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Ugggh, Zeds, please start deflating soon. >.< I have been asked for one in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my training sessions for the past three weeks. This is getting ridiculous! I cancel any session that asks for two, but still. ;__;


It is highly unlikely that Zeds will deflate, too many people training up to red codestones, people needing two (I am in that class) or more codestones. While two Zeds is pretty high, strength potions are higher.


If TNT would do something about improving their drop rate in the BD, they would deflate quite quickly. I battled one challenger daily for two months before finally getting a Zed from it. :/ I had 5+ of each of the other reds by that time.


On the other hand, for a while, the only red codestone I could keep on hand was zeds for a while. Now it's shifted to kews (which also aren't the cheapest).


Whoa there, too many searches!

I am too busy right now, please come back
in about 20 minutes and I can help you out.

Just after I have done searching. Best timing ever.

Lu: 7.9k

Bri: 3.1k

Eo: 10.5k

Har: 3.3k

Main: 3.05k

Mau: 3.2k

Orn: 3.4k

Tai-Kai: 4.15k

Vo: 6.1k

Zei: 4.3k

Total: 49k (DOWN 0.9k in 5 days)

Mag: 6.7k

Sho: 5.9k

Kew: 16.2k

Vux: 14.95k

Cui: 16.7k

Zed: 32k

Total: 92.25k (DOWN 0.7k in 5 days)


It is highly unlikely that Zeds will deflate, too many people training up to red codestones, people needing two (I am in that class) or more codestones. While two Zeds is pretty high, strength potions are higher.

If I get there I will just cancel the training and take the daily penalty. Two Zeds is out of the question.

Fortunately, I'm going to be on the one red for a few more months still. A new war could break out! :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Lu: 7.5k (-0.4k)

Bri: 3.1k (unch.)

Eo: 10.3k (-0.2k)

Har: 3.2k (-0.1k)

Main: 3.1k (+0.05k)

Mau: 3k (-0.2k)

Orn: 3.15k (-0.25k)

Tai-Kai: 4k (-0.15k)

Vo: 6.2k (+0.1k)

Zei: 4.25k (-0.05k)

Total: 47.8k (DOWN 1.2k in 10 days)

Mag: 7k (+0.3k)

Sho: 7.8k (+1.9k)

Kew: 16.9k (+0.7k)

Vux: 14.8k (-0.15k)

Cui: 18k (+1.3k)

Zed: 32.9k (+0.9k)

Total: 97.2k (UP 4.95k in 10 days)

Ouch, Ninja trainers, ouch.

No video today.


Just reached lv. 200 thanks to Kitchen Quests so I might be holding off for a while since reds are so high in price. If I hit 251 I'll cry. >.>


Reg training time!!!

But you'll be training with only 1 red vs. 8 regulars. On average, it's cheaper to use 1 red, since most of them are only ~7k to 17k. If you get asked for the most expensive one (the zed), you can cancel the training, only receiving a penalty of 24 hours that you can't train. But since that's how long you have to wait between regular trainings, it's really not much of a penalty (with 1 red, you can train every 2 hours).


But you'll be training with only 1 red vs. 8 regulars. On average, it's cheaper to use 1 red, since most of them are only ~7k to 17k. If you get asked for the most expensive one (the zed), you can cancel the training, only receiving a penalty of 24 hours that you can't train. But since that's how long you have to wait between regular trainings, it's really not much of a penalty (with 1 red, you can train every 2 hours).c

I completely understand where you're coming from... and you're right. Technically it would be cheaper than wasting 8 codestones. In that case I'll go bak to doing kitchen quest and sell my codestones once I reach the ninja school ( I REALLY want an anagram sword).


Many MANY thanks!


I completely understand where you're coming from... and you're right. Technically it would be cheaper than wasting 8 codestones. In that case I'll go bak to doing kitchen quest and sell my codestones once I reach the ninja school ( I REALLY want an anagram sword).


Many MANY thanks!

Plus, once you get to 250, you can train once every 2 hours instead of only once a day. Though it doesn't help you save NP (and in fact could mean you spend more) at least you don't have to wait so long.


Lu: 7.8k (+0.3k)
Bri: 3.15k (+0.05k)
Eo: 10.5k (+0.2k)
Har: 3.2k (unch.)
Main: 3.1k (unch.)
Mau: 3.05k (+0.05k)
Orn: 3.3k (+0.15k)
Tai-Kai: 4k (unch.)
Vo: 6.3k (+0.1k)
Zei: 4.45k (+0.2k)

Total: 48.95k (UP 1.05k in 7 days)

Mag: 7k (unch.)
Sho: 7k (-0.8k)
Kew: 16.8k (-0.1k)
Vux: 15.1k (+0.3k)
Cui: 19.8k (+1.8k)
Zed: 35k (+2.1k)

Total: 100.5k (UP 3.3k in 7 days)

Vux, Cui, Zed is inflating. Probably hoarding...

No video still.

Edit: Here we go again...


Mag: 6.5k (-0.5k)
Sho: 6.8k (-0.2k)
Kew: 16.65k (-0.15k)
Vux: 16.3k (+1.2k)
Cui: 19.8k (unch.)
Zed: 39.9k (+4.9k)

Total: 105.75k (UP 5.25k in 8 days)

What do you think now, Zed lovers?

Video is canceled.

10/21/2013 6:51 AM NST

Edit x2: *snore*

Lu: 7.75k (-0.05k)
Bri: 3.2k (+0.05k)
Eo: 10.45k (-0.05k)
Har: 3.2k (unch.)
Main: 3.1k (unch.)
Mau: 3.1k (+0.05k)
Orn: 3.1k (-0.2k)
Tai-Kai: 3.9k (-0.1k)
Vo: 6.2k (-0.1k)
Zei: 4.55k (+0.1k)

Total: 48.65k (DOWN 0.3k in 17 days)

Stable, you think? Indeed.

Mag: 7k (+0.5k)
Sho: 6.9k (+0.1k)
Kew: 18k (+1.35k)
Vux: 16.8k (+0.5k)
Cui: 21.5k (+1.7k)
Zed: 39k (-0.9k)

Total: 109k (UP 3.25k in 9 days)

Zed has stopped, but what about the others? This is MADNESS!

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