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Day-light savings. Did it help or hurt you on neopets?

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Just out of curiousity, are any of you happy about it or upset? I'm actually very pleased because now instead of being two hours apart it's only an hour apart. It's 1am where I am and 12am NST. It used to be 12am NST and 2am here. :P I'm usually up late, so it works out fine. I'm also curious how this will affect habi for better or for worse, but that's a topic for a different thread. Hehe.


Anyways; I hope at least some of you are happy with the change!


I'm in the same time zone as you apparently (go Texans~ woo!) so I am also happy :D staying up til 1 am is much more feasible for me than 2, especially during the week, so now I'll actually have a chance at getting the Deadly Dice avatar.


Daylight savings was awhile ago for me because I live in the southern hemisphere. I think I liked how the times were before it switched an hour ahead for summer, the routine I had with Neopets was nicer but oh well.


For the first few days I was getting a little confused with the times (because NST is a lot different than NZST) :P


Neopia still runss of Daylight savings, but as each timezone hits 2 AM is when it rolls back. today is the only day you'll have the 1 hour gap.


Oh no, really? :sad02: I got excited for no reason then.


DST only happens twice a year on one night in the fall (tonight) and then one night in the spring. So your time differences between NST will still be the same after Neo has switched over as well which will be in about an hour. :)


DST only happens twice a year on one night in the fall (tonight) and then one night in the spring. So your time differences between NST will still be the same after Neo has switched over as well which will be in about an hour. :)


Oh, awesome! Thanks for that. I was worried for a second. Haha. I know it's not too huge a deal, but sometimes my brain is so caught up in other things that I don't remember NST time. Now that it's only an hour behind it makes it easier to plan accordingly.


so now I'll actually have a chance at getting the Deadly Dice avatar.


You'll be happy to know that the avi isn't very hard to get at all. In fact, I think I only did it three or four times before I got it. xD Good luck to you!


Once Neo switches over in about 20 minutes the time differences for those of us who set our clocks back tonight will still be the same amount of time behind or ahead of NST. I'll still be NST +1. :)


it is less convenient for me because where I live there's no daylight savings and so now when Neo switches i'll have to wait one more hour to do stuff (snowager at 9am and midnight instead of 8am and 11pm and dailies at 10am instead of 9am) i used to do them before i leave home so now ill have to do them after i come back ...


... until the summer timing kicks in that is , it'll be back to the way it is now ...


personally I think Daylight Savings should be canceled all over the world .. it has become really useless over the years


*doesn't have daylight savings where she lives*


we had this nice big poll a few years back, most people said no, because when they trialled it i think it was 3 hours.. which no-one was very happy about since it was so drastic.


it inconveniences me since i now have to stay up an hour later for snowager, but i'll be lying if i said it was a major inconvenience, i'm usually still up flitting around anyway :P and it will be better for me for midnight updates since its now later in the afternoon. *shrug* 50/50 :P the habi thing annoys me but i hope they start being better about the timing of the downtime, its a major inconvienence for me (as its right when i do play Habitarium/dailies etc), but as its usually up before the end of the "scheduled" time its not that bad. just annoyed a bit when they seem to start it early.


i've gotten used to the fact that the majority of the world operates on DST :P


I think it actually disadvantages me since now I'm 2 hours apart, not just 1. I really do need to get that Deadly Dice avatar, good to hear that it's not too hard to get! I'll just have to stay up a bit later now to get it!


It makes no difference to me! I run with Daylight Savings, and I live in the same time zone as NST, so things are always the same to me. :D


It doesn't much matter to me when stuff happens, but it bugs me when times change due to daylight savings. Because then it's a different time than normal, and then I have to remember the new time.


I'm also one of those people who lives where there is no daylight savings time, so Neo is 2 hours behind me now. It's a little more inconvenient, but I don't usually pay attention to the time anyway. I'm usually busy with school, so I just get on whenever I can and I don't worry about missing the snowager or other timed events.


I never realised NST followed Daylight savings time... guah. I only just noticed an hour ago.


Now it's 9pm in my time when a new day starts, but that's also when I want to go to sleep sometimes e_e


Sid was right. It's now 12amNST and 2am here. Nothing changed. :sad02: I don't know why I had the impression that it was going to stay that way. & I was so excited for it too! Awh, well.


Sid was right. It's now 12amNST and 2am here. Nothing changed. :sad02: I don't know why I had the impression that it was going to stay that way. & I was so excited for it too! Awh, well.


Well, I guess it would be easy to think that maybe Neopia doesn't need daylight savings (it's not like it has time zones, after all!), but unfortunately that would be confusing for the poor TNT staffers. :P

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