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What's your 'personality type'?

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I found this very, very interesting and I wondered if you guys might as well so I thought I'd post it up :)




I've taken this test countless times and have always come up with the same answer; I am INFJ.


What are you? :D


(It explains your type in further detail once you're finished, I'm not going to go into one as all the info's already there :3)


I'm an ISTJ. That test looked really familiar, I think I've done it before (and I don't think I've changed at all!)


Cool! :D

Yeah the test is used in a lot of places and is pretty old. My roommate did it at his University and I've heard of it being done in offices and things to help delegate. It's not supposed to change :) it's who we be!


I've got no patience to take such a long test. *dizzy*


Aww that's a shame! It's really fun reading about your type and others afterwards :)


I am also an INFJ! Apparently we make up only 1% of the population? 8)


I am also an INFJ! Apparently we make up only 1% of the population? 8)


I knew you would be! I was going to make a comment about it :P Indeed, we're the rarest type apparently ^^ I joined an INFJ forum to see what kind of other people are out there who are INFJs :3 Very interesting.


If anyone wants to go further into this there's also the Enneagram test which I found pretty interesting as well :*


I got ISTJ. I think I've taken this before as well. Can't remembr why though xD


I knew you would be! I was going to make a comment about it :P Indeed, we're the rarest type apparently ^^ I joined an INFJ forum to see what kind of other people are out there who are INFJs :3 Very interesting.


If anyone wants to go further into this there's also the Enneagram test which I found pretty interesting as well :*

We're special. 8) Hee!

That's so cool!

Oooh, I think I'll try the Enneagram test! :)


Awesome :) Two ISTJs and two INFJs - I wonder what everyone else who participates will be and if lots of people will have theirs in common? :D



We're special. 8) Hee!

That's so cool!

Oooh, I think I'll try the Enneagram test! :)


Yey! :D lol


Let me know what you get :) I'm a 4 with a 3 wing which is apparently not so great XD I'm superduper close to being a 6 but no, I'm 'The Aristocrat' by a margin apparently XD


I'd link you to an Enneagram test but I cant remember which one I used D:


We're so close! I had to take this about a year ago for a management class and I'm ENFJ. I think these things are so interesting! What is the Enneagram test?


We're so close! I had to take this about a year ago for a management class and I'm ENFJ. I think these things are so interesting! What is the Enneagram test?


Ooh an extrovert! :D I have a friend who's ENFJ and we're soo similar, apart from he's a lot less wrought with anxiety and is very outgoing all the time :P I'm glad you find it interesting!


I wish I could explain what the Enneagram test is properly, I should study it more ... I think it's just another version of a personality test that goes into a bit more detail as you have a type, and then you have 'wings' which explain your type further. Give it a go! If you enjoyed taking the Jung test you'll like this one as well I'm sure :)


I'll see if I can dig up the link I used ^^


EDIT: This explains the Enneagram http://www.enneagram...e.com/intro.asp


And this is the test I used http://www.eclectice...eagram/test.php :) - and I just realised I did the short version of the test!! *goes to do it again*


Cool Spritzie! :D I'm glad you like it as well :3


I just did the full version of the Enneagram and apparently


You are most likely a type 6.

Your wings seem to be balanced.


Wing 6w5 - 15.4

Wing 6w7 - 15.2


Still close to being a 4 though.


I'm trying to find more info on the wings but I can only seem to find stuff on forums and people discussing it. I'd like to find a page with all of them on *goes for a scout*


No matter how many times I take this test, I've always been an INFJ, lol xD


*clinks glass* :) Same here! I must have taken the thing about 20 times to make sure it wasn't just saying whatever XP And yay! Another INFJ :D Maybe that 1% all play Neopets ;D haha



Introvert(78%) iNtuitive(38%) iNtuitive Feeling(12%) Judging(11%)

  • You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%)
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
  • You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
  • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)


Huh! I am also INFJ.

I think that I used to be more extroverted, and the older I got, the more introverted I became.




Introvert(22%) iNtuitive(12%) iNtuitive Feeling(38%) Judging(11%)

  • You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (22%)
  • You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
  • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)


This is so weird!! Maybe INFJs are drawn to Neopets or something :O


Oh and Nicole, apparently we're really good at acting like we're extroverts :P


I was kind of surprised that I showed the same as so many have already posted! o_O That does make sense since you put it that way. I've always had a weird thing about crowds, even when I was younger and liked going out/to parties/to clubs. I have always hated the mall, or places like Walmart, because there are too many people. But, I don't mind talking to people!


I've done a similar test before and I'm pretty sure I got the same result as doing this one now :)




Extravert(1%) Sensing(25%) Feeling(50%) Judging(33%)

  • You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%)
  • You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (25%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
  • You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)


Never taken the test on that particular site, but I'm always INFP. My favorite place to take the test is Mypersonality.info is anyone wanted to try it there, too.


I've taken that test before, and I got INFJ. Surprised we make up 1% of the population, though. I don't think that's true.


I've taken that test before, and I got INFJ. Surprised we make up 1% of the population, though. I don't think that's true.


Perhaps a lot of us are here because we're introverts :P You gotta think, 1% of 7 billion is still quite a lot of people!


Nice to see so many INFJs :D I thought there would be a few ^^

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