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I went to view my lookup to check on how many avatars I had and to my dismay the image that is on my lookup has broken. Yes, we all don't like how TNT is constantly changing the filters, making HTML almost impossible, and I don't either, but...how should I go about fixing it? The image was a gift from a nice NF.


Any images hosted on photobucket are being blocked now. So if that's where it's being hosted, that could be the problem.


Any images hosted on photobucket are being blocked now. So if that's where it's being hosted, that could be the problem.



Oh for Fyora's sake, TNT! We need to use an image hosting site, if you're going to block Photobucket where are we gonna host our images now? you just don't want us to include images, do you?


Pretty soon they will disallow HTML as a whole. This is too far, stupid, and crazy.


This is the code for the picture, by the way:


<img src="http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/424120_187943827978901_100002898562614_274067_1954055162_n.jpg">


The URL is invalid suddenly.


The URL to my picture is invalid. I don't think I have the picture in my files, either - I did not make it, somebody else did and gave me the coding.


If the original source doesn't work anymore, that has nothing to do with Neopets.


Unfortunately, if you didn't save it or don't have another copy, I doubt there's much you can do. :(


The only thing you can really do is contact the person who made it for you.

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