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I'm new here obviously, so hello everybody~


My name is Cleo and I'm back on neopets after being obsessed as a kid and then taking a break for a few years! My original account would probably be about 10 years old by now, but it's long-gone by now. Getting to do everything over again from the start has its perks though!


On Neo, I'm in a great guild that's Studio Ghibli-themed, I collect avatars, and I'm trying (but always failing) to increase my game scores. In the real world, I'm a college student studying music education that's also obsessed with cooking, reading, and cats :3


I hope to get better acquainted with the forum in time and I'm glad to be a part of it now. Cheers.

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Hello and welcome to The Daily Neopets!


You may not see a welcome as colourful as this. My name is Neomysterion, and I'm a forum mod over here. Any questions? Just ask.


Make sure you've checked the forum guidelines before continuing, they are right here: http://www.tdnforums...?showtopic=6361


I'll be looking forward to seeing around.


P.S.: I'm not the real Cap'n Crunch, I'm just an impostor.

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Welcome to the TDNForum,Cleo!



I am Omega,playing neopets since 1 year and 6 months.

Im not very good at making money in neopets But i somehow managed to get all lab pieces.

I also like cats.

I hope you have an good time here in the forums.

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Hi there, and welcome to the forums! :D

-offers cookies- I hope you come to really like it here~

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