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Guest Unequaledpyro

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"So you will join us?" Lyed noticed another black wolf gang member,He took off the hand cuffs from the first wolf "Levy keep him in your chains" He ran towards the wolf "You are under arest". The wolf ran Lyed with his gun still in his hand shoot the wolf he fell down dead. Wow that was a stronger member .

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"When will the police get here?" said Levy, "I'm tired of just sitting here. That Shadow better give me back my other chains too."

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All the sudden the police chief drove up Lyed was back with Levy "Here he is and i killed a stronger one in the alley". The wolf was put into the police car and the chief drove off he didn't say a word.




Shadow was in the sewer he was approching a white wolf, "Can a kangaroo join you wolves I brought along these two chains I would have more if that dum police chief wouldn't have taken my badge, They all think i kidnapped that dum rabbit."

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"Damn it, where's that Kangaroo with my chains?" said Levy, aggravated.


"You know how you use those?" replied the wolf.

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"No not really i stole them from a fox, I thought you all might now how though" said Shadow "They are powerful,Very powerful".




"I know where Shadow lives if you want them back that bad"Lyed said.

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"They were custom made, like all of my chains. I feel like we'll find him soon. I'm going to go home and change, then I will see you at the water treatment center." said Levy, running home.


"Just what can you do then?" replied the wolf.

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"I am very strong and know a lot of kung fu styles" said Shadow.





What can we do at the water treatment plant thought Lyed.

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"Perhaps you could be of use. Take this photo and note to the Don. Don't talk to anyone else, and don't start anything. If you fail, we will kill you." replied the wolf, handing the note and photo the Shadow.


Levy changed to a padded shirt and stronger jeans. He then put on a leather coat that went from his shoulders to his ankles. Wrapping a normal chain around his chest and loosely carrying a chain with blades on both ends wrapped in cloth, Levy left his house. The sun was directly above him. He took off, running towards the Water Treatment plant at the south end of the city.

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Good thing My house is on the way to that plant i'll stop and pick up a few weapons i have a feeling we are going after those wolves. Lyed ran into his house, opend a secret number pad from the wall,typed in a code,inside was a huge are of police wepons and science mixtures.He grabed a backpack and threw in a buch of stuff and left.He ran for the water treatment plant.




Shadow made it to the dons house he hopped and broke through the don's window he was awake Shadow threw the pic and letter on his bed,"its for you". He then left and went into the sewer in front of his house,there was the white wolf waiting for him in the sewer....

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Levy made it to the plant before Lyed and just waited for Lyed.


"Did you do what I told you to do?" said the wolf.

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"Alright, now the treatment plant here is an easy access to the sewer that the Black Wolf gong doesn't use. Let's go, and stay behind me." said Levy, pulling out one of his Bladed chains and unwrapping the cloth.


"Good, let's get to the base." replied the wolf. Leading Shadow through the sewers, they finally came to an old door. The wolf knocked four times, stalled, then knocked two more times. The door came open, allowing the wolf and Shadow to enter.

"We are busy right now, so your initiation will have to wait."

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Lyed grabbed a gun from out of the bag he had on his shoulder He also grabbed two suits out.




"How long of a wait?" asked Shadow.

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Lyed followed Levy "So what do you plan to do in here?"




Shadow was waiting inside the building,The white wolf came back.

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((It was a wolf, crash))


"We are still waiting for a reply from the Don." said the Wolf.


"Shhhh, keep quite and follow me." said Levy.

A Black Wolf gang member heard them and headed to their location.

Levy saw the wolf and threw on end of the bladed chain at him, impaling him fatally.

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Yay I found the Psychaitrist office. Now all I have to do is ask if they are hiring" David thought.

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Lyed pulled out his gun and began too shoot him "Now we know he is dead".





"What do you mean?" asked shadow.

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David went to the receptionist. Mrs.Sherri Chow and asked if they were hiring. She replied only School Therapist.

David a little down said he accepted it.

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"We are blackmailing him, we kidnapped his son and now we are forcing him to give up his hold on the city to have him safely returned. Doing that will allow us power and we can finally stop living in the sewers." said a black wolf from behind Shadow.

The white Wolf heard gunshots and signaled four members to investigate, "I don't think we are alone."


"Now everyone in these sewers knows we are here! Next time think, silent kill or gunshots!" shouted Levy angrily. Cop or not, he still isn't smart.

"We need to get out of this spot, follow me and shut up."

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David went to Trokon High school and opened his office waiting to see the batch of kIds he was going to help.

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"Ha like i'm that stupid quick put this on" He threw Levy a breathing mask. "Now when they come we take them by surprise".





"You gonna do something?" Asked Shadow

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