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So lately I have been working on the "Evil coconut" avatar, playing coconut shy.

But even before that I came across this http://www.thedailyn...nut-shy-theory/ article on the coconut shy theory, which basically states that if you play enough there's quite a bit of chance of winning. Or at least you wont loose too much money while you wait.


I have been playing every day for over a month and have yet to even knock one down. Perhaps I just have bad luck, or that person had very good luck.

So I wanted to ask what are your experiences with coconut shy? Have you won and how long did you play? Since a 2 people trial pool is less that accurate.

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I played it on and off for a number of years, and then daily for several months before finally knocking one down, I guess that I more or less broke even over time...

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I quit after I got the avatar, but I decided even if I lost all of my NP each day (which never happens, I generally lose about half, or less. Some days I make a profit) it's only 2k, which isn't that much, considering you could win 10k (or 500k if you make it explode) and the coconut, which most sell for around 90-99k.


I've started playing again, almost daily, and I'd say in the last month, I've knocked a coconut down probably 5-6 times in that amount of time.

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I actually re-added this to my dailies only a few days ago, as the 100k prize pool (10k + item) more than covers the play fee. From memory it took me a few weeks to finally knock one down to get the avatar, just keep at it :) And I found that the clicking the 'a' (of 'again') method works pretty welll.

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I don't play very often - mainly because I forget. Though before I had the avatar, I played regularly. I also always aim for the same coconut: The one in the middle, because then I don't have to move the mouse and can just keep clicking without having to aim. I position the hand so that the pointy thing where the finger bends lines up with the tear in the background. But I've only knocked down the coconut once, maybe twice, not sure.

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I quit after I got the avatar, but I decided even if I lost all of my NP each day (which never happens, I generally lose about half, or less. Some days I make a profit) it's only 2k, which isn't that much, considering you could win 10k (or 500k if you make it explode) and the coconut, which most sell for around 90-99k.


I've started playing again, almost daily, and I'd say in the last month, I've knocked a coconut down probably 5-6 times in that amount of time.


I will never figure out how you became so good at Coconut Shy. XD

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When I decided to actually try for the avvie, I played the max throws everyday using that method and got the avvie in about a week. I still play the max/day when I remember/feel motivated (which isn't often :P)

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I got mine within a month or so of playing every day. After I got the avatar, I stopped playing but I've just recently decided I'd start playing again so I can try and knock some more down over time. If I manage to knock any more coconuts down, I'll be able to add them to my stamp album without paying just under 100k per coconut. I figured over time it may help me with that. You'll get there soon, keep trying. ^^

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Wow I must have been lucky... I got the avatar the very first day I ever played. And then I never played it again haha! Keep trying, I'm sure you'll get it eventually :)




I have been playing it on and off for the past half a year and only started playing it daily in December. Until now, I only managed to give the center coconut a good shake but never knock it off. I am using the 'a' of the again button strategy as well. But I still miss the coconut maybe 4 out of 20 throws each day? Seems like I have extreme bad luck :(

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I knocked it down twice in a week just recently, but before that, I had spent a month without knocking one down. I think it's completely random. The person who wrote the theory was just lucky.

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I've been throwing 20 stones every day for the past two years. I think the game hates me :P I've also been playing Dice-A-Roo every day until my pets bore of it since like October and no luck with it. Neopets just doesn't want me to have any avatars lol.

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I've been throwing 20 stones every day for the past two years. I think the game hates me :P I've also been playing Dice-A-Roo every day until my pets bore of it since like October and no luck with it. Neopets just doesn't want me to have any avatars lol.

I know the feeling. Test of strength too. Neopets seems to love random challenges...

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  • 7 months later...

I have been playing it off and on for years and still don't have the avatar, maybe I should play more often :)



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