, once they fix it, it's going to llok great!


Considering how gorgeous the art was in the videos, I'm not really impressed, especially since the color scheme is practically identical to other sidebars' already. I suspect the pictures at the bottom will rotate through the various faction leaders, but I don't tend to scroll all the way to the bottom, so I'll pretty much only ever see the top. And so I doubt I'll ever use the site theme. But I don't really care about site themes that much, anyway.


I do like the giant "SOON." I saw some errant code in the BD last Friday (mentioning I got 7, 10, 10, 10, and 10 achievements -- so I might have lost out on 3 of the first set -- though since there were 6 waves, I don't know why there would be 5 sets of achievements), so I can tell they're close.


I'd be very surprised if you didn't get it, Rebecca~. I doubt many people got a perfect score (Doing Your Part if you had no hope of winning was far too tedious), and I remember getting a site theme for TFR even though I was on holiday for the last four weeks of that plot. Then again, you never know what TNT will do.


I agree it looks messy! That can't be the real thing.


Honestly, I'm just very curious to see how they're going to finish the plot off. Will one faction actually be able to claim the obelisk for him / herself? Was it all a giant hoax to let the sinful among the Neopets slaughter each other (that'd be harsh)? Will the Faeries swoop in? Will Sloth? Or perhaps, at long last, the Tyrannian Army? Will the Obelisk magically disappear and point and laugh from outer space?


Or maybe this will trigger a real plot after all [/hope against all odds]


I filled all my bars with gold checks (most on red or yellow mode), even the one for Greed. If you had to, because I did for Greed, you could lose a certain amount of times to get your bar filled. It took a while but it was a way to get everything done. -shrugs-


But I hope Tyrannia steps in and something happens to where only they can open they obelisk because of some historic ritual or something lol. Not all the Tyrannians are 'dumb' obviously. Like the Tyrannian council/Sabre-X :P I like him. Just a hopeful possibility though.


Whoooo bout time TNT. I wonder if the theme will vary according to factions :D

The art looks super choppy around the Neopets logo. I hope that gets fixed!

I doubt I'll get it though- I wasn't able to finish doing my part, since Pride was defeated before I could get the last hundred battles against her. Alas. :(

if i don't get the avatar.... grrrrr

*sigh* me too. I only managed to get in a few battles. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll get the avatar.

"Soon" sounds like "not soon enough." I doubt I'll get the theme (I had one bar I couldn't fill) but I'm not super impressed with it, so I'm okay with that. Just eager for any kind of update!


I doubt I got many achievements overall - I missed some of the rounds due to being away from my computer, but I had two gold checks (one for the first, I believe - I haven't checked recently - and one for the last round). Oddly though, I received the pea chia plushie for one of the additional achievements on that last round, but it has not been checked off. Well, it was, but then it disappeared. Still have the plushie though so eh, no complaints.

I'd like to see them rank the achievements by round - as the difficulty increased, so should the points, but I haven't participated in a site event before such as this, so I wouldn't really know for sure how it works, etc etc.

Would definitely like the prize shop ASAP though!

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