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Anthro World

Guest Unequaledpyro

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"You idiot, we are trying to infiltrate quietly. Need I remind you why we are here?" said Levy, clearly more aggravated, "None of this stupid high tech crap!"

Then the gang members rounded the pipe.

Levy quickly pulled out the stolen pistol, from the messenger member, and shot all four in the head with four bullets. Then he grabbed Lyed's arm and literally dragged him straight down the pipe they were in then they made a left turn.

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Levy whispered to Lyed so to not reveal their location, "We are here to kill the rest of the Black Wolf Gang and to rescue the Don's son. I would rather the Don be in power than the Black Wolves."

Levy found a small hatch below them, and he opened it. The lower levels of the sewer. He then threw Lyed in the hatch, "Stay quiet."

Levy then jumped up a pipe leading to a man-hole. Levy held his position in the tube and waited for any unfortunate gang members to walk by.


((I guess it is time for Levy and Lyed to split up.))

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Lyed explored the lower level of the sewer Oh great i found there hide out. He saw a tube and climed in, i better wait here for a bit then go find Levy.

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Levy waited patiently for a member to appear underneath him. Suddenly one did. Like lightning, Levy's blade left his hand. Levy jumped down to make sure it was a kill. When Levy was sure it was, he took the pistol ammunition off the deceased member.

Levy walked quietly in the pitch dark sewers. Only the sunlight from the Man-hole access pipes shown any light.


"Grrrrr, Kangaroo, get in the sewers and find out who's in there and kill them!"

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Oh great here comes one of them,I know i'll use stealth mode Lyed pressed a button he was now invisible. Thats no wolf its Shadow Shadow climbed the ladder to the area Levy was at. O great Levy might be in trouble. Lyed got out of the pipe and ran quietly got to the lader and climbed it,Shadow was just above him.

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((The gang members are wolves!))


Levy saw Shadow, "Well, well. Become a sewer rat have we? Shadow, I will now finish what I should have done last night!"

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Right after Levy said this shadow fell to the ground "Take that you tratior".He took two chains from shadow and threw them to Levy "Here, Oh and you have to get me one of those." Shadow got up and swam away down the sewer."Great we lost him".

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"I told you to stay still! It doesn't matter, I don't want you involved in th..."

Time had slown down to a crawl, Levy felt the blade and all its force drive itself into his shoulder. The pain was unbearable.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH uhhh..." Levy was in the worst pain of his life. He managed to look at the blade which drove itself into his body. It was welded to a chain. Levy's eyes followed the chain.


For who stood at the other end of the chain, was the biggest travesty which ever befell Levy's life. His twin sister.

Suddenly the memories of his past forced their way into his mind like daggers. The nightmares of that night would never leave him.

Levy was only twelve. The night of the Black Wolf Massacre. Levy, his father and sister were on a walk passed the pawn shop. The sky was going into overcast as the sun set. Heading home, they found themselves in the middle of what would become the grave yard of hundreds that night. Then, the shooting began. Levy's father gabbed his sister's and his hands and lept behind a nearby car. Little did they know that that was not best to stay hidden.

Dalasis's soldiers were relentless. Killing all who came near them, whether they be police, Black Wolf, or civilian. More and more, the bodies began to pile up. All of a sudden, and without warning, several Black Wolves pushed Levy and his father into the open. Levy was able to stay below the gunshots and crawl into the ditch. When the gunshots ended, Lev emerged to see his Father, dead. There was no trace of his sister.

As time began to speed back up, Levy fell to his knees.


Name: Ayde

Species: Fox

Hair Color (on the head): Long Brown

Fur Color: The standard orange color for a fox.

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 5" 5'

Weight: 110 lbs

Apparel (clothing): Black, modified, leather jacket specially fit for holding light chains. Her jeans are torn and ripped.

Extra features: She keeps several chains wrapped around her body in no particular pattern.

Physique: Skinny, yet agile.

Personality: Usually torments sewer rats to pass time until the fun begins.


"I thought I smell the stink of surface pigs down here." said Ayde

Levy could speak, he could barely move.

"I thought anyone after the Don's son would have at least come armed with more th.. Who are you?" said Ayde inquisitively.

Levy gave a low grunt, then looked up. The light from the sewer grate hitting his face.

Ayde's face went from angry to horrified, "IMPOSSIBLE! y, you can't be here. You're supposed to be dead! YOU DIED!! YOU CAN'T BE MY BROTHER!!!"

Levy found the strength to lift his hand to pull the blade out of his shoulder, releasing a barrage of brain impulses. The pain was unbearable. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GAHHH, AHH..."

Ayde could smell the blood pouring into the sewer waters, "You, OH GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!?"

Ayde rushed to Levy's side, wrapping his wound with cloth she keeps wrapped around her left hand.

"Levy, I'm sorry." Ayde whispered to him, "We have to get you out of here."

Levy was breathing heavily.

"I don't have a choice." she said, "You!" she smelt another presence, "Get out of here, if they think he had a partner then they will kill him. Get out while you still can."

"Don't worry, Levy, they'll take care of you at the base." she said to him.

Levy blacked out.


((Insane twist, right?))

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((Well lets just say you have a way with introducing new characters but i wanna point out that Lyed is still invisible))


Lyed was holding a long bladed knife "Who are you?" he wispered "I am armed and will kill you if i have too".

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((I'm changing her name to Ayde, it came to me in a dream.))


"Boy I am saving your life and Levy's, don't make me kill you in order to save my brother." replied Ayde, whispering into the air, "Now leave."


((BTW, I updated the last post. She smelt him, she couldn't see him.))

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"I said get out, I will not hesitate to kill you any longer, if it will save Levy." said Ayde, getting angry. She has the same short temper that Levy has.


((Go to Carol Ann, she can explain what happened to them.))

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((What happened to who))


"I want to help him as much as you do","and i will kill you to do it unless you tell me who you are."

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((Carol Ann will explain that very long story between Levy's impaling and Ayde's introduction to Lyed.))


"I said ge..." Ayde began to scold before Levy woke up for a moment.

"L, Lyed, g, get out. I, I'll be fine." said Levy weakly, before going unconscious again.

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"i overheard you back then talking to shadow, your after my father right, even he wouldn't allow himself to be killed to save me, the black wolves have been an enemies of our family for many generations, and yet, we have always come out on top, and today will be no different" Mongolio said as he used his claw to lockpick the chains that held him to the chair :P


"Now you have met your match" as mongolio jumped into the air to deliver a flying high kick

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((Mongolio was chained to the chair.))


"If you come, they will kill you and him. Just stay out of this. Now go, I hear some others coming." Ayde whispering to the direction Lyed was in.

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Shadow came to the end of the sewers "This should drain out those sewer rats" He pulled a lever and draind all the water from the water treatment plant back into the sewers.


Lyed looked back all the sudden he heard running water "Uh-oh".

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((Lyed is still invisible I trust.))


Ayde saw the rushing water infront of her, then the three Black Wolf members behind her.

"Help me carry my brother to the base, quickly!" she said.

The members did as they were asked. Levy, now being carried by two large members of the gang, was still unconscious.

They rounded a side pipe, the water rushing passed them like a subway train. They ran to the door of the base and opened the door just before the water rushed on them.

Ayde saw the Don's son fighting the other members, He won't get far.

They lied down Levy on a table and began to cover the wound.


The other members then restrained Mongolio and chained him up again.

"This is proving to be more difficult then we had originally thought, Vulcen." said a gray wolf to the White wolf.

Vulcen was looking at Levy, "Hmm, keep the Don's son restrained and make sure he doesn't try anything again."

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((is Ayde on the good side or in the gang??))


Mongolio was again restrained and chained up again Dang, this is gonna be a little more difficult than i thought

"Can I at least have some of my drink, its in my coat poket thats hangin off the door there, this is harmless considering i still be chained up, you can just pour it over me, with my face up so i can drink that way" Mongolio said to the guard

heh, thats drink is only for emergency, i just gotta make sure i hold my breath long enough

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((yup Lyed is still invisible))


Lyed slamed into a ladder "Oh great i'll be sore for weeks" he said to himself. He took the stealt mode off, Now too get to Carol Ann.He ran soaked in sewer water and made it too Levy's house,he knocked on Levy's door waitng for Carol Ann to open it.

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