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What are you saving up for in Neopets?


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I'd be satisfied with just 100k interest... that would be amazing. I wonder how many neopoints you would need for that.

291,997,081 NP. (edit: got ninja'ed. Ah, well. I used Google's calculator: 99999*365/0.125, then added 1 so it would round up)


I don't foresee myself ever getting there; I don't restock.


Right now, I'm rebuilding my bank account because I just bought a KBT for the war. What am I building towards? I suppose the paintbrush and morphing potions to turn my battle pet into an Island Mynci once I stop zapping her (I save so much money supplementing training with zapping that I've already "paid for" them 3 times over, by my calculations -- but I don't actually have the money to show for it!). A few weapons upgrades, eventually (100% freezer, 100% healer, better shields/reflectors/bombs). Maybe a few super-expensive items for my gallery. The more expensive avvies (I'm only 54 away from getting the avvie high score avvie).


Hmm, maybe that's why I've been demotivated lately on Neopets; I don't have a specific goal I'm currently working towards. Well, now I've got the war, but for the past year or so, there wasn't really anything. Okay, it's decided: tidy my gallery to submit it for the spotlight, and buy a better shield in the HT once I raise the funds (probably after this war, especially since we might get good weapons prizes).

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Trying to save up for the more expensive avatars like karmacow; I'm at around 2.8 million right now so I do have a while to go before I get all the expensive avatars.


And I guess a good BD weapon could be in the future as well :)

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Training and training alone. My Internet is too slow for restocking or auction sniping, so I've basically written off the expensive avatars as impossible. I don't care too much about what my pet looks like (I'm pretty fickle and quite addicted to the constant changes from lab ray zapping), so I don't worry about paint brushes or morphing potions either. Instead I just log in to train and make enough money to fund training (Habitarium, stocks, Keyquest, etc.). So far it's been doing quite a good job at blowing out my bank account! But I'm looking forward to the day I can enter the Secret Ninja Training School. Maybe one day I'll even hit 1000 HP. :)

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Training and training alone. My Internet is too slow for restocking or auction sniping, so I've basically written off the expensive avatars as impossible. I don't care too much about what my pet looks like (I'm pretty fickle and quite addicted to the constant changes from lab ray zapping), so I don't worry about paint brushes or morphing potions either. Instead I just log in to train and make enough money to fund training (Habitarium, stocks, Keyquest, etc.). So far it's been doing quite a good job at blowing out my bank account! But I'm looking forward to the day I can enter the Secret Ninja Training School. Maybe one day I'll even hit 1000 HP. :)

Aw, it's not impossible. I can't snipe worth a darn either but I'm doing pretty good. Though it helps that I saved up for the lab map first XD

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Aw, it's not impossible. I can't snipe worth a darn either but I'm doing pretty good. Though it helps that I saved up for the lab map first XD

That's true, it's not impossible! I have very little sense of what an item's value is though, so it's hard to make snap judgments in shops or auctions whether something is worth the price. I have better luck at trawling the shop wiz for low-priced codestones or neggs (to pay for my training of course, hehe) because all the competition's prices are listed together. Maybe I just need more practice. :)

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I'm saving up for a Water PaintBrush to customize Zerilai, I was orignally going to keep her as a "Sweet" Sailor Pirate because that's what her customization is about. She's got the the cute sailor dress, and is painted pirate with a few of her golden tidbits still on. However, I think her being painted water will fit with the background sooo much better.


She'll fade into the water :)


I'll get there one day! In the seven years I've been on I haven't really saved up much because I was always helping out my friends and buying my own once upon a time dreamies. A baby lutari, baby xweetok, and a lab ray map. But the babies are no longer my dreamies, they were when I was younger. So Water Paintbrush dreamie here I come!

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Due to a perma-silence, i'm currently working on getting some of the avvies I had before.

I have a lot of expensive goals, though. My gallery is gonna take a couple more million. Probably 50mil or so.

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I'm saving up to get some of the more expensive avatars that I don't have yet. I still haven't figured out WHY I'm doing this, because I really haven't played Neopets much except for some of the events since 2004. But, hey, I'll go for it, I guess.

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I'm saving for strength potions. I can't train right now, so I'm using those. My goal is to get to the max strength, and then I'll start working on defense.

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I am saving to make it to the highest interest level. After that I'll celebrate my self-control by buying Grimoire of Prosperity (1 mil) and reading it to my pet for the avvie.

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I'm a serial saver, whether I have something specific in mind or not. Generally my problem isn't so much saving, as spending the NP once I have it saved, so my list of things to buy just keeps getting longer and longer.


I'm saving enough NP that I feel okay with spending roughly 10 million on the last HT avatar. I'm eventually planning to buy a Maraquan PB for a pet. I want to get some of the proper petpets for my pets, which includes a Snowickle, Royal Mauket, maybe a Maraquan Snowickle or Maraquan Sludgy. Then there's the items on my NP wearables wishlist that I need to just sit down and buy.

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So... I sort of went and bought Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy! XD Oh well, back to saving up to 1 mill again

That's a good buy though! It's not inflated, since it's a HT item, it's a fab stepping stone up to the top teir weapons, and it's a pretty reasonable price for the number icons. :)

Also, it's adorable as heck. :D

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