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Seeking Pea Chia Lend


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Hey there!

I found a SuAP lender, but am looking for a pea.

If anyone is willing to lend me for a few days, that would be very much appreciated :)


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I would so loan you my Pea Chia...but I have no transfers this month and, no offense, but I'd rather not risk him in the pound. :(

If you and your SuAP lender don't mind waiting until May rolls around, you can certainly borrow him. :)

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plotinus_theos: The ALP lends a Pea Chia, though I'm not sure what it's called.

hrtbrk, if you do a chain lend, I'd love to join! I'd never have enough NP to be lent a SuAP, let alone get hold of one and keep it. :P


EDIT: Ninja'd by Mouseykins.

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plotinus_theos: The ALP lends a Pea Chia, though I'm not sure what it's called.

hrtbrk, if you do a chain lend, I'd love to join! I'd never have enough NP to be lent a SuAP, let alone get hold of one and keep it. :P


EDIT: Ninja'd by Mouseykins.


I'm not going to do a chain lend as it will be someone elses pet. If I get lent a pea, I will only have it for the shortest amount of time possible.


It feels strange saying this to a staff member, but... did you try the ALP?


Of course we looked there first, but another person already has it.


I would so loan you my Pea Chia...but I have no transfers this month and, no offense, but I'd rather not risk him in the pound. :(

If you and your SuAP lender don't mind waiting until May rolls around, you can certainly borrow him. :)

Thank you :) I do not think the lender is willing to wait that long though. The suggested timeframe to find a pea was one week :(

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You are SO incredibly lucky. Congrats on finding someone that is going to lend you. I wish I could help you out on the pea matter, but best of luck finding one. :)

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