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I'm at my last straw right now after reading an article that I found quite true until they said 'we don't need another 50 Shades'. The author of this article claims to not even like erotic fiction so how do they even know what is actually in the book.

I myself have actually read the book and it's squeals, I myself don't really like erotica either yet I found myself pulled into this book, not because of the sex scenes but because of the story behind it. Each book has a start, a good middle even without the BDSM and a finish the makes you NEED to read the next book. Yes, I understand that this book has been referenced in very stupid ways to be way more then what it is, but is that the book or authors fault? Absolutely not.

Another thing I see a lot is that 50 Shades is aperently riding on the fame of twilight. Are you kidding me? Lets examine the similarities and differences between these two shall we?

Both have romance in them in which the girl falls in love with the boy
Both are really only meant for a certain group of people, yet appealed to many more
Both have more then two books in the series
(can't think of others right now..)

One is about a girl in high school falling in love with a vampire, the other is a woman in her last year of college falling for a business tycoon
One also has werewolves, the other does not
One is erotic, the other is young adult fiction

On a final note, maybe people would understand the actual story behind the book better if they 1. Actually read it and 2. Read the bonus bit that the author did, written in Grey's eyes starting with his childhood

Thank you and sorry for making you read such a long rant. I'm all for people having an opinion on things, but that does not mean you have to push your opinion on people. And no, that's not what I'm doing. You didn't have to read this, much like I didn't have to read that article, but it was interesting!

(Feel free to voice your opinions with or against me, just don't try to push the fact that it's an erotic book, I know that, I'm just saying it's also more)

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I haven't read it but I'm okay with its existence as well as my ignorance of it. But I agree with your point about people having opinions of it despite the fact that they haven't read it. It annoys me to no end when people have opinions on things that are only based on what they've heard and other people's opinions and not the thing itself.


EDIT: I should clarify that it's okay to have opinions on things you know little about - it's hard to not form an opinion about something you know at least something about. But in these cases, it's probably best to actually learn about it before expressing a strong opinion. Otherwise you look ridiculous and incredible.


Just wondering if you know that 50 Shades of Grey literally started out on the internet as Twilight fanfiction. The author just changed the names and a few details when she decided to publish it.

This was actually my only thought while reading the Twilight fame-riding part of that post. While I'm not saying I hate the series -- I've never read it -- I'm just saying it kind of was Twilight fanfiction.


I do know that, and I've also read into it. The author, when going to get it legitly published actually changed quite a lot from that original fan fic. So yes, it started out as something for twilight but expanded into its own little world.


Another thing to concider is that most women who buy Fifty Shades, at least in my little part of the world had no idea it started out as a fanfic.


I do know that, and I've also read into it. The author, when going to get it legitly published actually changed quite a lot from that original fan fic. So yes, it started out as something for twilight but expanded into its own little world.


Another thing to concider is that most women who buy Fifty Shades, at least in my little part of the world had no idea it started out as a fanfic.

I didn't always know that the series was a fanfic, either, but it didn't take much to start spotting the similarities. The cliche storyline, the obvious 'Edward' character paired with an obvious 'Bella' character. I haven't read much of the book, I've read the first few chapters and then a couple chapters here and there? But I do hate it, and not just for the generally bland story. It is terrible from a feminist standpoint and just as terrible from a BDSM standpoint. You can't deny that many people have been using the books as a guideline/introduction to BDSM and it is an absolutely wretched guide for that. And what irritates me is that not a lot of people realize that. They take it at face value and end up with some really demented ideas of what BDSM is supposed to be.


That said, I don't care if people like the book for it's story and such, as long as they recognize how problematic it is and that it shouldn't be used as a guide.


For that one I have no argument. It's exactly the same as some people against it who take it at face value. Erotica is still fiction, not a manual -_- As for the cliche, that started way before Bella and Edward, in fact there is an entire series of short stories (the kind sold at news stands and the such) that are just different ways to tell the 'girl meets boy, girl hates boy, girl falls in love with boy' cliche. I can't remember it's name, my English professor back in high school brought it up in a discussion about cliches.


On a side note, you guys have calmed me down. Thank you very much for that, I get in such a mood when it comes to books (When the Twilight controversy first started I wanted to kill my best friend because she kept spouting hate for the books and refused to even read them).


Add: I didn't add my opinion on the feminist part on purpose if you're wondering. That my dear forum friends is an entirely different can of worms. In short this isn't a woman empowering book. Lets just leave it there.


Just wondering if you know that 50 Shades of Grey literally started out on the internet as Twilight fanfiction. The author just changed the names and a few details when she decided to publish it. It doesn't take much of a stretch at all to see the glaring similarities in stories. I think it takes more of a stretch to point out the differences.


Which is why I refuse to read it. How did FANFICTION like that ever become so famous (aside from A Trekkie's Tale, Cupcakes, and My Immortal)?


Nobody likes it, it's equal in trashiness as Twilight, perhaps even *le gasp* WORSE, so no. "That's like such a stupid book!" Gimme some Tolkien.

People do like it, which is why it is popular right now and being considered for a movie (last I read, without most of the BDSM). It IS trashier then Twilight, it's called EROTICA for a reason.


Not boy meets girl. Experienced man/ancient vampire finds a semi-innocent girl and uses manipulation and experience to seduce and use. Coming from my culture, where the idea of man so weak not willing to love someone who is equal or greater, both series just bugger the badger out of me. To use, to dominate, to control, these are blasphemous when it comes to what is suppose to be the sweet kiss of the flesh.


Its not prudishness, although I am an ancient myself. I have done things that would make most of you blush, and those that don't blush would likely applaud, that is beside the point.


People do like it, which is why it is popular right now and being considered for a movie (last I read, without most of the BDSM). It IS trashier then Twilight, it's called EROTICA for a reason.


I just deleted that part of my comment and thought nobody would see it. Too late. Anyway, I swear too much of the overpopular trash really IS trash...think about it, like a popular song that won't stop playing everywhere to the point it drives you insane. A movie? Help.


I'm looking up articles on it....my biggest problem with the book is the BDSM (and the fact it began as Twilight fic). It makes Grey seem like a psychopath.


Don't worry Lyuba, the second and third parts of the Hobbit are coming out too, so they can distract you from the trash. I'm sorry if that sounds like sarcasm, I can't seem to find a way to word it better.


As for my new friend in the post above, if domination and control aren't your thing that's perfectly alright. But even ancients before 'your' time enjoyed a little control here and there.


Okay, Grey is a bit of a socio(psycho?)path. But I hope you don't mean that him being into BDSM alone is the reason he's a psycho. I'm not gonna get into kinks and all that jazz cuz ain't nobody got time for that, but the reason Grey is a creep in my opinion is because of the way he perverted BDSM culture. The ground rules of the BDSM community is that the 'actions' are supposed to be safe, sane, and consensual. He misses all of those on various levels. And I'm not even gonna comment on the kink-shaming comment. Again, ain't nobody got time for that.


Oh, and Yumi, it may be fiction, but often times fiction is more influential to people than non-fiction. It also reaches a wider audience. Some people are inevitably gonna pay more attention to that book than they would pay attention to experts. And of course those cliches exist in many other stories, but the similarities I'm thinking of are more directly linked to the characterization of Edward and Bella and the dynamics of their relationships instead of just "boy meets girl".


Bubbles (may I call you bubbles? I'll edit if you don't like it) bny the sounds of it you've at least read a few chapters of the book or heard them second hand. If Grey is your issue I 'beg' you to read the rest, there is a reason he's the way he is, it's not just the BDSM, it's also.. well I wont ruin it..


Oh very young one, the is a huge difference between playing games and real domination. One is fun, the other is a sickness. One is learning the full breath and depth of a person's heart song, the other is a dehumanization of their spirit. One of the robes I have worn in this life is tear drinker, I have heard the tales and protected the victims.


Now something like the bed cocoon is fun, you start with a silk sheet, 300 feet of cotton rope (more give and softer). You start at the foot of the bed, you wrap, wrap, wrap, kiss, wrap, kiss, wrap, wrap. No knots, no t binds, your beloved is always free to wiggle out, to retake their control, if they have too. That is a game. Grey is something else, I have seen too many like that whom seek to destroy a woman's spirit, by calling pain love. I'm not impressed.


You are more than welcome to call me that. :) But just because there's some 'reason' behind his personality, it doesn't suddenly make him okay. And coltom, you need to slow your roll. Your comments are incredibly kink-shaming. And it seems to me that you are shaming lifestyle/bedroom choices that you know very little about. Again, BDSM is based on being safe, sane and consensual. If both parties agree to the bondage or whatever, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


But that is the thing my friend, Grey starts out as a spirit destroying monster and ends as a loving man continuing only as his beloved wishes. If any part of these three books were to be made into a manual it would be the end, as it should be.


Bubbles, no my dear it doesn't, and by the end he has to live with that for the rest of his life. If I knew how to do them I would put a spoiler alert for what could have happened because of his past actions. But alas I have no idea.


Ugggh, that sounds like a gateway to a bunch of other problematic things. I think I'll pass on reading anymore of the book than I already have. Besides, I'm quite tired of hearing about Ana's 'inner goddess'. :P


But that is the thing my friend, Grey starts out as a spirit destroying monster and ends as a loving man continuing only as his beloved wishes. If any part of these three books were to be made into a manual it would be the end, as it should be.


Bubbles, no my dear it doesn't, and by the end he has to live with that for the rest of his life. If I knew how to do them I would put a spoiler alert for what could have happened because of his past actions. But alas I have no idea.


How to make spoiler tags:

text here

Simple once you know it :)


Thank you!


String of text because I still can't make it work... o.o'


Because of Grey's past with his other submissives, Ana could have been shot and killed right in the first book (or was it the middle of the second? I must read them again when I have the time) Also, there's a button for codes >.> I just found it



Thank you!


String of text because I still can't make it work... o.o'


Because of Grey's past with his other submissives, Ana could have been shot and killed right in the first book (or was it the middle of the second? I must read them again when I have the time) Also, there's a button for codes >.> I just found it


Okay, now that sounds a bit interesting...care to spoil in more detail? :P cuz there is still no way I'm reading more of the books.


Hm, I've never read Fifty Shades but a couple of my friends have. They said it was good but I never realized that it was actually a fan-fic of Twilight. XD I learned a new fact aha. Don't think I'll be reading this book any time soon though 0.o


I had to look up the concept of "kink-shaming". Not sure I what I read and context make sense to me.

*sigh* The following may be a little :offtopic: .


I'm not sure what definition you found of kink-shaming, but it is basically what it sounds like. Shaming people for their kink. Shaming, down-talking, insulting, etc. people for what they like is never okay imo. And with your comments, I'm not sure if that was the intent, but you sound like you are talking down to and judging people that decide to participate in BDSM. You said "Coming from my culture, where the idea of man so weak not willing to love someone who is equal or greater, both series just bugger the badger out of me" which shows a complete lack of understanding of bdsm and the mutual respect and trust that goes into the relationship. It also implies that a submissive women (in the context of the bedroom in this case) isn't equal which is all sorts of problematic to me. I'm gonna stop this here, though, because I do think it's really getting off topic.

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