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Because you can't make a decision in which you like best.


Sitting in a car for 10 hours.


Because you were playing neopets all night.


Telling a lie :o


Because you want to keep someone safe and by telling the secret you will put them in danger.


Cursing even though you're not supposed to.


Because someone asked you what the curse word meant as it was in a foreign language.


Going to the hospital.


Because without a mirror you seem to be unable to know where you are...


Eating Marsh Mallows. (Yum!)


Because you like spreadsheets!


Procrastinating getting ready for work.


Because you think a catastrophe will happen and work will be cancelled.


Having a signature with a broken image.


Because TDN is doing major updates and briefly breaks images as a result.


Doing "the vague-y thing", e.g hinting at something that hasn't been released officially yet.


Because you love it so much and just want to share it!


Searching for the meaning of an abbreviation.


Because you just simply love the night but can't sleep during day.


Scratching your leg real hard.


Because I really love my dentist (not!)


using a small stick and waving it out of the door cautiously


Because it's Halloween and you try to accio the candy from the whole street.


Dancing in the rain.


Because it's a funny .gif


Watching Cats 101.


Because you want to share the cuteness!


Reading a word 4 times before you know what it says.


[22:35:19] xDDD holygiantitemimageofdoom



Because you have vision problems and don't have your glasses on.


Worrying about everything.

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