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Because you created a hybrid.


Ceasing to post on TDNF after you reach a certain number of posts.


Because you only wanted to get enough posts for the ALP :sad01_anim:


Getting out of bed even though you don't have to go anywhere and you're still tired.


Because you aren't feeling to good. :(


Getting a present around 5 December.


For St. Nicholas Day? (Isn't that sometime around there? You leave out your shoes and get presents?)


Singing as loud as you can.


So the little kitten won't get wet while you swim across a river.


Scratching your face when you should just apply some moisturizing cream.


The moisturizing cream is upstairs, and you're downstairs and you don't want to get up to get it.



Pretending you're not home when somebody knocks at the door.


Because you're having a lazy weekend and your just wearing pajama's.


Not going to sleep even though its well after midnight.


Because it's that amazing!


Being hungry all day.


Because you're at a PARTY!


Turning into a Dolphin.


Because you saw a cute bird and an amazing headbanging cake and turned into a dolphin because of it. #logic




Chewing on your hair.


Because you were eating a hotdog outside in the wind.


Getting ready to do dailies.


Because you're getting ready to do FCA because you count the Faerie Crossword as one of your dailies.


Being afraid to look at a picture.


Because it's a picture of tin foil, which you have an irrational fear of.



Watching a scary movie, even though you're the only one at home.


Because you like to change things often.


Wearing a headset without playing things with sound.


Because you have noise-blocking headphones and want to muffle sound because there are no earplugs.


Not wearing a helmet while riding your bike.


Because the law says you don't have to.


Making mac and cheese.


Because it's delicious.

Especially homemade with sausage on top.



Putting on band-aids, even though you don't actually need one.


Because you're practicing for your exams.


(I did that xD, My brother, sister and myself were wrapped like mummies while watching tv. Fun times :p)


Staying awake so long that you become dizzy.


Because you have dyslexia.


Watering the plants.

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