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I'm all for keeping you all in suspense actually :D But I'll put it to the vote - if more of you want me to put them up then I can.






6 ? 7 ? 11 ? 3 ? 2 ? 5 ? 12 = 9


Which of the four basic math signs (+, -, x, /) should replace the question marks so that the calculation equals nine?

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Yeah, only one person gets the points for a bonus, so the answers can be posted here :yes:


Puzzle 5 coming, just gotta upload the images.


Is it all one sign, like 6+7+11+5+6 etc. or is it like 6+7-3/4?

Is it all one sign, like 6+7+11+5+6 etc. or is it like 6+7-3/4?


I think it's the latter. It's pretty impossible to do it with just one sign.


Yeah, its a combination of signs, and no brackets. I'll give you a bonus point for the one that has brackets though Justin :)



Puzzle Number Five





Once you've filled in all the words, take the letters in the shaded squares and rearrange the letters to form a four-word phase (4-4-1-4) which you should PM to me. This is worth 16 points.


Don't forget the bonus is still answerable too.


Down 3, the clue says 4, however the crossword says 5. Which is correct?


EDIT: Same problem with Down 7 also.


EDIT: I got it!! 6-7+11-3-2x5+12=9.


OMG... Im skipping this puzzle because i totally suck at crosswords! lol


I am not that bad at crosswords but I'm simply stuck here. Lucky we have 2 days to figure it out. I got the ones on the sides solved, but the ones in the center... horrible. There're just too many possibilities for that meaning.


Oooh, sorry about the wrong letters in the clues! For those ones (and any others you might find) the length in the crossword is always right, the clues'll be the ones that are wrong :*


4-4-1-4 means the sentence is four words, first with 4 letters 2nd with four letters, third with 1 and the last with 4. And yes, its a fairly common sentence.


And, yeah Justin got the last bonus :D


There's a lot of possiblities... you peopel are smart...can't even firgure out one word...lol


Me: Just a little kid...


Hmm, I have no idea. I can hardly do crosswords, I usually fill in 5 or 6, but then leave it.


A hint, eh? Well seeing as this is the only one no-one's been able to do on the first day I'll give one: W--- -p-- - S--- Does that make it easier?








Well, its a bonus so 2 points, and post answers here :D Justin don't forget you can't answer this one!


Wow if it is D I actully knew that one... just not fast enough hehe


Yeah it was D. Do you guys like these pattern bonus ones? They came from my UMAT (undergrad medical admissions test) test last year :D


Oh, and congrats to Ellie for being the first to get the crossword puzzle!


Yeah the admissions test has three sections: verbal reasoning, emotional understanding and visual logic (which was about 50 of those pattern questions). It was actually pretty cool, except you only got about a minute for each question :P I have some of the verbal ones too somewhere, I might put one of those up for tomorrow's bonus.



Right, the words for puzzle 4 were force, check, night, crowd, and guide :yes:




Puzzle Number Six




Please, when you send me the numbers - start with the one in the top row then work your way down. If they're not in the right order you won't get the points!


Good luck, this one's worth 8 points (or 1 point for each number you get right :)) Remember, PM answers to me!

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