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Does anyone know if the 15day free trial is gone now? I just had a friend sign up for premium and she was charged the day she signed up and has not recieved the Neomail Addict avvie ether. I don't want to lie about premium features but I never heard anything about these 2 things stopping...


When the new Premium was released, they stopped the 15 day trial. The Neomail avatar was given out for signing up with the Neo email thing- which came with Premium. The new Premium discontinued the email thing, so the avatar is no longer available that way.


Well that sucks. I checked on TDN's and Jellyneo before telling her and both sites still say the avvie is received when you sign up for premium. Hopefully a staff member see's this topic and fixes that....


Well that sucks. I checked on TDN's and Jellyneo before telling her and both sites still say the avvie is received when you sign up for premium. Hopefully a staff member see's this topic and fixes that....

I don't believe they have been updated to reflect the new Premium. Last I checked, they still talked about the portal, which is gone.

It won't be fixed, I am pretty sure about that. The avatar was given out basically as an incentive to try the silly email thing (you got a @neopets.com email address), and they have gotten rid of that.

They advertise on the Premium section all the perks that come with Premium currently. You can't get angry becuase you're not getting a feature they don't say you currently recieve with the service.


You should really know what you are talking about. I have had premium for 16 months now. I know what features it did have and what one it does not have anymore. I also read every one of the pages where it talked about what was changing and received every email. NEVER once did they say you would not get the Neomail Addict avvie. If you had actually had premium while everything was going on you would know that. They said the Neopets email was going away and the portal. Please give me a link to where the staff members said the avvie was gone too.


Also read my post again. I was talking about the website we are currently on not being accurate. So when I said a staff member should fix that inaccuracy what on earth made you think of Neopets. Please read what people actually say instead of going on about who knows what.


You should really know what you are talking about. I have had premium for 16 months now. I know what features it did have and what one it does not have anymore. I also read every one of the pages where it talked about what was changing and received every email. NEVER once did they say you would not get the Neomail Addict avvie. If you had actually had premium while everything was going on you would know that. They said the Neopets email was going away and the portal. Please give me a link to where the staff members said the avvie was gone too.


Also read my post again. I was talking about the website we are currently on not being accurate. So when I said a staff member should fix that inaccuracy what on earth made you think of Neopets. Please read what people actually say instead of going on about who knows what.

Sorry, I misread that one comment. There is a way to contact TDN staff members about information on pages that is no longer correct.

I had Premium for a time before the change, and when they were talking about changing Premium (I got to read all of the emails, as people posted them here and on the Neoboards) it seemed obvious to me that when webmail was gone, so would access to the avatar in that way.

The Neomail Addict avatar was always meant to be a perk with webmail-- signing up for that, rather than with Premium. I can't find a source from the editorial at the moment, but I'm sure they mentioned it there.


Rebecca is trying to be helpful, it's just a simple miscommunication.


People can be helpful without being rude.


You can contact our Content Team HERE, to report changes we don't have added yet.


On another note, everyone, let's keep the discussion on the topic of the original post.


Any further discussion on any other topics, is off topic and should not be taking place here. If an issue needs to be worked out, it can be discussed privately, without outside input.

Posted (edited)

Sorry, I misread that one comment. There is a way to contact TDN staff members about information on pages that is no longer correct.

I had Premium for a time before the change, and when they were talking about changing Premium (I got to read all of the emails, as people posted them here and on the Neoboards) it seemed obvious to me that when webmail was gone, so would access to the avatar in that way.

The Neomail Addict avatar was always meant to be a perk with webmail-- signing up for that, rather than with Premium. I can't find a source from the editorial at the moment, but I'm sure they mentioned it there.


I never saw anything that said the Neomail Addict avvie would be gone and looking on TDN's and Jellyneo nether of them have ever said anything about "When you get the webmail you get the avvie". Both sites that I trust said the avvie was received from signing up for premium so I thought that was why you got the avvie.


Thank you for the link. I will write in about the mistake now. Hopefully that one simple fix will keep many other members from making the same mistake I did and thinking the avvie is still premium related.



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Edited by GA_Bulldogs4life

I did some looking around and found nothing to suggest that users stopped receiving the Neomail Addict avatar when signing up for premium.


Has your friend tried contacting TNT? It could be a glitch or possibly missed the avatar notification?


I'm not sure if neopets ever said you wouldn't receive the avatar but it isn't on the list of current features when you go to the sign up page. So I was under the impression new premium member wouldn't receive the avatar anymore.


I'm not sure if neopets ever said you wouldn't receive the avatar but it isn't on the list of current features when you go to the sign up page. So I was under the impression new premium member wouldn't receive the avatar anymore.


Hmm. Interesting. Seems like we would have heard more about it if it had changed when premium relaunched...




ETA: We have corrected NeoAvatars' solution for how to collect the Neomail Addict Avatar :) Thanks for letting us know about the changes!


I personally re-wrote the guide for the new premium, so I can guaruntee we talked about the changes and new features!


All the things that changed, were added or removed are on this page!


Also, so users don't get confused, any Content pages that were about old Premium features (portal themes, clocks, etc) were changed to have [Old] in front of their name and were moved to the Archived Articles section :)


thanks TDN content writers for keeping us updated! much appreciated :)


i personally always thought it was a bit silly to give out the neomail avvie with premium - the 2 seemed unconnected to me. rebecca's post abt the neopets email (lol who uses that??) makes sense, but still it's better this way for sure imo


thanks TDN content writers for keeping us updated! much appreciated :)


i personally always thought it was a bit silly to give out the neomail avvie with premium - the 2 seemed unconnected to me. rebecca's post abt the neopets email (lol who uses that??) makes sense, but still it's better this way for sure imo

Hahah I don't think anyone did! I found it silly- when was I ever going to give my email to someone and have it be "[email protected]". LOL. I only ever checked it because that was where Premium SHH events and the Space Faerie scratchcards showed up.


But yes, I second the thanks to TDN writers about keeping it all up to date! I know I really appreciate it. :3 You guys rock.


I only ever checked it because that was where Premium SHH events and the Space Faerie scratchcards showed up.

^this. I never used it for anything else xD


I can kind of see why T NT stopped giving out the NA avvie with premium. It counts towards your avvie count (unlike the "premium" avvie), and while some have to work and work and send a ton of NMs to get it, Premium users got it automatically, which I think unsettled a lot of people.


^this. I never used it for anything else xD


I can kind of see why T NT stopped giving out the NA avvie with premium. It counts towards your avvie count (unlike the "premium" avvie), and while some have to work and work and send a ton of NMs to get it, Premium users got it automatically, which I think unsettled a lot of people.

Agreed. I liked that I was able to sign up for the free trial and get it automatically- I didn't even pay for Premium at that time. But not everyone is able to do that. Not everyone had a credit card they could use, and was Premium even available in all countries then?

So yeah. I'm glad they changed it (but I'm also glad I got it before they did. How terrible am I? LOL)


it was not, thank god. not even NC! i would have spent all my money on it when i was younger and didnt know that there was a real world :P

Lol! x3

I knew that NC wasn't (and still isn't?), but I wasn't sure about Premium. Gah, that must really suck! :( (Or be really, really awesome, LOL)

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