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Battledome To Receive Update!


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A few weeks ago, an Editorial question asked for more objective to the Battledome and TNT suggested that more was to come. In today's news, it is revealed that the current Battledome will be removed in the upcoming weeks to make room for an all new Battledome, which will be revealed later this year.





While the beta stages of the new Battledome are to be released in the future, you can sign up to be a beta tester now!


For up-to-date battle news, check out our Battlepedia!

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It's about time to be honest! XP


This makes me think more than ever now that there will be a plot in the new year :3


*signs up for beta testing*

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About time! The Battledome was one of the most neglected features of the site, and it sorely needed an upgrade. I'm glad to see TNT finally paying attention to the battlers.


The only bad thing is, this pretty much dashes any chance of us getting a plot this year, but in this case, I think it's fine. As long as they don't make it Flash or add NC, of course.


And please don't bring up the Pound. That was then, and this is now.

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Oh wow. About time. The Battledome has been the same way since I first started playing on this website (I was 12 - I'm now 23, so you can figure out just how un-updated it is. I'm surprised that they actually got away with it being neglected for so long. There are tons of people here who love to Battle. But I'm sure the update will be fantastic for the pound and will make many people happy.

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YAY! :D I'm so excited.

I just hope they don't add agility in there. I mean, it would make sense, but I haven't been training it! LOL

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YAY! :D I'm so excited.

I just hope they don't add agility in there. I mean, it would make sense, but I haven't been training it! LOL


I haven't been training in it either but they really really should!! When I started training my first pet after coming back to Neo I had absolutely no idea that Speed did a sweet sod all in the BD so I was training everything evenly XD

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This is great Battledome needs an update badly! I noticed searching for a random pet for battle never worked it always said no pets match when there are millions of them have to be one online lol, and even battles against neofriends never worked half the time the challenge never was sent! I read the new battledome has prizes being given out, I hope they took peoples idea that after each win you gain exp like 1 hp or 1 defense, etc...

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I haven't been training in it either but they really really should!! When I started training my first pet after coming back to Neo I had absolutely no idea that Speed did a sweet sod all in the BD so I was training everything evenly XD

Hahah, I learned that their was no use to agility before I started becomining interested in battling, but that also means that my agility is a quarter of what the rest of my stats are! And I'm paying ~30k for each stat now, so I reaaaaally don't want to have to fix that! LOL.
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I hope they took peoples idea that after each win you gain exp like 1 hp or 1 defense, etc...


I've never heard that idea but MAN that sounds amazing!! Whoever came up with that needs a seriously big and shiny gold star. People spend so much monies on training :(


Hahah, I learned that their was no use to agility before I started becomining interested in battling, but that also means that my agility is a quarter of what the rest of my stats are! And I'm paying ~30k for each stat now, so I reaaaaally don't want to have to fix that! LOL.


Oh dear, 30k per stat :O Do you play Key Quest?

I don't blame you! If what Keith says happens though you may not need to :D

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Hahah, I learned that their was no use to agility before I started becomining interested in battling, but that also means that my agility is a quarter of what the rest of my stats are! And I'm paying ~30k for each stat now, so I reaaaaally don't want to have to fix that! LOL.

lol. I only did the Air Faerie Quests. It costs me ~25-30k for each stat. 20k if I am lucky. Currently, I stopped training and am using the lab to gain stats which is working very well!
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Glad they're finally updating the Battledome, I can't wait to see what they do with it. :) In the meantime, I'll continue training my Aisha so she's prepared and ready to test out the new BD when the time comes. She's rather excited herself.

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I've never heard that idea but MAN that sounds amazing!! Whoever came up with that needs a seriously big and shiny gold star. People spend so much monies on training :(




Oh dear, 30k per stat :O Do you play Key Quest?

I don't blame you! If what Keith says happens though you may not need to :D

Yeah. D: And I'm almost at level 100, so I'll be going up to 5 codestones then. Ouch. I really hope that's the case! Best prize EVER.

Nope, no KeyQyest for me. It doesn't run very well on my computer. I'm going to try and do some cleaning of my computer (defragging, etc), and see if that helps it! -crosses fingers-)

lol. I only did the Air Faerie Quests. It costs me ~25-30k for each stat. 20k if I am lucky. Currently, I stopped training and am using the lab to gain stats which is working very well!

That's the only way I'm training agility right now too. I'm glad the ray is working for you- it definitely made things harder to me to train up after I stopped! It kept lowering my level and defense so much, while my strength gained some points, and my HP got super high. Ugh. Hopefully you can keep yours a bit more even then I was able to!

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I'm not a battler per se myself, but I can definitely appreciate that the Battledome is FINALLY getting updated! I remember a lot of the changes that have occurred on the site, being around for ~12 years, but anything to do with the BD has not been one of them. LONG overdue!

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Yeah. D: And I'm almost at level 100, so I'll be going up to 5 codestones then. Ouch. I really hope that's the case! Best prize EVER.


That's the only way I'm training agility right now too. I'm glad the ray is working for you- it definitely made things harder to me to train up after I stopped! It kept lowering my level and defense so much, while my strength gained some points, and my HP got super high. Ugh. Hopefully you can keep yours a bit more even then I was able to!

I actually play Key Quest very often. I was swindled over a few hundred codestones! Before I trained, someone told me they were worth 1k and bought them for 2.5k!The lab actually makes me lose levels occasionally, but gains defense, strength, agility, and HP.
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I actually play Key Quest very often. I was swindled over a few hundred codestones! Before I trained, someone told me they were worth 1k and bought them for 2.5k!The lab actually makes me lose levels occasionally, but gains defense, strength, agility, and HP.

Ugh, what a jerk. :( Screwing over newbies isn't cool! But I guess that taught you to shop wiz everything, eh?


Wow, you have waaaay more luck than I did. When I started zapping Ansteigen, he was level 15- he ended up level 2. Mneryth was even worse- he was level 25, and he's level 1 now. Every time he gains any levels, the next day it's back to level 1. Defense always ended up a little lower, strength a little higher, and HP much higher. Ugh.

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