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Games Master Challenge: Day 5 Now Working!


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This morning, players were plagued with several glitches which caused them to not be able to progress in the challenge. Thankfully, the Neopets holiday team have been working hard all day and the games are now working.


There will be an extension of time to give everyone a chance to finish on day of release.




One notable change is that the game Switcharoo has been changed to Flycatcher.


Happy gaming!

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Fab, I'm glad all the problems are fixed now. :D

Though wow, I reallllly hate Jumpin' Gem Heist. Ugh. I don't know how I'm going to do the bonuses! :(

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So, we should be able to do it tomorrow and have it counted for day of release? I don't know if I have time to do it tonight. :ohno:


Edit: Hm... Actually, the games are still not working for me...

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You're going to need to clear you cache in order for them to work :)


We don't know the exact time line, but basing off of what TNT has said, you should get extra time to complete todays challenges "in time"

Thanks, they're working now. :) I got one of the challenges, but I'm getting kicked off the computer and won't be able to get on tomorrow morning... So here's hoping it'll still count tomorrow afternoon.


Edit: Bought enough time to beat the challenge. x_x I'll decide later if I care about the bonuses.

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Yay, this is good news! Thanks for letting everyone know. :)

EDIT: I actually FINALLY just got lucky on Ultimate Bullseye 2 and scored over 50, sent it and it didn't work. Man oh man.

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I completed the Jumpin' Gem Heist challenge around... 8-9 NST this morning, and originally it showed a green check on the Progress page.


I looked again now and my check mark is now gold, so I'd say TNT has officially entered the time extension into the system.

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I played the game of sandan yesterday, in the (ctrl+shift+n) page... it worked perfect.


But, it`s better to have the games fixed.

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