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A plot is for sure coming now right? Of course TNT will be fixing the niggles the BD has atm and introducing some new parts (abilities) I imagine, before the plot kicks off.


What are your imminent goals for the upcoming plot?


Goal: Kick butt

Possible: Possibly :P

Known Information: Battledome, old bad guy, Tyrannia


I don't know what I'm ready for. But I'm ready for it!


Ugh, I'm not prepared at all. :P Luckily I have someone who is willing to help me out with weapons at least. So we will see how far I get. I'm still super excited because it's my first plot! & I hope it involes more than just the BD, but we shall see. :medieval:


Man, I am so frickin' ready! I mean, yeah, Lili's not nearly as trained up as she probably should be. But she's at the 125 boost for strength and defense, and she's got pretty decent weapons, and she kicked at least a few butts last plot when she was barely over starter stats, so... I'm excited to see what she can do now. :D


I feel super ready- I've hit the 300 boosts already, and I have a pretty good BD set. :) I hope to be able to get a Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield before it starts. I had wanted to upgrade my healer, but there isn't too much that is better than a Greater Heaing Scroll and isn't horribly expensive. I had wanted a Squishy Shoyru Healing Stone, but I'm better off just wating to save up for a LEV or JSS!


My pet's on starter stats, but I got the weapons while they were pretty cheap, and they're all decent, so I feel as ready as I can be! I'm excited for my first battle plot! :3


Much better than the last time we had to battle wraiths!


My pet isn't a battle pet by any means, but he's got 450hp and can deal around 140 icons per hit so I say bring them on!


I don't have any specific goals right now, but last plot I more-so focused on the puzzle aspect for points, whereas if there is something similar this time, I'm more apt to attempt the battles.


I don't feel ready, but I probably should. I was able to fight all of the wraiths, and I capped out on 83% of them. Since then, my pet has gotten stronger, more defense, better weapons, and more HP. So, I'm probably fine, but I don't feel like it.


I think a war is precisely what I'm worried about. I'm not very concerned about my ability to take down 1-P enemies, but it's battling against other Neopets players that concerns me.


Any thoughts on whether it will be an inter-user war? Since it's been so long since the last one, since the BD is new, and since this plot seems likely to involve multiple lands, I wouldn't be too surprised.


I'm as close to ready as I can be. I'm excited about it for the same reason Livvy is. I had to stumble around a bit with TFR battling, because I hadn't been training my pets. Now, I'm fairly well prepared, so I'm excited to see my training pay off.


I don't feel ready, but I probably should. I was able to fight all of the wraiths, and I capped out on 83% of them. Since then, my pet has gotten stronger, more defense, better weapons, and more HP. So, I'm probably fine, but I don't feel like it.


I think a war is precisely what I'm worried about. I'm not very concerned about my ability to take down 1-P enemies, but it's battling against other Neopets players that concerns me.


Any thoughts on whether it will be an inter-user war? Since it's been so long since the last one, since the BD is new, and since this plot seems likely to involve multiple lands, I wouldn't be too surprised.

I don't think they'd ever have a war that had inter-user battling. I think it would be too difficult to make up fair pairings between people. In all the plot battles they've had so far, it's only ever been 1-player battles- people on each side of a war battle different opponents, and take down large hoards of baddies together. :)

I don't think they'd ever have a war that had inter-user battling. I think it would be too difficult to make up fair pairings between people. In all the plot battles they've had so far, it's only ever been 1-player battles- people on each side of a war battle different opponents, and take down large hoards of baddies together. :)


Yeah I don't think I'd like inter user battling, I always stick to 1 player.


Codes are costing so much atm! What stats are you training?


Been ready for awhile.


In fact, I'm training a second battle pet right now just because I can, but I'm going to use my main battle pet for the plot. My second one is nowhere near being ready yet.


As for goals, we'll see when the plot's actually released.


Yeah I don't think I'd like inter user battling, I always stick to 1 player.


Codes are costing so much atm! What stats are you training?

Same here. I don't trust people much, haha. I don't want to be Chia floured or anything. ;_;


I know! Ahh. I bought about 500k worth of codestones last night, thank god. Though I don't have as many squirreled away as I would like!

Currently I'm trianing level- have to get it back up to half of my hit points. What about you?


I don't think they'd ever have a war that had inter-user battling. I think it would be too difficult to make up fair pairings between people. In all the plot battles they've had so far, it's only ever been 1-player battles- people on each side of a war battle different opponents, and take down large hoards of baddies together. :)


Really? I thought the Curse of Maraqua plot was. I just looked up the archives of it, and I see it wasn't. Phew! What a relief!


Really? I thought the Curse of Maraqua plot was. I just looked up the archives of it, and I see it wasn't. Phew! What a relief!

Haha, indeed! I hate 2-player battling so much. :D

It'd be terrible if there were 2P battles. :|


I'm halting training until I can a proper BD set since it's getting expensive, unless I get the required codestones from the BD challengers as dailies. I hoarded some Bottled Faeries. I'm really hoping the abilities will be back! I'm only slightly scared that the items aren't going to be needed... and they'll be retired, haha. (I don't think that will happen since they're still sold in the shops though.)


TNT just released this in the New Features today:
ATTENTION - Now that we have
your attention, here is a friendly reminder to train your Neopets on a
regular basis. For no reason! Well, the reminder is for no reason.
Training is for a reas-- never mind. That is all.
There's definitely a plot vibe going on here. :D
By the way, here's my battle pet's stats and set:


Level: 30

Strength: 58

Defense: 44

Movement: 19

Endurance: 58

Intelligence: 258


Shield- Parchment Cloak

Bomb- Muffins (any sort)

Freezer- None

Healer- Elixirs (Ubikiberry, Puce, etc)

Dual duty- Scarab Ring/Golden Compass (plan to get a Hanso Charisma Charm)

Stealer- Purple Sticky Hand

Constants: Parchment Cloak and Scroll of Knowledge

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