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What can't you give up in this life?


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It could be a passion, a dream, person, job, object ..... Is there anything that you feel you can not live without?


I have a burning dream of traveling. I'm working so hard on it. I don't need to have much money. I could give up a stable life, as long as I can travel around the world

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Ha, I would be terrible at traveling around the world. New experiences don't terrify me, precisely, but I do have to have every little detail worked out before I do it.


I wouldn't be able to give up singing. Even though I've been forced to give up musical theater because of my disability, I still karaoke up a storm. I also can't do without the internet. I don't know how I survived the first ten years of my life without it.


Oh, and chocolate. Always the chocolate.

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Ha, I would be terrible at traveling around the world. New experiences don't terrify me, precisely, but I do have to have every little detail worked out before I do it.


I wouldn't be able to give up singing. Even though I've been forced to give up musical theater because of my disability, I still karaoke up a storm. I also can't do without the internet. I don't know how I survived the first ten years of my life without it.


Oh, and chocolate. Always the chocolate.


Well, if you are really really good. You still can participate in TV talent show or find a way to become a singer

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Xweetoks. Definitely. :wub_anim:

And beef jerky. :oink:

I wouldn't be able to give up singing. Even though I've been forced to give up musical theater because of my disability, I still karaoke up a storm. I also can't do without the internet.

Oh, and singing, drawing, the Internet/Neopets, and my awesome headphones <3

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As far as foods go, cheese, for sure. A life without cheese scarcely bears thinking about! And tea, actually.

I would have a realy hard time living without the internet- it has stopped so many arguements right when they start, and I have really grown as a person since I have been able to become a part of so many different communities- and sit on the sidelines and learn about ones that I'm not actually in.

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As silly and prissy as it sounds - I honestly could not live without a hair straightener. Just one of those things.. I cannot leave the house and if I was forced I'd go into a panic attack. Ugly problems. :mellow:

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There's no object or activity that comes to mind. But there is a person.


A friend of mine. There's no 'romantic' feelings involved but I still feel I couldn't live without him. There are no words to describe what we've been through together and every day, good or bad he's there. And when I'm struggling and I don't feel strong enough to keep going, he gives me some strength.


It sounds corny. But he's honestly the most amazing person I know.

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There's no object or activity that comes to mind. But there is a person.


A friend of mine. There's no 'romantic' feelings involved but I still feel I couldn't live without him. There are no words to describe what we've been through together and every day, good or bad he's there. And when I'm struggling and I don't feel strong enough to keep going, he gives me some strength.


It sounds corny. But he's honestly the most amazing person I know.


Is he more important that your loved one?

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Human interaction. As much as I keep claiming I'm antisocial and so on, it is people that make my life interesting. Sure, they bring you down, but then they (presumably not the same ones, except if love is involved) pull you back up. And the shared laughs are the best memories.


And since I can't pass up a conversation about food, I wouldn't be able to give up mushrooms. They are just too good!

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A lot of things are circumstantial. When I go camping, I don't miss the internet at all, and I could easily give it up if I decided to go camping for the rest of my life (which would be awesome ^_^ ). But I wouldn't be able to function in my current lifestyle without my internet/phone.



Can't give up good food, though. No foods in particular, I just love cooking and having good eats!

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